Reference no: EM133026765
BUSI22285 Survey Research and Analysis for Business - Nottingham Trent University
In mid-2020, the World Bank launched its COVID-19 follow-up survey (henceforth called the WBCS) to measure the effect of the virus on firms globally.
We will use excerpts from the survey that was implemented in Greece. This survey was implemented in December 2020. The module team has modified these results slightly and you will use these modified results for the individual presentation for this module. Questions in WBCS were grouped into eight (8) Sections.
For your presentation, you will need to develop a general research question, formulate relevant hypotheses and use appropriate statistical techniques to check for associations between those variables that you need to answer your research question. Note that you may need to transform the responses in the survey by recoding existing variables or combining multiple answers into one variable.
For this assignment, you are required to explore the main relationships with changes in firm sales (variables under Section B). An example would be: closures during the Covid-19 pandemic (COVb0) is related to the sector (a0) the firm is in.
1. You will need to generate at least five hypotheses.
2. At least one hypothesis must explore the relationship between two (2) measurement variables.
Attachment:- Analysis for Business.rar