Reference no: EM133087018
What are at least three "pattern" ways to view metadata? I am confused because the book we are using for class lists this: Is the pattern from paragraph one or from two? Thank you
Metadata are data about data (e.g., see Sen, 2004; and Zhao, 2005). Metadata describe the structure of and some meaning about data, thereby contributing to their effective or ineffective use. Mehra (2005) indicated that few organizations really understand metadata, and fewer understand how to design and implement a metadata strategy. Metadata are generally defined in terms of usage as technical or business metadata. Pattern is another way to view metadata. According to the pattern view, we can differentiate between syntactic metadata (i.e., data describing the syntax of data), structural metadata (i.e., data describing the structure of the data), and semantic metadata (i.e., data describing the meaning of the data in a specific domain).
We next explain traditional metadata patterns and insights into how to implement an effective metadata strategy via a holistic approach to enterprise metadata integration. The approach includes ontology and metadata registries; enterprise information integration (EII); extraction, transformation, and load (ETL); and service-oriented architectures (SOA). Effectiveness, extensibility, reusability, interoperability, efficiency and performance, evolution, entitlement, flexibility, segregation, user interface, versioning, versatility, and low maintenance cost are some of the key requirements for building a successful metadata-driven enterprise.
Sharda, R., Delen, D., & Turban, E. (2015). Business Intelligence and Analytics (10th ed.). Upper Saddle River, New Jersey: Pearson Education.