Build a game Find-The-Battleship in Java program

Assignment Help JAVA Programming
Reference no: EM132317407

Object Oriented Programming Fundamentals Assignment -

Task and Deliverables -

You're required to submit the report and source code in hardcopy. And upload the report, source code and full documentation generated by javadoc (zip in one file) to the eLearn. Only the team leader need to do the submission.

Any report without the cover page and marking scheme page and any name which is not stated in the report cover or without signature will not be honoured any marks.

The hardcopy report submission should include:

  • Cover page and marking scheme.
  • Class diagram for each class in the system;
  • Class relationship diagram showing the relationships between all the classes in the system, such as inheritance, composition, etc;
  • Screenshots with description to show the functionality and test results.
  • Source code.
  • Documentation generated by Javadoc (first page only).

Question -

You're required to build a game 'Find-The-Battleship' in Java program that fulfil the below requirements/rules. Analyze and develop the Java program as per described using the Object Oriented design. You should design your program for optimum maintainability and reusability with the best practices of object oriented techniques you've learnt. You also need to document your design using the UML class and class relationship diagrams.

The game rules:

The mission of the player that plays the game is to find the battleship of your enemy through a masked out map. Each ship can have a variance of 3-5 characters' length.

The game should have a 20 rows x 60 columns size, which you should masked the area with the character '#'.

The game should allow player to choose among 3 stages of difficulties which contain different number of ships, traps and potions. For example:

  • Beginner: 80 ships, 10 traps, 18 potions.
  • Intermediate: 50 ships, 20 traps, 18 potions.
  • Advance: 20 ships, 30 traps, 18 potions.

There are two types of trap:

  • Low danger trap: which will reduce life by 1.
  • High danger trap: which will reduce life by 2.

Your game should contain the mixture low and high danger traps.

And, there is three types of potions:

  • Life saver potion: which can increase the life by 1
  • Trap reveal potion: which will reveal a trap
  • Ship reveal potion: which will reveal a ship

For each game, you should have a mixture of each type of potions.

Once the game started, all the ships, traps and potions will be scattered randomly in the map and should not be visible to the player.

The player is required to choose the location to unmask by coordinates (row, col), and should not be processed if the location is out of the map's boundary.

If it is a ship at that location, unmask the whole ship. If it is a trap, reduce the life accordingly; and if it is a potion, process accordingly based on the type of potion.

Each player will have 15 lives. The screen should display the number of lives left and ships found while the game progress.

Game will end when player successfully find 5 ships without exhausted all their lives, or game will end if player has no remaining lives.

When the game start, display the Top 10 scores and ask the player for the name. You should count the total steps the player takes along the games. If the player successfully completes the game, and the score is within the top 10 scores, store the player's score and name in the Top 10 score text file. The list should be ordered by score in descending order.

Attached some sample screenshots of the game (you are allowed to have variances of display design, arrangement or style, as long as it fulfilled the game requirement as stated above).

Attachment:- Assignment File.rar

Reference no: EM132317407

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6/6/2019 2:20:22 AM

This assignment will contribute 20% to your final grade. This is a group (maximum 5 students) assignment. The University requires students to adhere to submission deadlines for any form of assessment. Penalties are applied in relation to unauthorized late submission of work. Coursework submitted after the deadline but within 1 week will be accepted for a maximum mark of 40%. Work handed in following the extension of 1 week after the original deadline will be regarded as a non-submission and marked zero.


6/6/2019 2:20:17 AM

Marking Scheme - Design - Use of good object-oriented design to create appropriate classes and their relationship. Good UML class and class relationship diagrams 10 marks. Coding - Fulfil all the functionalities and align to the design. User-friendliness of the system, with appropriate Exception Handling, follow the programming best practices. Good Javadoc documentation and screenshots to show the functionalities and test results 10 marks.

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