Build an application based upon array processing application

Assignment Help Visual Basic Programming
Reference no: EM131028374

Creating Arrays Visual Basic

Creating Arrays

The purpose of this assignment to confirm that arrays can be used within Visual Basic programs.

Build an application based upon the Array Processing application demonstrated in this week's Presentation.

Extend this application to have a total of 10 text boxes that will accept an integer only.

Ensure that all of the functionality of the program demonstrated in this week's Presentation is maintained and add the following calculations:

Mean - this will replace the Average in the original program.




For more information of how to determine these calculations, the following resource can be used: (Retrieved from

Ensure that proper naming convention is used for all objects (forms, buttons, etc.)

Capture a screenshot of the following and include in a Word document entitled "Assignment".

The form in design mode showing the Properties window

The form in run mode with the final values of each calculation shown

Source code for each form that shows all subroutines

Submit the assignment in the assignment upload area.

Reference no: EM131028374

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