Reference no: EM131740349
Choose two different business issues such as motivation, group behavior, emotions and moods, etc. from your own professional work experience or peer-reviewed journal articles.
Apply a total of 2 different concepts (such as Theory X and Y, autonomy, job characteristics model, etc.) from Chapters 5-8 of the Kinicki & Fugate textbook to the issue you are discussing.
Find a business problem from your own professional work experience or from peer-reviewed journal articles and apply 2 concepts in your thread from the required reading for that module/week. Each thread must be 500-750 words.
The following 4 sources must be included in your thread:
- The textbook;
- At least 1 peer-reviewed journal article;
- 1 passage of Scripture; and
- At least 1 reference from the lesson presentation found in the corresponding modules/weeks in a manner that captures the essential ideas of those lessons.
If you choose to research a professional situation, you must cite all sources you used in current APA format.
Replies: Provide 2 thoughtful replies to the threads of classmates. Each reply must include an analysis of your classmates' threads, based on any experience from your own professional career (if applicable) that might be relevant. All replies must be 200-250 words. Also, be sure to integrate the required reading in a logical and relevant manner.
You must cite:
- The textbook or at least 1 peer-reviewed journal article;
- 1 passage of Scripture; and
- The audio lesson presentation.
Relate the chosen chapter concepts from your reading to the business issue in a way that demonstrates understanding of each concept.
Review the Discussion Board Forums instructions document and grading rubric (found in the Assignment Instructions folder) for detailed assignment requirements.