Burning chlorine with hydrogen

Assignment Help Chemical Engineering
Reference no: EM13884293

Hydrogen chloride gas, produced by burning chlorine with hydrogen, is required at a supply pressure of 600 kN/m2, gauge. The pressure can be achieved by either operating the burner under pressure or by compressing the hydrogen chloride gas. For a production rate of hydrogen chloride of 10,000 kg/h, compare the power requirement of compressing the hydrogen supply to the burner with that to compress the product hydrogen chloride. The chlorine feed is supplied at the required pressure from a vaporizer. Both the hydrogen and chlorine feeds are essentially pure. Hydrogen is supplied to the burner one percent excess of the stoichiometric requirement.

A two-stage centrifugal compressor will be used for both duties. Take the polytrophic efficiency for both compressors as 70%. The hydrogen supply pressure is 120 kN/m2 and the temperature 25 °C. The hydrogen chloride is cooled to 50 °C after leaving the burner. Assume that the compressor intercooler cools the gas to 50 °C, for both duties.

Which process would you select and why?

Reference no: EM13884293

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