Business computer systems

Assignment Help Operation Management
Reference no: EM132744194

Personal security has been an issue for a number of years. As we have become more connected, information about us (personal info, charge card data, and other information) is found nearly everywhere. What are some "best practices" we can do personally to improve our personal security and help us to minimize the risk of identity theft or other criminal activity?

Our business computer systems are many times built from very disparate systems that have different needs. This, most of the time, results in duplicate data entry, poor reporting and the inability to reliably mine data. How has IT been able to make these different systems talk to each other and allow single data entry? What are stumbling blocks to making this happen? Does an organization need to replace these disparate systems with a single SCM, ERP or CRM type system? Why or why not?

Reference no: EM132744194

Questions Cloud

Organizational communication both positively and negatively : Analyze how the use of technology has impacted organizational communication both positively and negatively.
What future statuses do expect for life : How will these differ in personal identification and conflict or strain from you current statuses? What future statuses do you expect for your life?
Field of human resources management : Write a research paper outlining possible career paths in the field of Human Resources Management (HRM) and based upon independent research
How are different from parents or grandparents : Do family, work, or other activities hold the same personal identification status for you as they did for your parents or grandparents?
Business computer systems : Our business computer systems are many times built from very disparate systems that have different needs.
How performance management can affect employee morale : Find a journal article online about how performance management can affect employee morale and job performance. In the subject line of your post
Merchant marine act : Select at least five peer-reviewed articles from the university library dealing with Section 27 and Section 27a of the Merchant Marine Act of 1920,
How deviant behaviors have led to changes at store : How deviant behaviors have led to changes at your store and what considerations should be taken into account when upgrading technology at your store.
Security typologies : Compare and contrast the various types of security typologies. Suggest a type of organization that would fit into each typology.


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Operation Management Questions & Answers

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