Reference no: EM132512901
Course - BSB51918 Diploma of Leadership and Management
BSBWOR502 - Lead and Manage Team Effectiveness Assignment - Australian Centre of Further Education, Australia
Assessment Task 1 - Questions
Purpose - To demonstrate the skills and knowledge required for BSBWOR502 - Lead and manage team effectiveness.
Task overview - You are required to complete 16 questions.
Question 1a: Briefly describe how you would consult team members to establish a common understanding of team purpose, roles, responsibilities and accountabilities in accordance with organisational goals, plans and objectives? Answer must be no fewer than 25 words.
Question 1a: Briefly describe how you would consult team members to establish a common understanding of team purpose, roles, responsibilities and accountabilities in accordance with organisational goals, plans and objectives? Answer must be no fewer than 25 words.
Question 2a: List and identify six (6) key elements of a good performance plan.
Question 2b: Briefly describe two strategies that you could use a performance plan to establish expected outcomes and facilitate the achievement of common goals of a team. Answer must be no fewer than 25 words.
Question 3: What would you do to support your team members when you identify performance gap which may result in not being able to meet the expected performance outcomes?
Question 4: Describe two (2) strategies that you could use to support team cohesion, participation (such as, participating and contributing in planning, decision making and operational aspects of work team) and performance.
Question 5: Give two (2) reasons that why policies and procedures can encourage team members to take responsibility for their own work.
Question 6a: Explain three (3) ways that feedback can improve team morale and elevate performance
Question 6b: Outline four (4) characteristics of effective feedback.
Question 7a Describe the following five (5) conflict resolution styles a team leader could adopt when dealing with conflict situations. An example has been given to you to guide you complete the following table (attached).
Question 7b Explain how the following two (2) strategies can be used for issue resolution.
Question 8: Explain three (3) ways you would encourage team members to participate in and take responsibility for team activities, including communication processes.
Question 9: Explain how you use the following two (2) strategies to support the team in identifying and resolving work performance problems.
Question 10: The following role model qualities in a manager are some of those qualities that are generally considered to be able to help the manager to build a cohesive team and enhance the organisation's image for all stakeholders. Complete the following table. An example has been given to you.
Question 11: Explain what kind of approach you would adopt to establish and maintain open communication processes with all stakeholders. Answer must be no fewer than 25 words.
Question 12a: Explain two (2) strategies that can be used to improve communication between management and team members.
Question 12b: Describe the way you would use to communicate information from your line manager to your team. No fewer than 25 words.
Question 13: When issues, concerns and problems raised by team members cannot be resolved, it is important to communicate and follow up with management or other relevant stakeholders. Explain why. Answer must be no fewer than 25 words.
Question 14: Outline a process to follow for evaluating and taking corrective action regarding problems raised by internal and external stakeholders.
Question 15: Explain how group dynamics can support or hinder team performance. Answer must be no fewer than 50 words.
Question 16: Explain strategies for gaining consensus. Answer must be no fewer than 50 words
Assessment Task 2 - Project (Scenario)
Purpose - To demonstrate the skills and knowledge required for BSBWOR502 - Lead and manage team effectiveness.
Task overview - You are required to complete a scenario based project and prepare a set of documents accordingly.
Project Scenario - In order to meet the business plan goals, ABC Company decided to improve team effectiveness at the retail outlet level. You are recently promoted to be the outlet manager at Melbourne CBD, and has to manage the team of 8 sales assistants at the outlet. You are required to go through a process of documenting the approaches, methods, strategies and plans that you will use in effectively leading and managing your team.
You will need to access ABC Company's policies and documents (specified in section "Resources Required" below. You are required to complete the following tasks by compiling your responses to each task in a report.
1. Prepare a performance plan to establish the expected outcomes, outputs, key performance indicators (KPIs) and goals for your team. The plan must also incorporate the feedback from customers and team members. You can use the Performance Plan Template (Attachment 2)
2. Outline what strategies you will use to support Jane and Tim in meeting expected performance outcomes. These strategies should address any formal and informal learning requirements.
3. Outline the strategies you will use to ensure team members have an input into the planning, decision-making and operational aspects of their work.
4. ABC Company currently has no policies or procedures that outline how the organisation supports or implements processes to develop and facilitate team cohesion, or to allow team members to take responsibility for their own work or assist others to perform required roles and responsibilities.
Prepare a draft policy and set of procedures that would achieve this.
5. Outline the process that you would use to ensure that issues, concerns and problems identified by team members are recognised and addressed.
6. Outline how you will facilitate a two-way flow of information on team performance issues between your team and senior management
7. Upon the complaints from customers that after sales phone calls were not dealt with appropriately by the sales staff, what would you do to evaluate and solve these issues?
You must complete the project unassisted by the assessor or other personnel, but may refer to reference material as needed. You are required to address all the tasks and meet all the requirements in each task in order to be deemed satisfactory for this project.
Attachment:- Lead and Manage Team Effectiveness Assignment File.rar