Build a multi-storey accommodation for students

Assignment Help Civil Engineering
Reference no: EM132118754

Materials Engineering Project Assignment - Design report and presentation

Project concept -

A leading property developer is considering to build a multi-storey student accommodation for the first year engineering students in Geelong to meet the ongoing demand in engineering education. Design concepts are sought from students to build an exemplary energy efficient structure; you are encouraged to put your ideas forward to make this happen!

Overall design process -

Students shall work in groups to analyse the proposed 5 storey structure, and use their knowledge on materials and mechanics of materials to design some key structural elements. Every student shall design two structural elements, which are predominantly subjected to compression and bending respectively.

Students shall work in specified groups and shall constantly interact and share their knowledge on materials engineering with other members of the group.

  • In Geelong and Burwood campus, lecturers will facilitate the design process through brief formal lecture type presentations followed by unstructured discussions during the project studio sessions.
  • For cloud students, Bb collaborate sessions, specifically aimed for the project design, will be conducted in due course (by Ryan Mitchell) throughout the trimester to facilitate the design process.

During the unstructured studio sessions, students shall be encouraged to conduct group discussions to present their understanding of the design problem. Students shall present their views on various design aspects through formal or informal presentations during studio sessions.

The overall success of the project design will largely depend on students' active engagement with lecturers during studio sessions (both campus and cloud). Active participation in design discussions with group members as well as with other groups will further enhance the design experience.

Specifics of the design task -

A complete and clear understanding of the problem description is the most important and the very first step in a design task. Every design comes with specific sets of requirements and with a number of design constraints.

The 5-storey residential building shall be constructed as a bare frame structure composed of beams and columns to transfer all acting loads safely to the ground. Every student shall design specified key structural elements of the proposed student accommodation.

At the very stage of the design process, students shall clearly identify their specified structural elements within the given structure and establish a clear understanding of the physical significance of this relative position; this understanding will form the very basis for this design task.

The concept of "tributary areas" shall be used to determine the design actions for the specified columns and beams. Students shall assess loads acting on the structure based on the relevant Australian Standards AS/NZS 1170.0 [5] and AS/NZS 1170.1 [6].

Students can access Australian Standards through Deakin Library. Following steps may be helpful to access the required Australian Standards.

  • Log in to Deakin Library
  • Click on "Catalogue" 5
  • Search for "Australian Standards"
  • Click on "Standards Australia Online"
  • Search for "AS 1170"
  • The following two standards are relevant to your project - AS/NZS 1170.0:2002: Structural design actions - General principles and AS/NZS 1170.1:2002 (R2016): Structural design actions - Permanent, imposed and other actions

Students shall determine the design actions for the specified structural elements, shall conduct relevant research to choose suitable material (or materials) for structural design, and shall propose preliminary designs for those components i.e. columns and beams in an appropriate manner.

Students shall share their analysis and design results with other groups during the unstructured studio sessions; constructive and open discussions are always key to success in design tasks.

Students shall recognise the important role of sustainability issues in the design process. Students shall also be exposed to the concept of design optimisation to make structures more efficient.

Outline of the Design report - The design report should be no more than 5 pages (excluding title page).

1. Title page - On the first page of the submission, every student must include the following items:

  • Unit code and unit title
  • The title of the assignment with assignment number
  • Student name with Student ID and Group number

2. Project brief

In their own words, every student is required to clearly explain the scope of the project highlighting the key tasks that form the very core of this assignment. The structural elements that are assigned to each student must be clearly identified using appropriate sketches and/or notations; physical significance, if any, of this relative location should be clearly highlighted.

3. Design of Column

3.1 Materials used for compression

3.2 Calculation of design load for the specified column

3.3 Proposed column section

4. Design of Beam

4.1 Calculation of design load for the specified beam

4.2 Determination of design bending stress

4.3 Selection of material and type of cross-section

4.4 Transverse shear and its (possible) effect on your design

4.5 Final design for Beam

5. Summary - Concluding remarks as you see appropriate

6. References - All references must be listed and should be appropriately cited in your report; this is an essential part of any technical report.

Video presentation - Following are a few tips for your 3 minute video presentation:

Be clear, concise and to the point with your design approach

Clearly mention the design challenges specific to your given task

Briefly discuss the material options you considered for column design and justify your choice with useful and relevant arguments

Identify the challenges you faced during beam design and how you approached those challenges

Clearly discuss the options you considered during your beam design

Briefly discuss the role of transverse shear on beam design and how it affected your final design.

Any key assumptions that you made during the design process and how this might have affected your final proposal.

DO NOT waste your time in discussing too many numbers or unnecessary technical details.

Attachment:- Assignment Files.rar

Verified Expert

In this assignment we have studied beam structure and created the different structure of code according to Australian code and follow the structure of code and performe the calculation part as per requirement

Reference no: EM132118754

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11/2/2018 4:26:47 AM

the references must be in Harvard style. I need a good standard report as soon as possible. I made a very good grade on both assignments. Sources are well- chosen, authoritative and are appropriate for the task. Excellent understanding. The research is very well integrated with the main text.


9/21/2018 3:13:35 AM

Assessment tasks (Design report and Video presentation) are based on the project. Two components of the assignment will contribute a total of 35% towards the final grade. Project deliverables - Every student shall submit an individual design report and a video presentation as the final outcome of the project design. All submission requirements are clearly illustrated in the outline provided in Assignment 4 folder available in the unit site accessed through DeakinSync.


9/21/2018 3:13:29 AM

The Design report shall contain all relevant calculations, sketches, figures and tables to clearly articulate the design process and the final design outcomes in a meaningful way. The overall length of the design report should be NO MORE than 5 pages (please see Assignment 4 description for all required details) In addition, every student shall prepare a video presentation (3 minutes maximum) to highlight the challenges faced during the design process and justify the design choices made during the process. This assessment task forms the final outcome of the design project and should be read in conjunction with the “Project Description and Specifications” document uploaded in the unit site (Resources - Project information).


9/21/2018 3:13:24 AM

Submission requirements - This is an individual submission but students will work in groups to achieve their proposed design solutions. The report must be no more than 5 pages (excluding the title page) and all pages must be numbered. Use size 10 Calibri or Arial fonts with single spacing for your report. Relevant Figures/ Graphs/ Tables must be reasonable in size (maximum 12 cm wide × 10 cm height). Every student shall submit the following 2 files in Assignment 4 folders - Design report (PROJECT) and Video presentation (PROJECT) on the Unit site accessed via DeakinSync.


9/21/2018 3:13:18 AM

An electronic file containing the final report (no more than 5 pages and all pages must be numbered). The file should be named as “Surname_First name_Student No_Assignment 4_design report_. A video file containing short video presentation (no more than 3 minutes) containing the highlights and outcomes of the design project. The file should be named as “Surname_Firstname_Student No_Assignment 4_video presentation.


9/21/2018 3:13:12 AM

Assignment is designed to assess Unit Learning Outcomes (ULOs) 1, 2 and 3 as students will have to apply subject specific knowledge and have to communicate within their assigned groups to achieve a suitable design solution. These ULOs are mapped to partially achieve Graduate Learning Outcomes (GLOs) 1, 2, 3 and 4. Students’ performance will be evaluated using a rubric. Feedback on your performance and grades will be published once a lecturer appropriately assesses student submissions – both the report and the video presentation. This evaluation process will take approximately 2 weeks after all reports are submitted. This assignment contributes a total of 35% towards the final grade. The technical report will contribute 25% and the remaining 10% will come from the video presentation.

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