Reference no: EM133156900
1. Building a more human-centric organisational culture | David Webster | TEDxPuntaCanaStudio Contemporary Business Issues are impacting the discipline. of Organisational Behaviour such as:
- the increasing focus on sustainable business practices
- the gender pay gap
- employee stress and work-life balance
- workforce flexibility and casualisation
- generation Y and the ageing workforce
- skills shortages
- globalisation
- telecommuting
- outsourcing
- diversity in the workplace
- the '24/7' nature of contemporary communication technology, including social media.
In this
the issue of work Life balance is presented in a way that supports the ideals of behaviour and inclusion in the workplace. However, there are downsides to the new awakening from COVID of the work from home demand.
1. How do you see this video in light of what is happening in workplaces? How do you reconcile the traditional perspective of behaviour in the workplace?
2. Can we still provide a human-centric approach to employees in the organisation with this change in approach?
3. Will there be disadvantages for those working from home in terms of culture, social interaction, promotion, teams, or performance management feedback, and, if yes, how can this be overcome?