Building a wiki of hr knowledge and practice

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Reference no: EM131559925

Building a Wiki of HR Knowledge and Practice

Select three topics relevant to HR practitioners and imagine that you are developing a wiki article describing each; each wiki entry should be approximately 1 page in length.

Examples of topics you might write about include fostering productivity in virtual teams, specific compensation or benefits strategies, or dealing with conflict in different types of workplaces. When writing your articles, be sure to keep in mind that this wiki is intended as a body of knowledge that will be useful to scholar-practitioners such as yourself. Be sure to highlight practical applications and implementations of the topic and to describe both the benefits and challenges of this application.


Reference no: EM131559925

Questions Cloud

Competitors during the economic downturn : American Plastics had fared rather worse than its competitors during the economic downturn. With revenue, quality, and productivity down
How bank reconciliation can be used as internal control tool : Describe how the bank reconciliation can be used as an internal control tool for cash. Give at least one reason to support your answer.
Describe the factor or situation : Think of a stressor in your life - describe the factor or situation and think about how it can be reduced. Indicate if the steps within the plan
Examine the moral implications for the criminal justice : Examine the moral implications for the criminal justice system if disparities in searches, arrests, & incarceration sentences continue to be skewed due to race.
Building a wiki of hr knowledge and practice : Select three topics relevant to HR practitioners and imagine that you are developing a wiki article describing each; each wiki entry
What were the annual retail sales in the united states : MODELING WITH DATA Annual retail sales in the United States from 1990 through the year 2000 (in billions of dollars) are given in the following table.
Performance evaluation methods : What are some of the performance evaluation methods? How might these methods be perceived as discriminatory?
How do systems differ from traditional management systems : How do such systems differ from traditional management systems? How are they the same? 200 words.
Constitutional protections of privacy : What are some of the constitutional protections of privacy? What privacy rights are afforded to public and private sector employees?


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