Reference no: EM133116593
ICT112 Programming Fundamentals - University of the Sunshine Coast
Theme: Chatbots
Some of the earliest "smart" software systems were chatbots like Eliza (Eliza: Wikipedia) which you can test out
In this workshop you'll build your own mini Eliza through a step-by-step tutorial from Hour of Code and then design and build your own ICT112 chatbot for frequently asked questions and/or importand information.
Learning Objective 1: use variables to store values and update those values;
Learning Objective 2: use conditional statements and Boolean logic to determine the next step/s;
Learning Objective 3: use for loops to repeat a block of code a given number of times.
1. Talk to Eliza
Visit at ElizaBot to try out an implementation of the original Eliza.
Now try a more modern chatbot at CleverBot
2. Build your own Eliza
Using the Hour of Code tutorial at Grok Learning build your own Eliza. Make sure you keep a copy of all the code you write in a separate word document
3. An ICT112 Chatbot
a. Design your own chatbot
Using what you learned in the Eliza tutorial design in pseudo code OR flow chart (you may use whichever one best suits you) an ICT112 chatbot that can conduct a quiz about the content from week's 1 & 2 - the big 5 imperative programming constructs, the setup of the course, or any other question you'd want answered as a new ICT112 student.
Your chatbot must have at least 5 questions or helpful hints. &needs to include at least one conditional and at least one for loop. (HINT: you'll likely need more conditions!)
b. Build your own ICT112 chatbot
Now implement your ICT112 chatbot according to your design, and test that it works.
Attachment:- Chatbots.rar