Reference no: EM132414147
Business and Management Dissertation Assignment - Research Proposal
A research proposal should:
- clearly define the topic you are interested in.
- show your understanding of your research area.
- show you have started to identify and (at least tentatively) developed an original and interesting research question.
- demonstrate you understand how to conduct research.
- be well-structured and clear.
- include a bibliography and in-text citations.
Suggested Proposal Structure -
Title of Project Proposal - This needs to be well defined, precise and clearly written. It may well contain phrases such as; 'An investigation into ...'
'A critical analysis/appraisal of ...'
'An investigation to establish/analyse the impact of ...'
'A comparison between ...'
1.0 Introduction (800 words)
1.1 Identify a specific researchable topic area:
Academic significance of topic area, (up to two sentences)
Business context where the problem resides, (up to three sentences)
1.2 Establish the importance of the problem
Cite previously published statistics that indicate how widespread the problem is, how many people/ businesses are affected by it, etc. Instead of providing stats on prevalence of the problem, researchers sometimes use other strategies - recent corporate or government actions, citing of prominent researchers in the field. Provide an explanation of the general and specific academic areas in which the problem is situated and the general significance and impact of the problem on business operations in general.
1.3 Aim of the research project
Research aim (state the aim of the study / this is a restatement of the research problem. This forms the basis of the recommendations that you would make following completion of the study).
End the aim section with:
Therefore, the aim the proposed study is 'to investigate ...', 'to research ...' 'to analyse/evaluate/compare ...', 'to critically evaluate ...', or 'to survey or to assess ...'
2.0 Research Objectives and Research Question(s) (200 words)
Research questions (3-5 Subsidiary Questions) that answer the main research question - this is a restatement of the project title (note: Title < -- > Question < -- > Aim))
3.0 Literature Review (1,000 - 1,200 words)
A summary of theory, and key factors arising from theory, relating to the area of the research. It is important that you link different areas of literature / comment showing a consistent thread of logic connecting the different sources you use.
You need to cite a minimum number of sources (between ten and fifteen will be appropriate). It is prudent to link defined literature to each of your subsidiary questions.
4.0 Methodology (800 words)
You must briefly justify your suggested methodology by reference to appropriate theory.
4.1 Research Design, Research approach and Research Type
This section should refer to the research design and the reasons for the research. You should present a summary of your data collection and data analysis techniques (secondary only) together with how the results will be presented.
4.2 Rationale
How will you achieve the research aims? Present the proposed research methodology (e.g. research paradigm, methodological approach, methods, techniques, sample size, target populations, equipment and data analysis, if applicable) and explain why is it the most appropriate way to effectively answer the research question. Have you considered any alternatives?
5.0 Access to Data and Research Ethics (100 words)
This section should discuss what you consider to be the key ethical implications of your work and it should also explain how you will gain access to the research field, i.e. how you will find the information you need.
6.0 Limitations (100 words)
Are there any limitations or downsides of your selected research strategy? How are they counterweighting the advantages?
7.0 Bibliography (not included into word count)
You need to include evidence of preliminary reading for this assignment (around 20 sources). Cited works should be flagged and listed using the UoR Harvard style of referencing.