Build a prototype for a marks management system

Assignment Help Software Engineering
Reference no: EM131590993


In this assignment, you are to build a prototype for a marks management system according to the design document. The system is to be implemented as a Java desktop application, with user interaction mediated by a simple Swing GUI. Products are to be stored in a Java DB database; Interaction between the database and the application is to be via JDBC. The system is to be developed using the NetBeans IDE.

Marks Management System: Design Document -

Table of Contents

Revision History

1. Introduction

2. Requirements

3. Architecture

4. Database / Data Access Design

5. GUI Design

6. Class Diagram

7. Sequence Diagrams

8. Test Plan


1. Introduction

XYZZY Software has been approached by CQU to develop a system to assist unit coordinators in the management of marks. The system will be initially trialled for COIT20258 and a phased implementation strategy will be adopted. This document reflects the current state of the design for the Phase 1system.  

2. Requirements

Because of the simplicity of the user requirements, the corresponding use cases are not duplicated here, as would be the case in a normal XYZZY design document.

The purpose of the system is to assist a course coordinator in the management of student results. A Java desktop application is to be developed, driven by a simple Swing GUI. Interaction between the database and the application is to be via JDBC. The NetBeans IDE is to be used for development. Java DB must be used as the database.

The Phase 1userrequirements are as follows:

1. Start the application and connect to the database. If a connection cannot be established, the application must exit.

2. Close the database connection and stop the application

3. Display all records

4. Display the record for a specified student

5. Display all records where the total mark is within a specified range

6. Update the exam mark and total mark for a specified student.

7. Clear the display

In addition, it has been decided that the architecture of the application must conform to the MVP (Model View Presenter). Also, the design detailed in the class diagram in Section 6must be followed.

The database design and sample data are provided in Section 4. Data validation is not required at this stage. However, basic preconditions must be satisfied for each requirement and if these are not satisfied, an appropriate message is to be displayed.  These preconditions are specified in Section 8.

Assignment Files -

Reference no: EM131590993

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Build a prototype for a marks management system : COIT20258 SOFTWARE ENGINEERING ASSIGNMENT - In this assignment, you are to build a prototype for a marks management system according to the design document
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8/4/2017 7:25:58 AM

Australian student, I already failed previously in this assignment, so please this time more careful and met all the requirements properly. This Assignment is a SOFTWARE ENGINEERING Subject. I am sending you weekly lecturer topics in a zip file.


8/4/2017 7:25:51 AM

Refer to the Course Profile for assessment criteria. Note that these criteria apply to submissions that compile, run and conform to the specification provided in the design document.. Marks will be deducted for late submissions as per the CQU policy. You are required to submit your completed NetBeans project as a zip file. You are not required to include the database that you use - markers will use their own copy of the database specified in the design document for marking purposes.

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