Reference no: EM133163171
BSBPMG630 Enable program execution
This unit describes the skills and knowledge required to establish parameters and enable a program to be undertaken effectively. It includes establishing both what the program will accomplish and how it will do so.
The unit applies to individuals who are program managers and those managing a suite of projects (a program). They operate within assigned authority levels, are responsible for own performance and sometimes the performance of others.
Demonstrate knowledge to complete the tasks outlined in the elements, performance criteria and foundation skills of this unit, including knowledge of:
• methods used to construct future state scenarios
• internal and external factors and issues likely to cause changes to:
• desired future state
• program execution approach
• business case
• business case development processes, documentation, and presentation
• program execution approaches
• program governance models
• knowledge management system
• financial, legal, and contractual obligations.
1. List and describe four methods used to construct future state scenarios.
2. List three internal factors that can cause changes to the:
• desired future state,
• program execution approach, and
• business case.
For each identified internal factor, provide an example of an issue relating to this factor that can impact the desired future state, program execution approach, and business case.
3. List three external factors that can cause changes to the:
• desired future state,
• program execution approach, and
• business case.
For each identified external factor, provide an example of an issue relating to this factor that can impact the desired future state, program execution approach, and business case.
4. List and describe the seven processes that are part of developing a business case. List the processes in the correct order.
5. List five pieces of information to be included in the business case documentation of a program.
6. Answer the following questions about business case presentations and obtaining approval.
i. List three types of stakeholders you should present the program business case to.
ii. List three supporting documents you would take to the business case presentation.
iii. List three communication skills you need to use during the presentation.
7. List and describe three differentprogram execution approaches.
8. Describe each of the different program governance roles below.
9. What do the following key stakeholders do in the program governance models?
10. List six types of information that are defined within program governance models.
11. List three knowledge management systems a program manager can use to share useful knowledge with program/project stakeholders, such as case studies and lessons learned.
12. List three examples of financial, legal and contractual program obligations.
Task 1.1
Identify the procurement requirements, scope, timeline, budget, client expectations and organisational goals of the program.
Use your organisation's template for documenting program information, or you may use the Generic Program Scope template provided along with this workbook.
Access and review relevant program documents such as the organisation's strategic plans, existing suppliers list, terms and conditions, and current business and program needs to help you identify this information.
You will be assessed on:
• Practical knowledge of the organisation's strategic plans.
• Practical skills relevant to identifying program procurements, scope, timeline, budget, client expectations and organisational goals.
• Advanced writing skills.
• Practical skills relevant to conceptualising and documenting future state descriptions.
• Practical skills relevant todeveloping and documenting program documentation.
Before starting this task, review the Assessment Simulation Task 1.1 - Assessor's Checklist provided along with this workbook. This form lists the criteria your submission must address to complete this task satisfactorily.
Your assessor will also:
• Organise workplace resources required for you to complete this assessment.
• Discuss with you the requirements listed in the Assessor's Checklist prior to the assessment.
• Address your queries and concerns regarding this task.
After completing this task, submit the following to your assessor:
• A copy of the program scope document that you completed.
• A copy of the documents you referred to for this task, e.g. organisation's strategic plans, existing suppliers list, terms and conditions, and current business and program needs
Task 1.2 Define and Agree on the Desired Future State Description
While being observed by your assessor, meet with program stakeholders to define and agree on a description of the desired future state.
The stakeholders you meet may include the program sponsor, portfolio managers, project managers, subject matter experts, and team members.
Record the minutes of your discussion with the program stakeholders. Use your organisation's template for documenting meeting minutes, or you may use the Generic Meeting Minutes template provided along with this workbook.
You will be assessed on:
• Practical knowledge of methods used to construct future state scenarios.
• Practical skills relevant to defining and agreeing on the description of the desired future state with pertinent stakeholders.
• Practical skills relevant to communicating and negotiating with relevant program stakeholders.
• Practical skills relevant to conceptualising, clarifying and documenting future state descriptions.
Before starting this task, review the Assessment Simulation Task 1.2 - Observation Form provided along with this workbook. This form lists all the practical skills you need to demonstrate while completing this task.
Your assessor will also:
• Organise workplace resources required for you to complete this assessment.
• Discuss with you the practical skills listed in the Observation Form prior to the assessment.
• Address your queries and concerns regarding this task.
After completing this task, submit the minutes of your discussion with the relevant program stakeholders to your assessor.
Task 1.3 Identify Gaps Between Current State and Desired Future State
While being observed by your assessor, meet with program stakeholders to identify and explore gaps between the current state and desired future state.
The stakeholders you meet may include the program sponsor, portfolio managers, project managers, subject matter experts, and team members.
During the meeting, refer to documentation relevant to the current and future state, e.g. program scope document, project charters (of projects under the program you are undertaking), process maps, process data, analysis of process data, etc.
Record the minutes of your discussion with the program stakeholders. Use your organisation's template for documenting meeting minutes, or you may use the Generic Meeting Minutes template provided along with this workbook.
You will be assessed on:
• Practical knowledge of the current and desired future state.
• Practical skills relevant to identifying and exploring with relevant stakeholders' gaps between the current state and desired future state.
• Practical skills relevant to communicating and negotiating with relevant program stakeholders.
Before starting this task, review the Assessment Simulation Task 1.3 - Observation Form provided along with this workbook. This form lists all the practical skills you need to demonstrate while completing this task.
Your assessor will also:
• Organise workplace resources required for you to complete this assessment.
• Discuss with you the practical skills listed in the Observation Form prior to the assessment.
• Address your queries and concerns regarding this task.
After completing this task, submit the following to your assessor:
• A copy of the meeting minutes that you completed.
• Copies of documentation you referred to during the meeting relevant to the current and future state, e.g., program scope document, project charters (of projects under the program you are undertaking), process maps, process data, analysis of process data, etc.
Task 1.4 Identify and Evaluate Internal and External Factors
Identify and evaluate internal and external factors and issues likely to cause changes to the desired future state of the program.
Use your organisation's template for documenting program internal and external factors and issues, or you may use the Generic Program Internal and External Factors template provided along with this workbook.
Refer to internal and external sources of information to help you identify these internal and external factors and issues. Sources of information may include but are not limited to legislation, regulations, Australian standards, client feedback impacting the program, or lessons learnt documentation from previous programs/projects, resourcing availability, etc.
You will be assessed on:
• Practical knowledge of internal and external factors and issues.
• Practical skills relevant to identifying and evaluating internal and external factors and issues likely to cause changes to the desired future state.
• Advanced writing skills.
• Practical skills relevant todeveloping and documenting program documentation.
Before starting this task, review the Assessment Simulation Task 1.4 - Assessor's Checklist provided along with this workbook. This form lists the criteria your submission must address to complete this task satisfactorily.
Your assessor will also:
• Organise workplace resources required for you to complete this assessment.
• Discuss with you the requirements listed in the Assessor's Checklist prior to the assessment.
• Address your queries and concerns regarding this task.
After completing this task, submit the following to your assessor:
• A copy of the program internal and external factors and issues document that you completed.
• Copies of internal and external sources of information you accessed and referred to.
Task 1.5 Agree on Desired Future State and Expected Benefits
While being observed by your assessor, meet with the program sponsor/s to:
• discuss and agree on the desired future state and
• confirm everyone's understanding of the expected benefits of the program.
During the meeting, refer to documentation relevant to the desired future state and expected benefits, e.g., program scope document, internal and external factors and issues, risk analysis, etc.
Record the minutes of your discussion with the program sponsor. Use your organisation's template for documenting meeting minutes, or you may use the Generic Meeting Minutes template provided along with this workbook.
You will be assessed on:
• Practical knowledge of the desired future state and expected program benefits.
• Practical skills relevant to working with program sponsors to agree on the desired future state.
• Practical skills relevant to working with program sponsors to confirming understanding of the expected benefits of the program.
• Practical skills relevant to communicating and negotiating with relevant program stakeholders.
Before starting this task, review the Assessment Simulation Task 1.5 - Observation Form provided along with this workbook. This form lists all the practical skills you need to demonstrate while completing this task.
Your assessor will also:
• Organise workplace resources required for you to complete this assessment.
• Discuss with you the practical skills listed in the Observation Form prior to the assessment.
• Address your queries and concerns regarding this task.
After completing this task, submit the following to your assessor:
• A copy of the meeting minutes that you completed.
• Copies of documentation you referred to during the meeting relevant to the desired future state and expected benefits, e.g., program scope document, internal and external factors and issues, risk analysis, etc.