Business leaders can use liking bias

Assignment Help Business Management
Reference no: EM133416252

Describe a time when you have allowed yourself to be led (for better or for worse) because you liked or admired the person who led (this could be purchasing something from a salesperson, adjusting your opinion, taking a certain action, etc.). 

1. If you didn't have an affinity for the person (whether based on appearance, charisma, or other criteria described in Chapter 3 of Cialdini), would you have made the same decision?

2. Have you ever utilized any of Cialdini's criteria to gain compliance from someone else (including modifying appearance, using charisma, etc.)?

3. What are some ways that business leaders can use the "Liking Bias" to influence the behavior of followers (use examples if possible)?

4. Can the "Liking Bias" be used by unscrupulous business leaders to manipulate followers?

Reference no: EM133416252

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