Reference no: EM131806210
Business Case: Saving Money at the Office
Each day, you observe numerous practices in your office that are not environmentally friendly which also cost your company money. Excessive paper and ink are wasted, for instance, on print jobs that no one claims. Lights are left on in empty rooms/buildings and electronic equipment is left plugged in and powered on when not in use.
Writing Task:
Choose one of these wasteful practices (or research wasteful office practices and identify one to address) and write an unsolicited internal proposal to your supervisor (invent a company name and supervisor name and title) which outlines your plan to reduce the amount of waste and save your company money. Be sure to include statistics and other factual evidence that back up your claims, both of waste and of potential for savings. You should provide citations in an endnote for any quotes and sources used.
Remember just because you say or believe something is true, that doesn’t automatically make it true. You must justify your statements with facts and evidence. Business readers are not that interested in your feelings or beliefs. For example, one of the claims you might make is that green practices are good for customer relations, but that isn’t enough by itself to convince your supervisor and her boss. You must also make it beneficial economically, as it may involve some upfront investment by the company. The more hard facts you can provide, the more likely you are to persuade her to adopt your plan.
As always in your formal writing assessments for this class, please do NOT include standard name, class, date, information in the upper right hand corner. Instead, format your document exactly as you would a internal unsolicited proposal in the workplace, with your name appearing as the author of the document.
Your document must be no longer than two pages (excluding attachments). Do not pad your writing with fluff. If you need two pages, use them. Strive for conciseness and brevity, but do not leave out necessary detail
Provide citations in an endnote for any quotes and sources used.