Build a team-oriented culture in an organization

Assignment Help HR Management
Reference no: EM133180238

Begin a newly hired HR Manager for Organization ABC, is quite different, especially in terms of the interactions among employees in the workplace. Compounding these challenges, COVID-19 has forced the closure of the office and all employees are now required to work from home for the foreseeable future. Given the background.

Prior to COVID-19, the organization struggled to generate a team-oriented spirit among its employees. What are the two primary, or central, strategies you would propose that would build a team-oriented culture in an organization?


With the advent of COVID-19 and employees now working from home, discuss how this impacts employee collaboration and coordination, and strategies human resources can implement to instill a greater sense of collaboration and coordination when employees do not work in close proximity to each other?

Reference no: EM133180238

Questions Cloud

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