Business continuity plan

Assignment Help Basic Computer Science
Reference no: EM133189593

Business Continuity Plan

Create a business continuity plan for your organization. In the event of a cyber-attack, how will your organization continue its business both during and after a cyber-attack?

Define the processes and adjustments that need to be made in order to ensure that your organization can continue to operate during and after the incident.

1. What was the focus of the course work this week?

2. What were the topics?

3. How does it relate to your work?

Reference no: EM133189593

Questions Cloud

Factors respondents are experiencing in relation to stress : Factors respondents are experiencing in relation to stress that they perceved concerning their duties in CORONA vaccination program
Project management interacts with risk management : Evaluate how project management interacts with risk management. You must use at least one scholarly resource.
Database Keyterms-What is ODBC : What is ODBC? How is it related to SQL/CLI? What is JDBC? Is it an example of embedded SQL or of using function calls?
What is impedance mismatch problem : What is the impedance mismatch problem? Which of the three programming approaches minimizes this problem?
Business continuity plan : Create a business continuity plan for your organization. how will your organization continue its business both during and after a cyber-attack?
Which country is most suitable for swiggy to enter : Which country is most suitable for Swiggy to enter, Mention three to four factors which are contributing to risk and which are contributing to reward
Physical devices using software defined security : The authors discuss security protection for ICS networks, especially for physical devices using software defined security.
Introduction to Data Mining : What is association in data mining? Explain what an anomaly is and how to avoid it. What is association in data mining?
Medical device management and maintenance : Discuss the policies that need to be in place for medical device management and maintenance.


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