Build a Pega implementation of your process

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Reference no: EM132299033

Assignment - Implementing in Pega

Choosing a business process or case for this assignment

The assignment should describe the workflow of a business process or case. The process you choose must meet the following criteria:

1. Must be a business process

2. Must involve business-side processing

3. Must involve user or client interaction with the business

4. Must involve at least one decision point during the process

You can use your group's business process as described in Assignment 1 to use in this assignment. This means that group members might all build the same business process in Pega, but each individual should build their own implementation in Pega and write their own report. You can, if you wish, choose a different business process or case to use in this assignment compared to Assignment 1. However, your new case still must satisfy the same criteria. If you choose to use a different example to the one your group used in Assignment 1, you may wish to provide some additional description and modelling to clarify your process for marking purposes, as the marker will not be able to refer back to your group's Assignment 1 for clarification. This additional description and modelling should be attached as additional reference material, as it does not directly form a part of the assessable content of this assignment and thus should not be included in the report and the page limit of the report.

Although they satisfy the criteria above, you cannot choose one of the following examples as your business process or case for this assignment:

  • Drive through fast food ordering (as this is the simple example referred to often in lectures)
  • Time off / leave requests (as this is the example used in lectures)
  • Expense reports (as this is the example used in some of the workshops)
  • Onboarding (as this is the other example used in some of the workshops)

Assignments which use these or significantly similar business processes or cases will receive 0 marks for the entire assignment.

Except for individuals from the same group for Assignment 1, please also note that individuals should choose different business processes or cases for this assignment. As this is an individual assignment, it is inappropriate for two or more people to collaborate using the same business process or case. Any assignments that use the same or significantly similar business processes or cases as another (excluding those by students from the same Assignment 1 group) will be questioned and potentially dealt with under the University's academic misconduct policies.

Contents of assignment -

Cover page -

This should be the first page of the submitted report.

Executive summary -

The executive summary should cover all the main points in your assignment. Note that an executive summary is not an introduction, and it is not just a summary. The executive summary is to be read on its own and should stand by itself as a succinct version of your complete assignment. A good way to think about the executive summary is that it is a cover letter or cliff notes version of your assignment - containing the main and important details of your full assignment.

The executive summary should be a maximum of one (1) page in length. Given the requirement for an executive summary to be readable by itself, I strongly advise that you use all this available length.

The executive summary is not marked separately from the remainder of the assignment and is primarily used as a marking aid so that markers know what to expect in the remainder of your assignment. The overall quality of the executive summary will be considered in the formatting and style marks.

For this assignment, a good way of writing your executive summary may be to list and briefly describe how your implementation in Pega meets the criteria set out in the assignment.

Instructions for implementing in Pega -

  • Use the author.hrapps operator, Password:- rules to log in to Pega - this is the login used for the labs. This operator ID has permissions and rights to everything in the exercise instance, so you should not run into any permissions issues.
  • Start with building a case within the HRApps application. Do not worry about creating a new application for your assignment 2 - application and ruleset organisation is the responsibility of Lead System Architects and Senior System Architects, not the responsibility of System Architects (which is what you are learning to do).
  • Use the default ruleset (Onboarding 01-01-01). Do not worry about creating a new ruleset.
  • Use existing operators for assignment routing. For advanced users, you can try copying one of the existing operator IDs and changing the name and email address, but I do not advise trying to create a new operator ID from scratch as you need to get the ruleset access and versions exactly correct otherwise you will run into issues.

No assistance will be provided to students in regard to problems that are caused by not following these instructions.

Process implementation in Pega -

Build a Pega implementation of your process, satisfying the following requirements:

1. Examples of appropriate requirements, specifications, and business objectives recorded and linked in Pega - note that this does not have to be exhaustive: demonstrating one appropriate example of each with appropriate links and references is sufficient for full marks for this requirement

2. Appropriate naming of the case type, stages, and steps in the primary or expected path of your process

3. Appropriate organisation of the stages and steps in the primary or expected path of your process

4. Appropriate stage and step transitions in the primary or expected path of your process

5. Appropriate use of alternate stages, including configuration of steps and behaviour in these alternate stages

6. Appropriate data model including data types

7. Appropriate assignment to different operators to represent different responsibilities - as the existing operators will be used for assignment routing (see the instructions in the previous section), also describe what roles these existing operators will play in your process (as the names of the operators in Pega will probably not match the roles needed for your process!)

8. Appropriate SLAs for at least one assignment, including explanation and justification for why the SLA has been configured in this manner

9. Appropriate SLAs for the entire case, including explanation and justification for why the SLA has been configured in this manner

10. Appropriate correspondence details for at least one instance of correspondence in the case, including explanation and justification for why the correspondence has been configured in this manner

Your assignment should contain screenshots and description to show the Pega implementation of the above features. These screenshots and description should make clear what Pega features have been used, where they have been used in your process, and why they have been used in this particular way for your process. Any potentially questionable implementation details or decisions you have made should be explained and justified in your description.

Additional features in Pega -

For additional marks, your Pega implementation of your process can also address some or all the following requirements:

1. Setting default data whenever a new case instance is created

2. Calculating data in the case based on other inputted data

3. Automated decision making

4. Responsive UI

5. Dynamic UI

6. Validation of user input

If your chosen process does not have a reasonable or sensible way to meet one or more of the above requirements within the specified bounds of your chosen business process or case, you may add additional features as required to demonstrate the requirement. You should clearly label these additional features that you have included just to demonstrate requirements rather than because they fit in to your chosen business process or case - this is so that these features are not marked as 'incorrect' and 'not appropriate for the business process or case'.

Your assignment should contain screenshots and description to show the Pega implementation of the above features. These screenshots and description should make clear what Pega features have been used, where they have been used in your process, and why they have been used in this particular way for your process (or, that they are only additions to demonstrate the feature as above). Any potentially questionable implementation details or decisions you have made should be explained and justified in your description.

Attachment:- Assignment File.rar

Reference no: EM132299033

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5/4/2019 2:25:58 AM

The assignment must be demonstrated to the tutor in the Week 13 lab session that you are enrolled in. Failure to demonstrate your assignment to the tutor in this time will result in 0 marks for this assignment, and an inability to adequately demonstrate your assignment will also result in a deduction of marks.


5/4/2019 2:25:50 AM

Submission - All submissions need to be electronic submissions through Canvas before the due date. One submission comprising of two files is required for this assignment. These should be submitted in the submission box on Canvas. The submission should consist of the following: One individual submission, containing the individual cover sheet and individual report. The individual cover sheet is to be submitted as either a .docx or a .pdf file, following the “Individual Assignment Cover Sheet” template available in the Assignment Resources module on Canvas. The report is to be submitted as either a .docx or a .pdf file. A larger copy of any screenshots can also be submitted as additional, separate files in .docx, .pdf, .png, or any other common image file format. Additional reference material may also be submitted if needed, but this should be clearly linked to and referred to in the relevant sections of the report.


5/4/2019 2:25:44 AM

Maximum submission size: 30 pages - The maximum size for the report is 30 pages, inclusive of all content (including the cover page, executive summary, contents, etc). Note that most assignments are expected to be shorter than this 30 page maximum. The limit is a maximum, not an intended assignment size! Any content past the maximum of 30 pages will not be read by markers and will not be considered when marking the report. The optional components of a larger copies of screenshots and additional reference material will not be counted towards this maximum size.


5/4/2019 2:25:37 AM

Formatting and style - The assignment should be well-presented, consisting of a logical and well-laid out structure that makes it easy for the marker to find the relevant parts of the assignment. It should have an appropriate cover page. It should have a table of contents and page numbers. It should be easy to read, with correct spelling and grammar, and use professional language appropriate for a business setting. The executive summary should be appropriately written and within the specified length.


5/4/2019 2:25:29 AM

Marking - The following is not a formal marking rubric. The following information is provided as a guide only, to assist your study and efforts to complete this assignment. Mark breakdown - The following outlines the relative weighting of each part of the assignment: 50% - Process implementation in Pega, 30% - Additional features in Pega and 20% - Formatting and style (including cover page and executive summary). For all passing grades - Your chosen process is not the same or significantly similar to the examples used in lectures or workshops, or another student’s submission. Your chosen process satisfies the criteria as set out in the “Choosing a business process or case for this assignment” section. You successfully demonstrate all three (3) features/screenshots as requested by your tutor during the week 13 lab time slot.


5/4/2019 2:25:21 AM

For a high distinction - Your report describes the implementation your process in Pega, and all elements in the process implementation section are appropriate and are described. All of the features from the additional features section are demonstrated and explained. Any questionable elements are explained and fully justified. Screenshots and clear, detailed, and unambiguous description are provided to show how all features have been implemented in Pega. The report is presented in an easily readable format with no errors in formatting and style.

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