Building blocks of competitive advantage

Assignment Help Strategic Management
Reference no: EM13752797

Case- "The Evolution of the Small Package Express Delivery Industry, 1973 - 2010"

Write a five to seven (5-7) page paper in which you:

1. Analyze Federal Express's value creation frontier, and determine which of the four building blocks of competitive advantage the company needs in order to continue to maintain above-average profitability. Provide a rationale to support the response.

2. Determine the main aspect of product differentiation and capacity control that Federal Express could use in order to maintain an edge over its rivals. Justify the response.

3. Assess the efficiency of Federal Express's current business model, and recommend one (1) new business-level strategy that gives the company a competitive advantage over its rivals. Provide a rationale for the recommendation.

4. Examine the manner in which overall global competition may impact the new business strategy that you recommended in Question 3. Next, suggest one (1) significant way that Federal Express may confront its global competition.

5. Use at least three (3) quality academic resources in this assignment. Note: Wikipedia and similar type Websites do not qualify as academic resources.

Reference no: EM13752797

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