Building your own er model editor

Assignment Help JAVA Programming
Reference no: EM13963063

Main Objectives:

ER-Diagram Editor and code generator. This would involve building our own ER model editor that would allow user to add their own SQL code generation. That is, insert how they want the ER model to generate SQL scripts for creating the database. The app could be either Java/JavaFX based or based in Javascript based (to run in a browser)

There are three important components of ER-model Editor: GUI, normalization process, generates SQL script and table.

There are existing normalization part in attachment, and also some examples in it, so need plug-in into this project. (It is an intellij project)

GUI(similar with would be great):

- User should be able to draw entity(parallelogram), weak entity, attributes of entity(ellipse), relationship between entity(line) in panel.
- User should be delete existing
- User should be able modify existing object from GUI

- Take user input from GUI and normalize the relationship between entities
- Pass normalized result to SQL script part.

SQL script:
- According the result get from normalization module, generates the corresponding entity, relationship... in SQL script format
- According to the SQL script, create SQL table

Equipment requirements:

- The ER-model Editor software should be able run in all windows system with Java environment installed.

Expected deliverables:
- GUI easy to use, and looks excellent
- Output correct normalized dependences
- Create correct table in SQL relational database
- Software not crash
- All features are implemented and can be tested


Reference no: EM13963063

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