Business and academic environment context

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Reference no: EM132940794 , Length: word count:300

MGT502 Business Communication - Torrens University

Part: Forming an Argument

Learning Outcome 1: Apply research, academic and communication skills appropriate to the level of study and observe academic referencing requirements
Learning Outcome 2: Critically analyse texts and/or multimedia material in both a business and academic context
Learning Outcome 3: Identify and apply effective communication methods within a business and academic environment

This assessment has been prescribed to appraise students' ability to think critically and form an argument supported by evidence. The assessment allows students to demonstrate their ability to understand the material they're using and to apply it in ways that go beyond what has been read.

This assessment has been designed to:

• Appraise students' ability to critically evaluate academic and other research to form an
argument on an organisational topic that is supported by evidence.
• Enhance students' writing skills so they are able to form persuasive and convincing
arguments and communicate them effectively.
• The resources used in Assessment 1A Annotated Bibliography are expected to be utilised in this assessment to support the argument.

In this assessment, you will form an argument to express a point of view and support it with evidence. The issue and supporting evidence for your argument should be based on the materials used in Assessment 1A - Annotated Bibliography.

When choosing a claim for the argument, consider the following:

• Use the annotated bibliography material from Assessment 1A for sourcing evidence and ideas for your argument.
• Review the resources critically and select at least 5 to be used as references in this assessment.
• Write an argument (up to a page) considering the following:
o a good argument is convincing whereby the premises are acceptable, the supporting evidence is relevant to the claim and provides sufficient grounds for acceptance of the claim
o Students will be expected to form an academic and financial argument in favor, or against, utilizing the digital communications solution in the modern workplace.
o make a clear point and justify it
o write in an essay form with a logical structure
1. A short introduction with a claim.
2. Main body with a logical structure including supporting evidence from academic sources.
3. A concise conclusion which restates your claim and summarises your argument.
o indicate logical connections and use connecting words
• Please include a title page and a reference list using APA 7thstyle on a separatepage.
• Please use at least 5 in-text citations

Students are responsible for:
• Staying within the word limit
• Keeping drafts and backups of their assignment
• Submitting the assignment via Blackboard by the due date
• Ensuring their assignment is written and submitted while observing and committing to the Academic Integrity policy

Please note that if you require an extension for this assignment, you must apply using the university application form and provide verifiable evidence of extenuating circumstances before the due date and include your most recent draft. Please also treat the prescribed word limit as a limit not to be breached.

It is essential that you use the appropriate APA style for citing and referencing research.

Attachment:- Business Communication.rar

Reference no: EM132940794

Questions Cloud

Analyzes the information within the disclosure statements : For the 2020 annual 10K report for Verizon, review the financial disclosure statements. Analyzes the information within the disclosure statements
What is generation theory : What is generation theory? What is the secret for working across generations?
What is the amount of dividend paid for ali redha co : What is the amount of dividend paid for Ali Redha Co? The company has a target capital structure (D/E) of two-third (2/3). If Ali Redha Co. net income.
Research the organizations recruiting practices : List at least three jobs and research the organizations' recruiting practices. The jobs could be positions you have held or of those you want to hold.
Business and academic environment context : Identify and apply effective communication methods within a business and academic environment and Critically analyse texts and/or multimedia material
Describe three hr challenges : Describe three HR challenges and identify the one that you believe is most critical for HR to address.
What is the test statistics for sample of size : H): u 16.39. What is the test statistics for sample of size 25, mean 13.85, and standard deviation 2.46? Answer should have two decimal place
How to manage good performance : How to manage good performance? How to manage poor performance? (in addition, discuss the 2 min challenge)
Assumptions of new employee socialization process : Write down the three steps and four assumptions of new employee socialization process.


Write a Review

Other Subject Questions & Answers

  Highlight the project challenges faced by mike morris

(a) Highlight the project challenges faced by Mike Morris according to the context given in the case paper.

  Reflect current treatment recommendations

Students are expected to expand their use of resources for evidence-based practice beyond the required text and explore nursing and related literature.

  Writing a paper proposal for your final paper

You will be writing a paper proposal for your final paper. Writing Assignment 2 is essentially the first page of the final essay. You will give the reader a description of the topic, explain your argument, and justify it.

  Differences in intercultural verbal communication styles

Differences in intercultural verbal communication styles can often create misunderstandings and conflict in intercultural interactions.

  Pathophysiology of acute pyelonephritis

Compare the causes and pathophysiology of acute pyelonephritis, APSGN, and nephritic syndrome.

  Does the news medias role interfere or aid emergency

Emergency medical issues (disease epidemics and serious incidents such as airplane crashes, workplace violence, and hostage situations)

  Identify what type of criminal typology could be applied

Determine what kind of theft charges for all three individuals involved in this incident and provide a definition for each theft charge.

  What impact did early white immigrants into tennessee

What impact did early white "immigrants" into Tennessee have on the imperial wars in North America prior to and during the American War of Independence?

  Discuss the similarities between the selected two ebp

Choose 2 EBP resources influencing the care provided to your client. Discuss the similarities and differences that you read for those two EBP peer reviewed.

  Describe those four words included on your vision board r

Describe those four words included on your vision board R: ( time management, goals, career/Life Path and Motivators) Why did you select each of these items?

  Explain the steps of the budget-building process

Explain the steps of the budget-building process. Define flexible and static budgets.

  Explain some of the hurdles litigants have encountered

Explain some of the hurdles litigants have encountered when it comes to the Endangered Species Act and standing to bring a lawsuit.

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