BUS 380 Marketing Assignment Problem

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Reference no: EM132387861

Data Story Assignment

The purpose of this assignmentis to practice working with marketing research data, searching for patterns in the numbers that might lead you to a new understanding about consumers, their behaviors or their preferences.

Download the McSandwichExcel spreadsheet that lists the responses given by 50 customers of the fast food restaurant. The customers were asked questions about the food (quality & variety), service (friendly, fast & competent), pricing, the overall experience (recommend to a friend, general satisfaction), and some personal information (gender, frequency of dining there, and how close to the restaurant they lived).

In this assignment, you will complete the following steps:

1. Sort the responses by gender (0 = male, 1 = female) and use the "Average" function to determine if males and females had different opinions about the restaurant's food, service, pricing and overall experience.

2. Sort the responses again, this time by usage (0 = infrequent diner, 1 = frequent diner). Once again,use the "Average" function to determine if frequent diners and infrequent diners had different opinions about the restaurant's food, service, pricing and overall experience.

3. Sort the responses one last time, this time by home location (1 = less than a mile from the restaurant, 2 = 1-5 miles from the restaurant, 3 = more than 5 miles from the restaurant). Again,use the "Average" function to determine if nearby and more distant consumers had different opinions about the restaurant's food, service, pricing and overall experience.

4. In a 2 page document, summarizeyourconclusions from the three different ways you examined the data. Please include the specific numeric data that led you to those conclusions.Then, describe at least 3 recommended marketing actions for McSandwich, based on those conclusions.

Future Health Care Trends - Final Project

Anticipating future trends is a component of strategic planning that will help an institution keep competitive. For the final project you will want to imagine that you are senior executive providing a report to the CEO of the health care institution in preparation for strategic planning to set future goals.

In preparation for this final project, review the Jack Uldrich: Future Trends in Healthcare video and the Cognizant Five Key Trends Reshaping the Future of Healthcare article covered in this lesson. Next, go to TED MED and watch one or more of the presentations. In your essay preparation, you will also need to research the online library to find at least one recent peer-reviewed journal article on future healthcare trends that you find relevant to include in your paper. Additional credible research materials are encouraged. As a reminder, you do not want more than 20% of your paper to be from other sources as this work needs to reflect your original thoughts on the information you are applying.

Next, prepare your final paper(3 pagesbody double-spaced) that demonstrates your critical thinking and strategic analysis to address the following areas:

1. Introduce the topic of awareness of health care trends and why it is important for the institution to be up-to-date on trends.
2. Write the body of the paper reflecting on how one or more of these emerging health care trends will impact health care access, and quality, and our population's health.
3. Explain how one or more of these emerging ideas might affect health care strategic thinking and leadership.
4. Address how future health care trends might impact strategic partnership development in the community.
5. Conclusion with key highlights to consider at the upcoming strategic planning retreat.

In your final paper you will need to incorporate your library article along with the TED presentation and any other research and lesson material applicable. Includein-text cites for sources and detailed references at the end. Use a title page before the body of the paperand have a reference page at the end.

Marketing Plan Final Draft

For this assignment, you will edit the marketing plan section drafts created previously, and combine them into a complete marketing plan by following these steps:

1. Write a 1-2 page Implementation section that lists the major steps that must be taken to put the plan into action, and the expected deadlines to complete those steps (up to 8 points for completing this section).This section may be very simple; please refer to the Sample Marketing Plan for an example.

2. Write a 1 page Executive Summary that includes highlights from each section draft, told in such a way that a business leader could read only this page, and comprehend the basics of your marketing plan(up to 7 points for completing this section).

3. After editing, assemble all section drafts into a single document, following this order:
• Cover page
• Executive Summary
• Business Mission
• Situation & Competitive Analysis
• SWOT Analysis
• Marketing Objectives
• Target Market Strategy
• Marketing Mix:
o Product/Service description
o Promotion
o Distribution
o Pricing
• Implementation
• References

You can earn up to 12 points for accurately assembling all sections into a single document, paying attention to flow and continuity from section to section.

Attachment:- Data story assignment.zip

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The current work comprises of 3 assignments, namely Future Healthcare trends: data protection by using big Data marketing plan of Open Sky corporation and a data story assignment comprising of working with marketing research data, searching for patterns in the numbers that might lead you to a new understanding about consumers, their behaviors or their preferences.

Reference no: EM132387861

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