BUAN6340 Programming for Data Science Assignment

Assignment Help Python Programming
Reference no: EM132467951

BUAN6340 - Programming for Data Science - The University of Texas at Dallas

Part 1. General Least Squares:
Suppose we are estimating a linear model:

y = Xβ + e

However instead of the V ar(e) = σ2In, we know that V ar(e) = Σ. Derive the optimal OLS estimator given this condition. That is, minimize erΣ-1e and obtain the optimal estimator. It may be helpful to take the square root Σ, i.e., Σ = Σ1/2Σ1/2.


Part 2. OLS estimation of AR(1):

Consider the following AR(1) model:

xt = α + ρxt-1 + et

Generate data from this model. Then estimate the model using ordinary least squares. The estimated ρˆ that you will find will be biased. Write a simulation to study this bias. See if you can find the functional form of the bias via simulation.

Reference no: EM132467951

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BUAN6340 Programming for Data Science Assignment : BUAN6340 Programming for Data Science Assignment Help and Solution, The University of Texas at Dallas - Assessment Writing Service
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