Build a personal portfolio website to demonstrate

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Reference no: EM132205058

Topic 1 - Assessment

During this session your major assignment (see Assignment 3 for details) will be to build a personal portfolio website to demonstrate your life/business/IT skills. Each of topics of the study guide will bring you closer to being able to produce this website. This topics continuous assessment forms part of your assignment 2, due in week 8.

Create a new folder for your continuous assessments 4-7 and name it with your name and ISY10209_Ass2, e.g. ‘bsmart_ISY10209_Ass2'. This will be your work folder for Assign 2.

Create the following folders inside this work folder:
• documents - This will be your documents folder for Assignment 2.
• images - This will be the folder for all images used in assessments 4-7.
• css - This will be the folder for all css files used in assessments 4-7.
You will be required to submit your work folder (as a zip file) to your tutor as part of your assignment 2. See the assignment folder on MySCU for additional information.

1. You will need to copy the files you created in CA3 and rename them appropriately for CA4 e.g bsmart10_CA4_index.html, bsmart10_CA4_resume.html and bsmart_CA4_web_skill.html or you can chose to start creating the pages you will reuse for your major assignment (see assignment 3 specifications). If you have reused your existing pages modify any links created earlier to work in this new file and remember to copy all images from CA3 that are in use on your pages to the new images folder.

2. Use an external CSS file to format your web site. Save this file as ‘styles_CA4.css' in your CSS folder. Again you will need to link to this file using a relative address e.g. css/styles_CA4.css (perhaps start by copying your CA3 style sheet and rename it appropriately). You must use either a 2-column layout or 3- column layout on at least the home page (all pages if so desired).

3. Your pages must have an identical navigation bar on each page.

4. Your pages must have a logo (any reasonable image will be OK).

5. Your new CA4 home page must have your contact details and a notice stating that you have permission to use or that you are the copyright holder of all content on your site. This content must be in the ‘footer' (not necessarily the HTML5 element - but it would work) of the page using the copyright symbol.

6. All HTML pages and your CSS file must validate.
Your pages must have at least the level of formatting shown in Hands-On Practice 6.5 and 6.6 (6.4 - 7th edition text) e.g. use different colours, fonts, padding etc.
Does it work as expected? Make sure to test resizing your site (reduce/increase the size of the browser window - does it work as expected?). Remember to view your site in multiple browsers (Firefox, Safari, Internet Explorer, Chrome etc.)! There are differences between the browsers!!!!!

Additional video resources are available to assist you. See the How-to Video's folder on the MySCU site for this unit. Of particular use to you for this topic is:
• How-to implement CSS Part 4
• How to debug and good coding style

• Interactivity with CSS pseudo-classes

Topic 2 - Assessment

During this session your major assignment (see Assignment 3 for details) will be to build a personal portfolio website to demonstrate your life/business/IT skills. Each of topics of the study guide will bring you closer to being able to produce this website. This topics continuous assessment forms part of your assignment 2, due in week 8.

Save all the files for this exercise to the folder, you have created in CA4. You will be required to submit this to your tutor as part of your assignment 2. See the assignment folder on MySCU for additional information.
1. Copy the HTML files you created in CA4 and rename them appropriately for CA5 e.g. change CA4 to CA5 in the filename where appropriate (this applies to all three HTML files - don't forget to change your hyper-links as well). These will be your new pages for this continuous assessment for Assignment 2.
2. Use an external CSS file to format your web site. Save this file as ‘styles_CA5.css' in your CSS folder. Again you will need to link to this file using a relative address e.g. css/styles_CA5.css. If you have not already done so, you must use a 3-column layout similar to that shown in Figures 7.12 and 7.13 (Felke- Morris p.326).
3. Modify your CSS so that your navigation bar uses CSS buttons similar to the examples in Hands-on practise 6.5 (6.4 7th edition text).
4. Use CSS to enable your HTML page to be "print friendly" (printed without a navigation bar, background colour/image removed and with a larger font size than displayed on the screen). Apply this to all pages

on your site.
5. Validate your HTML and CSS.
Does it work as expected? Make sure to test resizing your site (reduce/increase the size of the browser window - does it work as expected?)
Remember to view your site in multiple browsers (Firefox, Safari, Internet Explorer, Chrome etc.)! There are differences between the browsers!!!!!
Additional video resources are available to assist you. See the How-to Video's folder on the MySCU site for this unit. Of particular use to you for this topic is:
• How-to implement CSS Part 4
On the textbooks companion website located at:
is a VideoNote that may be of assistance to you:
• Linking to a Named Fragment

Topic 3 - Assessment

During this session your major assignment (see Assignment 3 for details) will be to build a personal portfolio website to demonstrate your life/business/IT skills. Each of topics of the study guide will bring you closer to being able to produce this website. This topics continuous assessment forms part of your assignment 2, due in week 8.
Save all the files for this exercise to the folder, you have created in CA4. You will be required to submit this to your tutor as part of your assignment 2. See the assignment folder on MySCU for additional information.
1. Copy the HTML files you created in CA5 and rename them appropriately for CA6 e.g. change CA5 to CA6 in the filename where appropriate (this applies to all three HTML files - don't forget to change your hyper-links as well). These will be your new pages for this continuous assessment for Assignment 2.
2. Modify your CA6 resume page e.g. bsmart_CA6_resume.html to contain a table (for example: units you will take as part of your degree or your previous employment). The table must have at minimum at least 4 rows with 3 columns.
3. The table display should combine the displays shown in figures 8.10 and 8.11 on pages 384 and 386 of Felke-Morris.
On the textbooks companion website located at:
is a VideoNote that may be of assistance to you:
• Configure a Table

Topic  4 - Assessment

During this session your major assignment (see Assignment 3 for details) will be to build a personal portfolio website to demonstrate your life/business/IT skills. Each of topics of the study guide will bring you closer to being able to produce this website. This topics continuous assessment forms part of your assignment 2, due in week 8.

Now that you have a much better understanding of web design it is time to plan your major assignment (Assignment 3). Therefore the final continuous assessment for assignment 2 is the complete design documentation for your assignment 3. This will allow your tutor to provide feedback on your major assignment's design.

Remember, design documentation is typically for the customer. This is what the client sees before anything else and therefore plays an important part in the tender process. Winning the contract can depend upon the standard of presentation more so than on price.

Some students think the design documentation is an extra bit of hassle we ask them to complete just to harass them, this is not the case. Producing quality design documentation demonstrates to the client the capability of the web designer, particularly their attention to detail. This documentation is an important part of the web development process especially in winning the contract.

In the assignments folder of the MySCU website for this unit you will find a sample design document (located in the Additional Resources sub-folder), this design document is based on the Enovation website. The Enovation learning materials are provided as a complete step-by-step lesson on how to undertake the construction of a business website (in XHTML/CSS2). The Enovation design documentation is of the standard required for this continuous assessment (and again as part of your major assignment).

Your design documentation will contain the following:

1. Concept Map - Now that you have a much better understanding of web design and technologies revisit the concept map of your electronic portfolio (created in your first continuous assessment), this will undoubtedly lead to many improvements.

2. CSS Design - visual demonstration of CSS elements of the proposed website.

3. Navigation Map (Logical) - clearly demonstrating the navigation within your proposed website.

4. Structure Chart (Physical) - clearly displaying the physical structure of your proposed website.

5. Storyboards - You will need to build a story board for every webpage on your proposed website. You may design your own or use the storyboard template (the preferred option) provided in the assignments folder of MySCU.

6. Testing Plan - how the proposed site is to be tested, what is to be tested?

When your design document is completed store the single word document file in the documents folder you created in CA4.

Is a VideoNote that may be of assistance to you:

• Principals of Visual Design

This Continuous Assessment completes your assignment 2. Be sure to read the instructions for handing in your assignment 1 they are located in the Assignment folder of MySCU site for this unit. Following is a screenshot of how the contents of your work folder might look upon completion of Assignment 2.

*Note: Need to make 3 copies.

Attachment:- Assignment Template.rar

Reference no: EM132205058

Questions Cloud

Important for firms to compete in many industries : Why is innovation so important for firms to compete in many industries? What are some of the advantages of technological innovation? Disadvantages?
Discussion - Can Leaders Really Motivate Employees : Discussion - Can Leaders Really Motivate Employees? Is there a way to create and sustain a motivating environment that will also help retain talent
Aware of performance requirements and timeframes for meeting : What methods would you use to communicate the business plan to ensure everyone is aware of performance requirements and timeframes for meeting objectives?
Describe which attitude improvement strategies : Then describe which attitude improvement strategies would be most effective in your work environment.
Build a personal portfolio website to demonstrate : Web Development - ISY10209 - Build a personal portfolio website to demonstrate your life/business/IT skills. Each of topics of the study guide will bring you
Analyze advantages and disadvantages of market structures : Discussion-Market Structures - Critically analyze the advantages and disadvantages of the market structures that you studied in the readings
Stood out to me concerning being good co-worker : While completing the module readings, there were several traits and characteristics that stood out to me concerning being a good co-worker.
Discuss traits that make bad coworker : Write a post that lists and discusses the traits and characteristics that you think make a good coworker. Additionally, discuss traits that make a bad coworker.
Different traits that were positive and negative : I have worked with many coworkers throughout my time in the professional world, and each of them had different traits that were positive and negative.



12/30/2018 10:05:17 PM

Your assignment must be your original work. Assignments form a major part of course work. Exchange of ideas can be considered educationally valuable; however, excessive collaboration will be regarded as plagiarism, which is a University offence. For example, the copying of significant parts of a document, even if subsequently modified, is plagiarism. Such academic dishonesty will be penalised in accordance with the University's rules and regulations. You must not copy material from books, magazines, internet sources or other students’ assignments. Of course, you may include direct quotes from any source, but these must be small (e.g. one sentence or one paragraph) and must be properly referenced, using the Harvard Referencing Style. The assessment process may require some students to attend an interview in order to explain aspects of their assignment.


12/30/2018 10:05:08 PM

3. Advice You will need to start this assignment in the 4th week of semester. By working through your tutorial exercises each week, you should have more than sufficient time to complete the assignment by the due date. 4. More information All written works for continuous assessment must be word-processed. Drawings and diagrams should be word- processed or scanned into a word document. Files created in non-university standard programs cannot be accepted, as the marker may not be able to view them.


12/30/2018 10:04:57 PM

The following marking criteria should assist you in completing your assignment. Please make sure that you address each of these items in your assignment. Have a look at the marking spreadsheet provided in the Assignments folder of the MySCU site for additional information. Correct submission: • 1% - All continuous assessment tasks must be present in properly submitted zip file. See section 8 “Assignment Submission”. Continuous Assessment to be marked (Topic 4 - 7) • Assessment 4 - 3%. • Assessment 5 - 4% • Assessment 6 - 2% • Assessment 7 - 5%. Each of the assessments will be marked for the following: • Meets all listed criteria and validates (as per the continuous assessment task) • Source code readability, accuracy (development).


12/30/2018 10:03:16 PM

Need 3 copies of this assignment Assignment 2 is the continuous of assignment 1. I have attached the copies of assignment 1 and assignment 02 questions. Could you please do 3 copies of this assignment. Each copy of assignment 1 is saved in the ass_01 folder by names. Please give us the boxing day/ new year discount. I have more assignments to be done before February Thanks

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