Reference no: EM132238784
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The database is for a regional university in Western New York called Ithica South University. The university database administrator needs to keep track of the students that attend the university, the courses offered by the university, and the university employees.
Ithica tracks the first and last name of each student, as well as their target degree. The university keeps track separately of two subclasses of students, as students are either undergraduate or graduate students.
Graduate students can serve as research assistants or teaching assistants, and these specializations are stored in the database. Certain students are fortunate enough to serve as both research and teaching assistants simultaneously. Each research assistant's area of research is tracked, and the university keeps track of each teaching assistant's phone number.
The university keeps track of the data of its employees, including their first and last name, email address, and the type of employee that they are. Ithica has two types of hires - as employees are further classified as either faculty or staff.
Faculty and staff are both types of employees that Ithica tracks.
Administration would like to keep track of the number of vacation days that staff have. Additionally, Ithica needs to keep track of each faculty member's degree and office hours.
Each member of the faculty is required to teach at least one course. A particular course might be taught by several faculty members depending on when it is offered. However, a new course might exist in the catalog but have not yet been assigned a faculty member to teach it.
When a course is taught by a faculty member, a section of the course is created, and the semester of that section is recorded. Some sections are assigned one teaching assistant. If a student is serving as a teaching assistant, they must have at least one section that they serve and can serve up to two sections at a time.
To be considered active, a student must be enrolled in at least one course. Each course needs at least 10 students enrolled in it to run, but it may be that no students enroll in the course during a particular semester. When there are enough students in a course to run, the enrollment is kept track of with a grade for each student.
There are full-time and part-time faculty members at Ithica - each faculty member is classified as one of each of these sub-classes. Furthermore, full-time faculty fall into two distinct categories of those on the tenure track and those that have term contracts. The tenure track faculty have the year that they go up for review for tenure kept track of as well.
Each tenure track faculty member can choose to have a research assistant, although it is not required. Over the course of their career they may work with several different research assistants. Given time constraints, however, each research assistant may only work with one faculty member during their time at Ithica. It is assumed that if they are hired as a research assistant that they are actively working with a tenure track faculty member.