Build a project scope statement

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Reference no: EM133381061

Project Scope Management

Overview and Rationale

One of the initial stages of initiating a project is to create a project scope statement that guides the development of the project work. In this assignment you will create a project scope statementfor yourchosen project.
Program and Course Outcomes
The following course learning objectives are addressed through this assignment:
• Know tools and techniques used to effectively define a project's scope,
• Describe common components of an effective project scope statement,
• Build a project scope statement.
Scope Statement Essential Components
The assignment should use business style writing, not academic writing. Do not assume the audience (the sponsor and client representative) has read the project case or project charter.
(Note: the text in italics is designed to help you write your Scope Statement. Please remove all text before submitting your assignment.)

Scope Statement: [Your Project Name, version # and date] should be the header for all pages. Page numbers should be in the footer.
1. Document Revision table with date, version #, author, and reason for the changes to the document.
2. Table of Contents (optional but recommended if document is more than 4 pages)
3. Purpose of the document Explain what this document is intended to do so that anyone not very familiar with PM terminology will understand what they are reading.1 pt
4. Project Objective Statement Describe in 1 sentence what this project will deliver at the end of the project.1 pt
5. Business Needs and Problem Statement 1 pt
information). By including the business needs, anyone reading the document is reminded of why the project was undertaken.
6. Major Deliverables 3 pt
This section lists the major deliverables for the project (at least 3).
7. Solution Requirements6 pt
This section lists all relevant business, technical, project, and regulatory requirements, classified by category and priority.
a. Write 5product, technical, or functional requirements, following the guidelines for effective (well- written) project requirements (BABOK Section 4.11.5)
b. Write 1 regulatory requirement (be creative if needed)
c. Write 1 security requirement
d. Categorize each requirement into Must Have, Should Have, or Nice to Have.
8. Exclusions (Out of Scope)2 pt
This section explicitly declares project scope items that will not be addressed by this project.
- Submit at least 3 project exclusions.
9. Key ProjectConstraints 2 pt
Identify any conditions that limit project planning activities (such as detailed project scheduling and budgeting.)
- Submit at least 3 project constraints.

10. Assumptions &Risks4 pt
This section addresses risks identified in the business case and project charter. It is important to update the status of any risk identified during project initiation or identify additional risks uncovered in the requirements collection process.
- Submit at least 3 project assumptions and 2 risks

11. Approvals
This is a space for stakeholders to formally approve all the scope statement content, including all requirements and their priority.(Note: Best practice is that the Project Sponsor reviews and approves key project management documents).
It is important for all "primary" stakeholders to understand and agree upon the scope statement contents. Once signed, the project team will use the scope statement to begin identifying detailed tasks, resources, durations, and the overall project schedule and budget. It is critical the scope statement be as accurate, complete, and realistic as possible.

Below are some key guidelines you will want to ensure you follow in creating this assignment.
Think of this short list as a quality control checklist, along with the attached grading rubric.
• Project Scope Statement template must be complete; submit in Word (.doc, .docx) or .pdfformats
• You should format the documents professionally
• Please ensure that you remove all instructions (italicized) and any examples provided within the template

Reference no: EM133381061

Questions Cloud

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