Business ethics

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Reference no: EM133082086

Business Ethics

Question 1

Within the realm of the Star Trek show, Mr. Spock seemed to present continuous questions about the ethics of space travels with his crew. Do you think character has any role in business ethics? Why or why not? How does character and personal integrity pertain to you in your profession or future profession?

Question 2.

In the case of the Coyote and Road Runner, one might question the ethics of the two characters' behaviors on many fronts. Think of a company that you have worked for or that you know about that has not successfully implemented a culture of ethical business behavior. What would you suggest to that company in order for the leaders to improve their culture?

Question 3.

Batman and Commissioner Gordon constantly involved themselves with local, state, and federal regulations. Think about the regulations in your locality and specifically reflect on one regulation that could use some improvement. What could be improved regarding this regulation?

Question 4.

Hawkeye Pierce and BJ Hunnicutt built years of unethical situations on the popular show MASH. Through their comical depiction of these situations, the viewer might have been left with the impression that the unethical behavior was actually appropriate. Share your thoughts about what can happen to a business if ethical standards are not taken seriously.

Question 5.

Through our lesson, we learned that tragic events detract people from their normal ethical stance. Why do you think this is the case? Bring forward a tragic event that has happened in your lifetime as an example and explain whether your ethical stance shifted during that time. If you could go back in time, would you choose to handle the situation differently? Why or why not?

Question 6.

Think about a company you have worked for, either currently or in the past. Reflect upon the corporate culture with respect to the practice of ethics within the organization. What was leadership's role in establishing this culture within the organization? How did power and motivation relate to the degree of ethical conduct?

Question 7.

Companies use a code of ethics to preserve a certain level of ethics within their organization. Think about a company that you believe constantly displays ethical behavior. If you had to pull from their code of ethics to improve a different company's code, what types of items would you want to replicate and why?

Reference no: EM133082086

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