Build the credibility of a manager as a communicator

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Reference no: EM132346963

Communicating to establish credibility

One of the foundational purposes of management communication is to establish credibility as a communicator including both written communication and oral presentations.

Factors that help to build the credibility of a manager as a communicator include:

1. expertise and competence
2. personal ethics and integrity (trustworthiness)
3. control of emotions
4. development and maintenance of a professional image.

Choose ONE factor and demonstrate how it is essential to credibility as a communicator and extends to good communication skills in the professional workplace.

Please follow these guidelines to complete the assessment:

1. Engage in research to find three sources related to your ONE nominated credibility factor.

Please note:
i. A reading list will be provided to help start your search for sources. Think of checking out the following sources for your assignment: books, chapters in books, journal articles, Internet Websites.
ii. Your sources must be credible, reliable, relevant and current.
iii. Use the SCU library website to do your research.

2. After carefully reading the three sources, identify three key points relating to how the one credibility factor you have chosen is essential to good communication skills in the workplace.

These three points will form the structure for the body of your work. Each point requires a heading which should be clearly, logically and accurately labelled since headings reveal the organisation of the paper and permit quick reference to specific information. They also make the paper easy to read.

3. The balance between your thoughts and words expressed in your voice and those of other authors is important. Support for each point you make must come from ONE of your THREE sources to support your claims, arguments and ideas. You are expected to incorporate other writers' work into your own writing using at least one example each of:

i. direct quotation (please note: no long quotes of more than 30 words)
ii. paraphrase
iii. summary.

4. You are required to use the SCU Harvard style to document your sources. For further information please see:

5. Write the Executive Summary using the memo format in a plain serif font (e.g. Times New Roman). Suggested font sizes are 12 for the text and 14 for the headings. Double or
1.5 space. Put page numbers in line with the right margin at the bottom of each page.

6. Refer to the Assessment 1 Marking Criteria Guide and Marking Rubric located on the Blackboard under Assessment Tasks and Submissions.

PRIOS/CDT brief (covered in lecture and tutorials) for Assessment 1:

a. Purpose: To demonstrate how to build credibility as a communicator in the professional workplace.
b. Reader: Your boss.
c. Information: Three (3) sources.
d. Organisation: Direct order format.
e. Style: Formal.
f. Channel choice: Written document.
g. Document design: Executive Summary using the memo format.
h. Length: 500 words +/- 10%.

Please note for all assessment tasks: Focus on being clear and concise, not flowery or overly descriptive. Be sure to proofread carefully to ensure that there are no mechanical errors in your communication that interfere with your clarity and credibility as a writer.

Attachment:- ASSESSMENT - Executive Summary using Memo Heading.rar

Verified Expert

In this assignment, we needed to Choose factor and demonstrate how it is essential to credibility as a communicator and extends to good communication skills in the professional workplace. We chose personal ethics and integrity, in another word- trustworthiness. There are three main points through which we can define the term ethics and integrity which we have mentioned in the assignment.

Reference no: EM132346963

Questions Cloud

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Build the credibility of a manager as a communicator : MNG81001 - Management Communication - Southern Cross University - Executive Summary using Memo Heading - purposes of management communication is to establish
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7/27/2019 5:12:18 AM

Readability Is there a clear structure to the response? Do the paragraphs contain one main idea that is explored using relevant evidence? Is there cohesion between sentences? Are internal headings clear and informative and enhance the readability for the audience? Are sentences intelligible? 10.0% Language Is there a range of vocabulary? Are sentences grammatically correct? Are sentences accurate and complete? Has a spell check been used? Is spelling accurate? 10.0% Academic literacy quiz Has the student satisfactorily completed the academic literacy quiz (Week 3 in class)? 5.0%


7/27/2019 5:12:11 AM

Credibility Is the student able to convince the reader that they are knowledgeable about the topic? Are claims backed up? Sources cited? Are sources reliable and authoritative? Does the student understand the proper attribution rules? Do the appearance, accuracy and clarity of the writing give credibility? 25% Referencing Has the SCU Harvard reference style been used? Does every intext citation (direct quote, paraphrase, summary) include the author, date of publication and relevant page number? Does every end text citation have: Complete publication information? The URL for each source and the date accessed? Are sources cited in the body of the paper and in the reference list at the end of the paper? Are the right model citations used? 12.5%


7/27/2019 5:12:04 AM

Evaluation criteria Task Weight 1. Format, Introduction, & Conclusion Is the memo format used fully and appropriately? Does the introduction, body and conclusion contain all the identifying features ? Are the elements of the introductory and concluding paragraphs clear, relevant and informative? Correct word length (+/-10%) 12.5% Purpose & Audience Has the student understood the task and covered the key points? Does the response adequately address the topic and task? Does this document take into account the needs of the audience? Does this document provide adequate information for the reader? Does the writer thoroughly address any potential questions from the reader? 25%


7/27/2019 5:11:32 AM

CONCLUSION Provide a summary and refer back to the thesis statement by using synonyms. Restate your stance / opinion. The report shows….. Refer to your findings. What is clear from the research is that… It is evident that… REVIEW: My conclusion has a clear connection to the title, the introduction, the thesis statement, and the body of the paper.


7/27/2019 5:11:24 AM

SUPPORT/SOURCE 3: Add a reference that gives further support to your topic sentence and which flows from SUPPORT 2. This must be a quote. Perhaps use the following: Citation + reporting verb in present simple + ‘direct quote’ In your own voice state why this reference is relevant to the topic. CONCLUDING COMMENT: summarise the points you have made using synonyms for phrases in the topic sentence. Draw conclusions using linking words (therefore, thus, consequently). REPEAT FOR THEME NO. 2


7/27/2019 5:11:14 AM

BODY PARAGRAPHS HEADING 1: Keep this clear, short and simple. Link it directly to the blueprint. Express your point in as few words as possible. TOPIC SENTENCE: State the content of the paragraph / your idea clearly and specifically. Use your own voice – no need for a reference. SUPPORT/SOURCE 1: Add a reference that DIRECTLY links to your topic sentence and provides credibility. Perhaps use the following: citation + reporting verb in present simple + paraphrase In your own voice state why this reference is relevant to the topic. SUPPORT/SOURCE 2: Add a reference that gives further support to your topic sentence and which flows from SUPPORT 1. Perhaps use the following: Paraphrase + citation In your own voice state why this reference is relevant to the topic.


7/27/2019 5:11:01 AM

No introduction please make reliable and plagiarism free assignment I attach a file please read aw make according to that INTRODUCTION CONTEXTUALISATION: Give some RELEVANT background information to the topic. Mention the topic specifically and explain why it is important. Perhaps give definitions or explain concepts. PURPOSE, PROMPT, METHODOLOGY: The WHY or rationale/reason for writing the report. What do you aim to achieve? What research method will you use? Secondary research? Action research? THESIS STATEMENT: The focus, describe the position you will explore. Link this directly to the set question. Be specific—it should cover only what you will discuss in your paper. BLUEPRINT: Write the order of the SPECIFIC themes (points) you will cover in the body. Use phrases such as: This report examines firstly…./then focuses on…./and finally explores… REVIEW: I am clear about what the paper is going to focus on, why, and how?

Write a Review

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