Build a flowchart to solve a simple payroll calculation

Assignment Help Computer Engineering
Reference no: EM131144023

I. Respond to Discussion 150 words minimum

Variable and constant are two commonly used mathematical concepts. Simply put, a variable is a value that is changing or that have the ability to change. A constant is a value which remains unchanged. Even though the concepts are fundamental in many aspects of mathematics, in elementary levels, it is used in algebra predominantly. (Olivia 2012) If you think back to math in school and solving for "x", it was an undetermined number that could be anything until you complete the problem.

In my opinion with data types, those are already data values predetermined before you continue on, while a variable can still equal anything until it has guidelines. A good analogy for a variable is to think of a bucket. We can fill it to a certain level, we can replace what's inside it, and sometimes we can add or take something away from it. When we declare a variable to use a data type it's like putting a label on the bucket that says what it can be filled with. Let's say the label for the bucket is "Sand". Once the label is attached, we can only ever add or remove sand from the bucket. Anytime we try and put anything else into it, we will get stopped by the bucket police. (Leahy 2016)


1. O. (2012). Difference Between Variable and Constant. Retrieved July 21, 2016, from

2. Leahy, P. (n.d.). How to Declare Variables in Java. Retrieved July 21, 2016, from

Respond to discussion 150 words minimum

Within programming declaring constants and variables is a must. Its considered a best practice to use constants whenever possible. Within the possible thousands or even millions line of coding would you rather make small updates when necessary with few inputs or search the entire program making the correction? This is how constants help. A constant is a way to identify certain values which are used many times within a function (TechTerms, 2012). The constant itself does not change, hence constant. For example, if your max and min were set to 100 and 10, then your constants are max and min. If 100 was used instead of max, then you would have to change every single "100" in your code if you wanted something else. Instead, just entire a new line declaring what max equals, done. A variable is a symbolic name that represents data that may change but the operation to obtain that information does not (Utah, 2016). For example, a basketball player's shooting percentage may change from game to game but the calculation stays the same, shots made divided by attempts. The variable is "Shooting Percentage = (calculation)" in the code. Data types are a set of information with values that has predefined characteristics, such as integer, floating point unit number, character, string, and pointer (TechTarget, 2005). These determine what can be done with the type of data. Example, "Hello" is a string data type and 1 + 1 is an integer. If you put the prentices around the equation the computer will treat it as a string and the calculation won't occur, create an error. Identifying a variable is simple in python. As discussed prior, pick a title for the information represented and add an equal sign to that data and hit enter. Example, "made = 5", "attempted = 10", and "made/attempted", after enter the program calculates .5. Also, you could represent made/attempted as "Shooting Percentage =" and type Shooting Percentage and .5 would populate.

Thanks for reading.



TechTarget (2005) Data Types. Retrieved from
TechTerms (2012) Constants. Retrieved from
University of Utah (2016) Variables. Retrieved from

II. RESPOND to discussion 150 words minimum.

This is not limited to the DRC. Other states, such as Pakistan, Thailand, Greece, most of the Arab states, and most of Latin America have had fairly long histories which alternate between weak civilian governments and military takeovers when the military leaders believe things are getting out of hand.

There are a lot of reasons -- but one key reason is that in most states outside of the US and Western Europe, the military is also a social elite. So the military often sees themselves as the guardian not so much of the state, but of the existing social order. This is not an issue in the US, which is why it is often off our radar.

As most of you may know, the US does military assistance and training with other countries for a lot of reasons, but one of them is to try to socialize these kinds of militaries into a more democratically-oriented focus and (hopefully) create the values that the military needs not to be trying to run the political process.

This does work to a certain extent -- the endemic coups in Latin America have pretty much fizzled out. Not so much in other places. Egypt was for a time in the "win" column when the military refused to intervene on behalf of Hosni Mubarak -- but that got erased by their subsequent deposing of Morsi. This shows that while we can inculcate values into our military colleagues, this only goes so far when they see a threat that needs to be dealt with.

Or, in the case of the DRC, if the military isn't getting their share of the pie. Is the same thing happening in North Korea?

III. RESPOND to discussion 150 words minimum.

Starting off, it states that the Democratic Republic of the Congo has been the epicenter of conflict since World War II. The fact that it is in a third world country with ongoing conflict with war makes it a weak state. With almost to zero protection for their citizen it makes it hard for the average person to live their life. As stated in this article, "As the conflict has morphed from a regional war to a series of tenacious local insurgencies, the civilians caught in the middle have paid the steepest price" (Stearns1), it is sad to read.

Unlike other countries, the Democratic Republic of the Congo has the largest group of United Nations there to assist with the peacekeeping in the Congo. Having the largest group of the UN peacekeeping deployment team does not matter due to the amount of armed groups in the Congo, especially during their presidential election. Since 1994 the Congo has the most death than any other place, which includes adults and children from the Congo, also, the death count includes the military members whom lost their lives there.

Although the Democratic Republic of the Congo has plenty of resources that are available, it is useless to the citizens due to the ongoing war. Considering the population of the Congo and the weak government that supports it also makes it a weak state. A person per year makes two hundred dollars equivalent their currency. Due to the poor economy, it forces the civilians to be easy targets as recruitment for their armed forces. Since the DRC government is considered weak and corrupt, they must rely on outside assistant to maintain their peacekeeping and their government. All areas of the country political wise is lacking proficiently. Their economic, political and their military are present but they are far from being proficient. As for their presidential office, they have had one leader since 2001 and there is a high possibility of the same leader running for a third term this year and winning.

The Democratic Republic of the Congo is considered a weak state compared to the US because of the lack of government participation and the violence it brings upon their citizens.


Work Cited:

"The Eastern Congo." Council on Foreign Relations. Council on Foreign Relations, n.d. Web. 21 July 2016.

IV. Respond to Discussion 150 words minimum.

The Congo is a state that has for years been unstable, and this instability has lead to conflict, humanitarian disaster and a weakened state. Since World War 2 Eastern Congo has been in a state of conflict that has defied any attempts to end it. Although the country has vast natural resources and farmlands the nation has been unable to take advantage of these, which would help build their country and economy.
The conflict, which rages in The Eastern Congo has no less than 40 armed groups allied with different regional countries all fighting for there own reasons. Although the armed forced have shrunk this has lead to small gorilla forces difficult to track active in the area. The conflict has lead to mass displacement of the population and is draining the United Nations force's resources.

These circumstances have made Congo a Weak State. With internal threats to the countries sovereignty and the inability of the country to foster a national identity or a loyalty to the state, for a large part of the population, it is difficult to define the Congo as a state. It is only due to the International Communities decision to recognize the Congo as a State and its sovereign control of the Eastern Congo, as well as its defense of the Congo through the UN that the country as a whole exist. This inability of the country to provide it's own security also plays an important role in keep the Congo week. Without security the country cannot create conditions that allow the society develop.

Unless the conflict between tribes in the east is reconciled and the Congo is able to take responsibility for its protection through improved armed forces, the country will remain weak for the foreseeable future. The inability to create a condition that would allow for the basic tenants of statehood, the creation of a National Identity and a loyalty to the state, will leave the Congo in a position that their sovereignty is contingent on other more powerful players in the International Community that are willing to recognize and defend their state.

Reference List

Wilkinson, Paul. 2007. International Relations : A Very Short Introduction. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2007. eBook Collection (EBSCOhost), EBSCOhost (accessed July 21, 2016).

"The Eastern Congo." Council on Foreign Relations. Accessed July 21, 2016.!/?cid=main-interactive_dap-the_eastern_congo.

V. Respond to discussion 150 words minimum

This week we discuss the creating of tables and how we can use them in word 2013 to sort of spruce up a document with either data or calculations. Word 2013 has come along way with giving the user an endless amount of tools to really be an all in one solution when creating things whether it be for school or your career. Being able to add tables is great as using a program like excel can become a lot more tedious at times if all you want to do is show a few figures to people. Being able to make tables of any size or format you like can go along way to make your document look more professional to the reader. I think myself and also for large companies that using the table options in word can simplify everything into 1 document instead of having multiple charts and figures in different places. For me personally I still find excel to be the better option for very large groups of data or figures, as for me it is easier to enter data into.

Really inserting a table in word is an easy task and the only struggle I can really see for myself in the future is just the shear amount of options available. Thankfully word has many auto format options for tables that takes all of the tedious work out of sizing, coloring, and formatting your table. Other feature I did not know about that I may find very useful in the future are the ability to create nesting tables also to provide even more detailed figures in a table. I also love the ability to add a chart if you table included data figures as this really gives a visual example to the reader instead of them just sifting through a bunch of numbers.

VI. Respond to Discussion 150 words minimum

Once a table has been created in Word you are able to use formulas to perform various calculations based upon the data you are putting together. To be completely honest before this week I had never used this function. I am a huge Excel nerd and that has always been my go to when working with tables and charts. From compiling numbers to making staff contact lists and so much more. I have enjoying learning about all you can accomplish within tables with Word. The main difference that stands out to me is the way in which you enter formulas. In excel as long as you know the formula you are using to perform calculations you can type it directly in the cell and hit enter. With word you have to go to the layout tab and use the formula dialog box to type the formula that you need to use.

An advantage of using tables in Word that an organization may find beneficial would be seen when putting together a report that requires data to back up your point. With Word you can easily work on your main document, insert a table showing data supporting your research and then continue on without having to reformat something you have cut and pasted out of another program.

I struggled with working with formulas for the first time and had to find a cheat sheet of the available formulas that can be used in order to play with that function on Word. I have to be completely honest, with my job and the tasks I have to complete Excel will always be my go to for tables. I do look forward to creating tables and converting them into charts all in the same document.

VII. Respond to discussion 100 words minimum

Question - you mentioned the various protocols for VPN. Consider L2TP and IPsec. What exactly would prompt use of one protocol over the other? Provide 1-2 examples so we can follow along with your explanation.

VIII. Respond to discussion 100 words minimum

I really enjoyed reading you post especially the part where hackers are identified as using VPNs to hide their activities. It brings up questions about how secure your VPNs actually are and should a company choose to implement and manage their own VPN or pay a company to provide the service. Lots of people pay for VPN access without ever knowing what they are using. In addition should extra precaution be taken to secure access to a VPN, like using an RSA token as an layer of security required to access the network remotely? If so what is the most effective way to secure the system? For example the company i work for is located in the United States and I am overseas and to access my companies network I must have a user name, password and token ID the is a mixture of a password and six digit code form my RSA token. The code on my token changes every few minutes and if after three failed logins the service is disabled and I must contact a system administrator.

IX. Respond to discussion 100 words minimum.

Users are confident when using a Local Area Network. Typically, people feel more secure in the confines of their own network. When users information travels outside of that Local Area Network (LAN) there can be cause for concern. Once your IP packets hit the public Internet then you are truly vulnerable to possible collection. By using a virtual privatized network (VPN) to help keep the data being sent over a public infrastructure safe. This is accomplished by encapsulating the actual IP packet with encryption as it travels across the public infrastructure (Networking 2012). It is essential that the initiator and terminator of a VPN use the same encryption. With out the valid key exchange there in no way that the person receiving the data will actually be able to read it (Steike 1998).

A VPN in itself is quite a broad term and there are several tunneling protocols that are used when performing encryption on a VPN. These include Point-to-Point Tunneling Protocol (PPTP), Layer 2 Tunneling Protocol (L2TP), IP Security (IPsec) (Networking 2012). These protocols were created by different vendors (ex: Microsoft or Cisco) for different purposes (Steinke 1998). They often can function at different layers of the OSI Model.

Lesson 3: Networking and the Internet (2012). In Local Area Networks - Student Guide(Vol. 7.0, pp. 3-1 - 3-22). Certification Partners.
Steinke, S. (1998). LAN-to-LAN VPNs: Secure enough? Network Magazine, 13(9), 44-49. Retrieved from

X. Respond to Discussion 100 Words minimum.

Virtual Private Networks (VPN) are a great solution for business's to be able to have employee's work from home or abroad. A VPN is used when you need to access a private network while traveling across the public internet system. "A virtual private network (VPN) is a configuration that allows secure communication across long distances, using the Internet as the backbone for communications instead of using a dial-up connection over a public carrier's lines" (CertPRESS, 2012). A VPN is typically used in the client to server method. VPN's use an encrypted tunnel to send all the data across the open internet from the client to the server. Most client boxes have software installed on them that has the user authenticate with the server before the connection is allowed. In the military we use Juniper SSL VPN software which I believe has 256 bit encryption. Once you are authenticated and connected to the server you can work just as if you were sitting in your office. The use of VPN's is becoming more widely used with business's trying to cut cost on rent and utilities because it allows some if not all of their employees to work from home.

There are some cons to using VPN's such as designing and implementing them. They can be very complex and require a person with a lot of skill and understanding to create the best type of VPN for your business. Another big issue with the use of VPN's is when wireless devices or connections come into play. These types of connections require added layers of security or solutions to ensure the safety of your network. If your VPN is controlled and run by your ISP then you are at their mercy so it is extremely important when selecting an ISP if you are going to use them as a VPN provider. "Any solution that relies on higher-level encryption has the potential to break when users roam across access points" (Edwards, 2016).


Edwards, J. (2016, July 20). VPN: The Pros and Cons - IT Security. Retrieved July 20, 2016, from

CertPRESS (2012) Lesson 3: Networking and the Internet. In Local Area Networks - Student Guide (Vol. 7.0, pp. 3-1 - 3-22). Certification Partners.

XI. Assignment: Flowchart Solution


Create a FLOWCHART for each problem!

Use the information below to a flowchart (using flowchart symbols to illustrate how you would program) to solve each problem. You may use Microsoft PowerPoint for your flowchart.

1. Problem 1: Build a flowchart to solve a simple payroll calculation. Find the amount of pay given, hours worked, and hourly rate. (The formula to calculate payroll is pay = hourly rate * hours worked.) Use these values to test the calculation: (hours = 30 and rate = 8.52) and (hours = 53 and rate = 11.54). Display hourly rate, hours worked, and pay.

2. Problem 2: Build a program that will calculate the average miles per gallon obtained on a trip. Input the amount of gas used and the number of miles driven. (The formula to calculate miles per gallon is miles per gallon = number of miles driven / amount of gas used. ) Use these values to test the calculation: (number of miles driven = 298) and (amount of gas used = 12.17). Display number of miles driven, amount of gas used, and average miles per gallon.

For this assignment, please write a well-formulated paragraph on the theoretical perspective you think is the most prominent for each of the 3 leaders identified below. I have provided links to relevant information on each person. Don't be surprised if you find information that reflects each of the three mainstream theoretical perspectives for each person. What you're looking for is the theory that is the most prominent. Which one stands out the most and why? Be sure to demonstrate your understanding of the theoretical perspectives and to include specific evidence (e.g. words and/or actions of the leader) to support your analysis in each paragraph. To organize your thoughts, I recommend using the MEAL plan (MEAL plan will be attached).

Materials for President Putin:

Materials for President Obama:

Materials for President Rouhani:

Each of the three paragraphs should be a minimum of 250 words long and quotes should make up no more than 10% of your submission. Please exclusively use the course materials and the sources provided specifically for this assignment.

Please be sure to put quotation marks around material copied word-for-word from another source and to cite the source. Also, be sure to cite paraphrased information. Please use the Turabian citation style. For examples, please see the Turabian Quick Guide located under the resources link.

Please use 12 pitch, Times New Roman font and 1 inch margins. Please include your last name in the filename and upload your work as a .doc or .docx file.

Reference no: EM131144023

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