Business intelligence-data science-data analytics

Assignment Help Basic Computer Science
Reference no: EM132696986

Learning Objective

Discuss how business intelligence/data science/data analytics can be used "for good".


Search the Internet for a site, paper, or article related to the use of business intelligence, data science, and/or data analytics in doing "good" somewhere in the world. It does not matter the industry, the country, nor the "doing good". By "doing good", I mean used for social impact, environmental impact, economic development/opportunity impact, and/or faith impact.

Explain the place/industry/etc. related to the article. Share what business intelligence, data science, and data analytics techniques were being used. Then share what impact is being seen.

Reference no: EM132696986

Questions Cloud

Determine the value of a stock : Determine the value of a stock with the following variables using the constant growth model: Current annual dividend: $1.50 per share
Business intelligence-data science-data analytics : Discuss how business intelligence/data science/data analytics can be used "for good".
Motivation for and business drivers of big data analytics : Describe the motivation for and business drivers of Big Data analytics
How large must the lump sum amount be : You want to give a lump sum amount that would generate a $3,000 bursary per year into perpetuity. How large must the lump sum amount be
Business intelligence-data science-data analytics : Discuss how business intelligence/data science/data analytics can be used "for good".
Motivation for and business drivers of big data analytics : Describe the motivation for and business drivers of Big Data analytics
Explain the impact on control risk and the key account : The position has remained unfilled for six months, explain the impact on control risk and the key account and assertion affected
Project management and conventional project management : Differentiate between R&D project management and conventional project management.
Zara case study : What information does Zara need to operate its business model? What one concept from the lecture or the book did you find applicable to this case?


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2D transform editor Write a program that lets you interactively create a set of rectangles and then modify their "pose" (2D transform).

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Estimate the power needed to overcome the aerodynamic drag of a person who runs at a rate of 100 yds in 10 s in still air. Repeat the calculations if the race is run into a 20-mph headwind. (See Fig. 14.18 for drag coefficient data.)

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