Budget for integrated marketing communications options

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Reference no: EM132259851

1. Regarding setting the budget for integrated marketing communications options:

- all-you-can-afford approaches involve setting objectives and then specifying tasks needed to achieve them.

- incremental technique tries to set budgets based on other firms’ decisions.

- competitive budgeting establishes the same budget year after year.

- percentage-of-sales methods tend to ignore the promotion-causes-sales relationship.

2. Many advertisements work primarily through recognition which means

- that the ad is top of mind and can be easily remembered.

- that you remember the ad when you see it again or are reminded of it.

- that you immediately know what the ad is about.

- that the ad has won many awards.

3. What the most important ways that integrated marketing communications (IMC) builds loyalty relationships?

- by helping to reinforce the choices suggested by each communications option.

- by persuading consumers that they should build a relationship with the organization.

- by giving loyalty coupons to repeat users.

- by communicating to customers that it is better to be loyal than to be a brand switcher.

4. Which is wrong about the various types of advertising objectives:

- persuasive advertising is used to gain brand preference.

- informative advertising is done to introduce new products.

- institutional advertising is used mainly by nonbusiness organizations.

- reminder advertising is often utilized by established brands.

5. With respect to advertising media choices:

- newspapers are the best for reaching specific socioeconomic groups.

- magazines allow sellers to reach small, prestige markets.

- direct mail is hard to control and difficult to get to selected target markets.

- radio makes changing messages quite difficult.

6. Which is NOT true about public relations?

- With the growth of the Internet, PR is quickly losing its impact.

- Consumers have become increasing skeptical of marketing claims made in conventional media.

- Media coverage generated by PR is seen as more credible than paid advertising.

- PR has become increasingly important as costs of other forms of marketing communications continue to increase.

7. The advantages of advertising over personal selling include:

- lower cost to expose a thousand prospects to the message.

- greater opportunity to tailor the message to the interested prospect.

- easier to keep the consumer from “tuning out” the message.

- more freedom to try persuasive techniques on the prospect.

8. With regard to the personal selling process:

- the approach is correctly illustrated by this introduction: “Hey, baby, that’s a sexy dress you’re wearing.”

- closing a sale should be attempted only after all the customer’s questions and objections have been handled satisfactorily.

- the sales presentation step is relatively unimportant when selling complicated, expensive products.

- the follow-up step is particularly important in the selling of complex products in competitive markets.

9. Which is wrong about personal selling strategies:

- technological advances have the sales job more complex than every before.

- “salespersons” are often technical experts, e.g., engineers, pharmacists, etc., not just old-fashioned salespeople.

- personal selling has become more routinized, i.e., more regular calls on purchasing agents.

- sales teams are becoming increasingly popular.

10. Personal selling likely to be most important when:

- the distribution network is well established (as opposed to poorly established).

- prices are negotiable (instead of fixed list prices) because of industry competition.

- the product is simple (as opposed to complex), requiring no demonstration.

- the target market is composed of thousands of small customers (as opposed to 50 large customers).

11. Which activity is NOT typical for a sales assistant?

- call ahead and confirm appointments

- determine price points

- complete administrative tasks

- follow up on deliveries

12. An advantage of the straight commission compensation plan is that it:

- minimizes fluctuations in salesperson’ earnings.

- stimulates missionary selling, i.e., seeking out new customers.

- reduces the cost of selling as a percentage of net sales.

- encourages the salesperson to sell aggressively.

13. Marketers of which of the following types of products would likely find it most challenging to attract visitors to a brand or marketing Web site?

- writing tools

- financial services

- computers

- stereo equipment

14. Global marketing differs from domestic marketing in that:

- the overall risk will be less in international markets than in a domestic market.

- promotion is usually easier to implement in most international markets.

- pricing in international markets is simpler because global market prices fluctuate less than prices within one country.

- institutions and personal values in global markets usually differ from domestic ones.

15. Which is WRONG with regard to global marketing:

- global companies use resources gained in one country to fight competitive battles in other countries.

- by making products in several countries, a firm can avoid costly import and export barriers.

- strategic alliances are the best way to overcome differences in country culture and organizational style.

- direct investment in a country results in better relationships with government and customers than does exporting.

16. Which is WRONG about international marketing:

- low unemployment and low inflation are attractive economic characteristics.

- well-developed countries account for 90% of the world’s population growth.

- products can be in different life cycle stages in different countries.

- transportation costs can be a barrier for small firms trying to enter foreign markets.

17. Which is WRONG about strategic alliances:

- strategic alliances can assist a company in overcoming trade barriers.

- in order for the alliance to persist, each partner must continue to see value in the relationship.

- successful alliances generally involve partners of about the same financial size.

- a strategic alliance can help to overcome absent key success factors in markets.

18. Marketers considering operations and trade with a specific country must consider whether the country is a trading bloc. A trading bloc is a group of countries:

- which have established a formal agreement to manage trade activities.

- using the same currency.

- which have similar cultural shopping patterns.

- which have similar political views.

19. Which is an advantage created by the adoption of the euro?

- Countries outside of Europe no longer face trade obstacles within Europe.

- A homogeneous European market has been created.

- It has decreased the annual combined GDP.

- European countries with previously weak currencies are more attractive markets.

20. Which is NOT a benefit of standardized global advertising?

- lower advertising costs

- greater global advertising coordination

- higher appeal to varying demographics

- consistent worldwide image

21. Which is WRONG with regard to global strategy:

- companies may experience manufacturing scale economies by expanding into additional global markets.

- global competitors can subsidize aggressive tactics in one country because of large cash flows in others.

- strategic business units may be integrated to respond to the investment needed to succeed globally.

- a low-cost manufacturing advantage can be expected to last for a decade or more.

22. Which is a DISADVANTAGE of licensing?

- The licensing company gains entry into a foreign market at a high risk.

- It takes a lot of time for the licensee to gain production expertise and name.

- Licensing is a complex way for a manufacturer to enter international marketing.

- The licensor potentially creates a competitor in the form of the licensee.

Reference no: EM132259851

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