Reference no: EM1311838
Cost classification into R&D, Design, Production, Marketing, Distribution, Customer service.
Classify each cost item of Ripon Printers into one of the business functions of the value chain, either
(1) R&D,
(2) design,
(3) production,
(4) marketing,
(5) distribution, or
(6) customer service.
a) Cost of customer order forms
b) Cost of paper used in manufacture of books
c) Cost of paper used in packing cartons to ship books
d) Cost of paper used in display at national trade show
e) Depreciation of trucks used to transport books to college bookstores
f) Cost of the wood used to manufacture paper
g) Salary of the scientists attempting to find another source of printing ink
h) Cost of defining the book size so that a standard-sized box is filled to capacity