Build a prototype for a marks management system

Assignment Help JAVA Programming
Reference no: EM131713343

In this assignment, you are to build a prototype for a marks management system according to the design document provided here. The system is to be implemented as a Java desktop application, with user interaction mediated by a simple Swing GUI. Products are to be stored in a Java DB database; Interaction between the database and the application is to be via JDBC. The system is to be developed using the NetBeans IDE.
For this assessment item, you are to modify the implementation that you developed in Assignment 1 so that it conforms to the revised design document available here. You are required to submit your revised NetBeans project as a zip file.

Phase 2: Students will implement a revised specification for the Phase 1 system. Additional requirements will include the refactoring of the Phase 1 system to conform to the MVC (Model View Controller) pattern. The specification of the system to be built (including the design document) will be provided on the unit web site.

PIS design is the design document for this assignment

Reference no: EM131713343

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11/9/2017 1:53:04 AM

Marking criteria: Phase 2: Revised Implementation (Total = 30 marks) Criteria Marks Available Application class 4 Model + interface classes 4 View + interface classes 4 Controller class 4 Layer interactions (Application/MVC, V/C, C/M, M/V, M/database) 8 Source code documentation / variable naming / code layout 2 Package structure 2 Acceptance tests (0 if any test fails) 2 2

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