Build a set of linked web pages for a fictitious car sale

Assignment Help Web Project
Reference no: EM133220775


Design and build a set of linked web pages for a fictitious Online Car Sale. You are required to create Online Car Sale allowing registered sellers to advertise their cars. The site should provide a search capability for the car buyers to find car that they are looking for by typing the car model and location. In this stage, you are required to build front-end of website by using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. Your web pages must be cross-browser compatible (responsive to different browsers).

A. Homepage
Homepage must consist of the company logo, brief introduction about the business, and links to other web pages of the website.

B. Car Seller Registration
Seller registration allows the system to validate the sellers' details and the system must send back notification if any field is empty.
This page should prompt sellers to fill a form with fields for
• Name
• Address
• Phone number
• Email address
• Username
• Password

C. Seller Page
This page should provide the following links for the sellers to manage the advertisement of their cars after successfully logging in: Login, Add car. the system must send back notification if any field is empty.
i) Login page - This page should prompt sellers to fill a login form with fields for:
• Username
• Password

ii) Add car - This page should request user to fill in the form with field for:
• Make
• Model
• Year
• Milage
• Location
• Price

D. Search Page
Search page allows the users to find car(s) that they are looking for by typing the model and location.

E. About Us page
You should provide full name of business, location of main office, telephone/fax numbers, e- mail address, staff names and picture of staff.

F. Dynamic content
You are required to write JavaScript to achieve the following:
• The background color of each form input must change to yellow when it is selected.
• Background color of each form input must change to white when user leaves input field.
• Background color of each button must change to light blue when the mouse pointer is moving onto a button.

Marking Scheme
Marks will be allocated for:
• 5 to 7 unique pages
• Original content
• Original design
• Site structure
• Appropriate and useful content

Reference no: EM133220775

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