Reference no: EM131667727 , Length: 14
Thesis for a company based in Switzerland it is about the Marketing Information System.
Project - Marketing Information System for Landqart AG
Starting point / Problem approach
In the course of our day to day activities we gather lots of information - data points - about competitor activity, customer requirements, market pricing, product information, staffing changes, raw materials prices. This information tends to reside in small pockets, such as our own minds and scribbled notes, in individuals' laptops, publications (online and physical), to name a few. As a result of this, we don't, and can't make full use of it in our decision-making processes. For example, we rarely track historic pricing in countries we don't supply, so if we try to take on those markets, we have no information to help set pricing in a competitive way. However, somewhere in the company we will have some information about what our competitors are doing there, or a news story will have been published with some pricing information; we often stumble across this information long after we need it.. Having a better grasp of all this information should allow us to maximise the return for our efforts: reflected in accurate pricing, better opportunity selection, and improved product development.
The process requirement specification paper using Process Flow diagram and Use-cases on how the system may look like and the main processes with in the system how each use-case interact with the admin.
Process flow diagram : showing the most important tasks and activities throughout the Marketing information System.
Use case Requirement :
Function requirement
Non Function requirement
Test cases
in detail my expectation would include following
Business evaluation of Marketing information System including process Diagram, Use-case, tables explaining the use cases, use test, context diagram system conditions Technical, organisation, culture and design functional requirement, non function requirement, test cases also don't forget to mention system boundaries and context boundaries.
The client is looking for a system which can do this things:
1. identifying the relevent info
2.extract metadata
3. store in data
4.retrieve quires
5. present
The more important thing is information need for the company.
create a Market Information System that is able to help us centralise the information described above, and access it as needed by the sales and marketing, and R&D teams.
At present we have a single, large, MS Excel-based system,a series of lists (calling it a database is to overstate things), where we can enter data as we receive it (manually and painstakingly), and retrieve individual data-points if we can find them again. It is far from ideal, and we need something that is usable and has a workflow that is manageable by more than one person.
Our ideal system would allow all users to easily enter data - as if it were a free-form database - in all formats (direct text entry, an email discussion, a scanned news article in pdf format, visit reports in MSWord, online publications, our own ERP system, etc.), and would then allow all users to retrieve coherent and relevant data when needed.
Further, the "system" would, ideally, be able to data-mine the information sources and compile "answers to questions" rather than merely pointing to multiple sources. Consider the approach to be similar to that used by Wolfram Alpha (WA) compared to Google. Enter "navy of China" into google and you get fifty million links to data sources that you then have to search through manually to find individual pieces of information. Enter the same search string into WA, and it will give you a breakdown of the number of people, armaments, expenditure, and cite the sources, and how you how it derived the number.