Build an investment portfolio for client to maximize return

Assignment Help Portfolio Management
Reference no: EM131076360

Project Instruction:

(1) This is an individual Investment Project

(2) As an investment manager, you have $1,000,000 to invest in the world of global equity market thru U.S. Exchanges in U.S. listed equities and ETFs

(3) You are assigned to build an Investment Portfolio for a client to maximize the return

(4) You are allowed to select quality ETFs or equities listed on Tab (5); bonds and penny stocks not allowed

(5) You must be honest with your operations information as superior performance does not deliver higher grade

(6) You must use your final week's holdings to calculate your "Portfolio Standard Deviation," "Average Excess Return," and "Sharpe Ratio"

(7) A final report (e-copy) completed with "Executive Summary" must be submitted the same date of your Final In-Class Exam.

Attachment:- Equity_Portfolio_Management_Project.xlsx

Reference no: EM131076360

Questions Cloud

Equilibrium federal funds rate is below the discount rate : Show a graph of the supply and demand for reserves where the equilibrium federal funds rate is below the discount rate. What would the Fed do to lower the equilibrium federal funds rate? Explain and show on the graph.
Per year pf the average inventory : A factory uses annually 24000 units of raw materials which costs rs. 1.25 per unit. Placing each order costs rs. 25 and carrying cost is 6% per year pf the average inventory
How long is the ladder : The top of a ladder slides down a vertical wall at a rate of 0.15 m/s. At the moment when the bottom of the ladder is 3 m from the wall, it slides away from the wall at a rate of 0.2 m/s. How long is the ladder
Is the marginal cost curve upward or downward sloping : A common news story in any jurisdiction with single payer health care systems - for example, in Canada their socialized system does not allow private health care alternatives - is the battle that pits the government health system's refusal to pay for..
Build an investment portfolio for client to maximize return : You are assigned to build an Investment Portfolio for a client to maximize the return. You are allowed to select quality ETFs or equities listed on Tab (5); bonds and penny stocks not allowed
Revise the implementation of the adt binary search tree : Revise the implementation of the ADT binary search tree to add this new feature by adding the data member last Accessed to the class.
Role in the health care system : An important element of our emerging health care system is informatics. Define informatics, their role in the health care system and the potential they have to achieve cost reductions and improved quality of care. Write a 2-3 page paper double spaced..
Describe the policy issue and outline the broad nature : Describe the policy issue and outline the broad nature of the quantitative analysis that you will undertake. Describe the ideal data that, if it were available, would allow you to analyze the issue.
Financial panic causes shift in demand from situation : A financial panic causes a shift in demand from a situation where there was no discount lending to a situation where there is. Show this on a graph of the supply and demand for reserves.


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