Build and test a small web application

Assignment Help Web Project
Reference no: EM132092082

Web Application Design Assignment


To create a design, build and test a small web application using both client and server side technologies and a web server scripting language.

Learning outcomes covered:

1. Use a server side scripting language to create web applications incorporating data base connectivity; dynamic page generation, authentication and demonstrating data security.

6. Perform testing and maintenance on Web Applications.

You are to come to your tutor with an idea for a database driven website that can be implemented as a Web Application. The website must be appropriate for a small business, professional body or charity/public service body and must be of suitable complexity to meet the learning outcomes of this paper.

The site must have as a minimum the following features and functions:

Home page, About, Services, Testimonials, Contact form, Feedback, Enrolment/Signup page, Policy Documents, News/Advise (FAQ) or Blog style page.

The site must make use of at least 3 web services such as live maps, social media feeds and weather / news tickers

The website must be able to support a feedback form and appointment/service request form or similar

If you do not have a site idea of your own you may with the permission of your tutor use the scenario listed below:

Scenario Background

- Geyserland Small Business Accounting Services is a small accounting practice based in central Rotorua.

- They offer basic accounting services to their clients ranging from basic bookkeeping through to payroll and taxation services including GST returns
- They take few appointment bookings via email from clients but would like to expand this by branching out into the web by offering an appointment request service that works via email
- They want a website with the following features and functions:
- Home page
- About Us
- Accounting Services
- Advise (FAQ) page
- Contact form
- Consultation/Appointment request page
- Policy Documents
- External/Useful links page
- Visual location map
- Weather ticker
- Social media feed
- They have their company logo, which is on their company stationary and company office but are open to other design ideas for the site. (A copy of which will be available on Moodle for download and use in Part B of this assignment)

Part A

Create a design document that contains both logical, physical and database design specifications. You will need to research the site style for your site owner's type of business to ensure your design is appropriate for the genre.

Your design documents must include a site outline / scoping document describing the site features and functions that will be produced. It must also contain a graphical representation (mock-up/storyboard and wireframes) of the user interface, including fonts (style, weight, size, etc.) colour codes, measurements and a banner and logo. It must also contain a site navigation map. These designs can initially be produced on paper (highly advisable) but transferred to a digital format for submission in the assignment

You are to select an appropriate software development methodology and explain with justification why you believe it is appropriate for managing the development of your website.

Part B

Based on your design document from part A, create a 2-3 page html template - home page and 1-2 typical content pages. The templates should be saved with a .php file extension. The presentation layer must be created using CSS3 and the content layer must be html5 compliant and preferably use semantic mark-up. You must use the company logo unaltered in your layout but may source all other graphic elements yourself. Your graphics must be appropriate for the site you are producing. Any graphics you do not create yourself must be sited and referenced using APA6 format in Part A of this assignment.

Your CSS layout must make use of the bootstrap framework to style some part of the page. Your pages should also be mobile responsive.

You are to design a data model and build a database that would service the above website. You can do this using phpMyAdmin on your web hosting service. Populate the database with at least 6 test records. Create a series of test statement in SQL that would retrieve data appropriate for two of the website pages identified in your Part A design.

All files in parts A and B must be contained in an appropriate folder structure

Attachment:- BooksAliveWebsiteOutline.rar

Reference no: EM132092082

Questions Cloud

Create the tables and relationships from the database design : Create the tables and relationships from the database design discussed in Lab 2. Add at least five records into each table (Note: You must determine the field).
Examine bribery and corruption using ethical relativism : MGMT 20134 : Contrast the Australian legislation that addresses the bribery of foreign officials with at least 1 other country's approach.
Create a powerpoint presentation on the topic : Pick a current article of your choice that fits within the scope of the topic (topic is: email in the internet or DNS) for the week or the course in general.
Defining the compliance laws and regulations : The CIO of the organization you chose read your letter and would like to meet with you to discuss the legal, ethical, and privacy issues governing.
Build and test a small web application : Build and test a small web application using both client and server side technologies and a web server scripting language
Assess the strengths of the supply chain design : Assess the strengths and weaknesses of the supply chain design.Evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of your selected company's supply chain strategy.
Defining the business goals and objectives : Provide an overview of the organization that will be delivered to senior management, defining the business goals and objectives and the size, layout.
Government spending multiplier : Are there things like consumption multiplier? Government spending multiplier? Export multiplier? if so, how to calculate them?
Describe physical security plans and processes : Describe physical security plans and processes. Evaluate the ethical concerns inherent in cybersecurity and how these concerns affect organizational policies.



8/21/2018 11:04:25 PM

Folder Tree Site folder tree structured correctly Not implemented (0) Partly implemented (1-3) Fully implemented (4-6) 6 Site files in correct folders No (0) Yes (1) 1 7 Database Implementation Identified Table(s) and Records created Not implemented (0) Partly implemented (1-3) Fully implemented (4-6) 6 Min. 6 Test records included Not done (0) Partly implemented (1-3) Fully implemented (4-6) 6 SQL Test scripts created and working Not implemented (0) Partly implemented (1-2) Fully implemented (3-4) 4 16 Total 100


8/21/2018 11:04:19 PM

Part B Template (html with CSS) html pages produced No (0) Yes (2) 2 template has php extension No (0) Yes (1) 1 Presentation layer is CSS No (0) Yes (1) 1 Presentation layer includes bootstrap content No (0) Yes (2) 2 Mobile Responsive No (0) Yes (1) 1 CSS3 standards compliant No (0) Yes (1) Fully (2-3) 3 HTML5 standards compliant No (0) Yes (1) Fully inc. semantic tags (2) 2 Template Matches Design Documentation/Storyboard in Part A No (0) Partly (1-2) Fully (3-4) 4 Includes 3 working Web Services None(0) Partly (1) Fully (2-3) 3 19


8/21/2018 11:04:12 PM

Database Design Data model designed None (0) Appropriate fields included (1-2) Design Appropriate (3-4) 4 Appropriate tables identified None (0) Appropriate tables included (1-2) Relationship Design Appropriate (3-4) 4 Appropriate records identified None (0) Appropriate fields/ records included (1-2) Design Appropriate (3-4) 4 12


8/21/2018 11:04:06 PM

Site Map Full sitemap showing all pages and links between Not Listed (0) Partly identified (1-3) Fully Identified (4-6) 6 6 Form Page Designs Contact form designed None (0) Appropriate fields included (1-3) Design Appropriate (4-6) 6 Appointment request page designed None (0) Appropriate fields included (1-3) Design Appropriate (4-6) 6 12


8/21/2018 11:04:00 PM

Wireframe 2 pages wire framed Not Listed (0) Partly (1) Fully (2-3) 3 Shows element positioning Not Listed (0) Partly (1) Fully (2-3) 3 6 Graphical user interface design Graphical representation of website (storyboard) Not Done 1 page (1) 2 or more (2) 2 Design style is appropriate for purpose Not Appropriate (0) Appropriate (1) Design fits purpose well (2-3) 3 font style, weights, colour, including colour & codes Not included (0 ) Partly included (1-2) All included (3-4) 4 Measurements Not supplied (0) Supplied (1) 1 Banner Not Done (0) Done (1) 1 Logo Not Done (0) Done (1) 1 12


8/21/2018 11:03:52 PM

Marking schedule Part A Insufficient Meets Expectations Exceeds Expectations Project Outline/Scope Site Outline Document Not Done (0) Partly described (1-3) Fully described (4-6) 6 Scope correctly identified Not Done (0) Partly (1) Fully (2) 2 Development methodology identified Not Done (0) Appropriate (1) Fully justified (2) 2 10


8/21/2018 11:03:40 PM

This is an individual assignment and must be the product of your own work. Students are reminded to read pages related to assessment rules including rules for dishonest work in the Toi Ohomai Student Guide. Part A (design document and source code) must be submitted in electronic form to Moodle as a single Word document. The HTML/CSS and imagery should be uploaded to your web hosting service for testing. Part B is to be uploaded to your web hosting service and made available for testing by your lecturer. Copies of your data model are to be included with part A

Write a Review

Web Project Questions & Answers

  Evaluating an ecommerce website

Create a check list that contains key point for evaluating an ecommerce website - Write a short, reflective report about website

  Gpc and runtime magic quotes

Create a script that lets you know whether Zeus or Helios has the GPC and Runtime Magic Quotes turned on or off. The output should have appropriate labels that define what output signified and should display 'ON' or 'OFF' depending on the setting.

  Creating functions through conditional operator

Use the conditional operator and the cal_days_in_month function, determine the number of days in the current month and output to browser whether it is normal month or a leap month.

  Web development projects with database

Since the vast majority of web-development projects involve a database, do you think that computational activities should be performed there, or do you think they belong in the XML page or stylesheet?

  Comparing shelf software packages

Required assistance with comparing and contrasting two main off the shelf software packages that could be implemented in an organization.

  Web based scams

Web phishing, pharming and vishing are popular web based scams. Talk about currently used tools and recommended measures to defeat this kind of attacks efficiently?

  Explanation of contextual links

The most powerful hypertext capabilities is the the contextual link. Wikipedia . com is a great example of a site that utilizes contextual links.

  How architectural and protocol changes occur

Discuss how architectural and protocol changes happen, the administrative organization that oversees the technical development of the Internet,

  Traditional approaches for training professionals

Webinars and other web conferencing techniques have proved most beneficial for the provision of affordable quality corporate training.

  Internet for business

Discuss how can a business use the Internet and give at least three examples with web links demonstrating your answer.

  It influences the behavior of organizations

Information technology influences the behavior of organizations. Name one effect of Information technology implementation and long-term usage you suppose having a positive contribution and one having a negative consequence.

  Importance of a guided navigation system

Explain the use and importance of a guided navigation system and shopping cart for a website designed for e-commerce and business purpose.

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