BSBSTR602 Develop organisational strategies Assignment

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Reference no: EM133039152

BSBSTR602 Develop organisational strategies - Greenwich Management College

Task 1 - Knowledge Questionnaire

Question 1

Outline five (5) legislation, regulations and/or codes of practice that may be relevant to an organisation's strategic plan.

Question 2

Define an organisation's strategic direction, vision and mission. Provide an example of each.

Question 3

Explain how to conduct the capability assessment of an organisation. Mention two (2) methods to conduct capability assessment in your answer.

Question 4

Explain what a SWOT analysis is and its use in strategic planning.
Provide two (2) examples of strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats in your answers.

Question 5

Explain what a PEST analysis is and its use in strategic planning.
In your answer, provide two (2) examples of the PEST components, political, economic, social, and technological factors.

Question 6

Research and provide a brief description of the following strategic planning methodologies:

Balance scorecard
Competitive analysis
Force field analysis

Question 7

Explain the role of cost-benefit analysis in strategic planning and how it can be performed. Mention two (2) cost-benefit analysis methods in your answer.

Question 8
Outline the value of cooperative ventures in strategic planning-mention three (3) types of cooperative ventures in your answer, including their key features.

Question 9

Outline why due diligence is key to effective strategic planning. Describe three (3) key features of the due diligence process in your answer.

Question 10

Assume that you work for Vodafone Australia. Identify two (2) strengths and two (2) weaknesses of two (2) potential competitors.

Question 11

Identify internal and external sources of information to gather data and information on:
• The organisation's market
• Competitors
• Customers base
• Vision, values and capabilities of the organisation

Question 12

Describes three (3) techniques for developing organisational values.

Question 13

Give three (3) practical examples of risks and risk management strategies relevant to strategic planning (with one of them related to intellectual rights and responsibilities).

BSBSTR602 Develop organisational strategies

Task 2 - Develop a strategic plan

You are a Business Development Manager, recently employed by ABC Contact Services Pty Ltd (Refer to Appendix 1).

The Managing CEO of the company asked you to:
• Perform an internal and external business environment analysis
• Review the vision, mission and values of the company for relevancy and currency
• Develop a strategic plan to support the achievement of strategic objectives
• Assist with the implementation of the strategic plan

This task will focus on planning.

You will have to:
• Develop a Business Review Report
• Develop a Strategic Plan
• Consult with relevant stakeholders

It has been designed to evaluate your ability to/competency in:

• Identify the organisation's strategic direction, vision and mission
• Consult with relevant stakeholders on required changes to vision and mission
• Review and develop or revise organisational values to support the vision and mission statement
• Seek support for strategic planning process from all relevant stakeholders
• Analyse and undertake research to understand the external environment
• Undertake political, economic, social, and technological (PEST) analysis
• Undertake capability assessment of competitor organisations
• Analyse organisation's strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats (SWOT)
• Establish cooperative ventures that are supported by risk and cost-benefit analysis, according to organisational vision, mission and values and provide for due diligence, where required
• Seek and respond to feedback from relevant stakeholders on analysis of internal and external environments
• Document relevant research and background for inclusion in the strategic plan
• Develop objectives and strategies relevant for the future
• Detail each strategy with a priority, a timeframe, responsible stakeholders and measurable performance indicators
• Identify risks and develop a risk management plan
• Circulate strategic plan and risk management plan for feedback and endorsement
• Communicate the strategic plan to all relevant stakeholders
• Develop actions and initiatives for team members to undertake
• Assign team members' roles in relation to strategic objectives

Your assessor will be looking for demonstrated evidence of your competency in the above.

You are required to address the following:
• Task 2.1 Confirm organisational vision and mission
o Attend a briefing session in simulated work conditions to review strategic planning needs and obtain approval to start the strategic planning process.
• Task 2.2 Analyse the internal and external environment
o Develop a business environment report
o Consult with stakeholders about the report
• Task 2.3 Write a strategic plan
o Develop a strategic plan
o Review the strategic plan with pertinent stakeholders
o Circulate the strategic plan for endorsement

Complete the following activities:

You are a Business Development Manager, recently employed by ABC Contact Services Pty Ltd (Refer to Appendix 1).
The Managing CEO of the company asked you to:
• Perform an internal and external business environment analysis
• Review the vision, mission and values of the company for relevancy and currency
• Develop a strategic plan to support the achievement of strategic objectives
• Assist with the implementation of the strategic plan
This task will focus on planning.

Task 2.1 Confirm vision and mission of the organisation

Read Appendix 1 and:
• Make yourself familiar with ABC Contact Centre Services Ltd (ABC)
• Pay particular attention to their mission, vision and values
• Review the strategic objectives
Attend a briefing session with the trainer and assessor in week 1 of class. The trainer and assessor will play the role of the CEO at ABC Contact Centre Services Ltd (refer to Appendix 1).
This session has been designed to:
• Provide you with an overview of the Case Study, ABC Contact Centre Services Ltd (ABC).
• Ask questions about the company and Case Study.
• Check with the CEO if the organisational vision and mission are still current and supported.
• Make any changes or refinements to vision and mission as required.
• Review, refine and/or develop organisational values to support the vision and mission statement.
• Gain support for the strategic planning process from the CEO.
During the session:
• Ask questions to clarify the requirements and the strategic directions of the company.
• Confirm if the mission and vision are still valued or require updating.
• Review the mission and vision in consultation with the CEO.
• Discuss the organisational values and consider if they would support the vision and mission statements.
• Consult with the CEO to confirm any update to organisational values.
• Clarify the company's strategic direction and objectives.
• Obtain approval from the CEO to proceed with the strategic planning process.
Duration: 45 minutes
The trainer and assessor will validate your participation in the briefing session and provide feedback in the marking sheet.
In their role as CEO, the trainer and assessor will provide approval to proceed with the strategic planning process and document the approval in the marking sheet.
If you are absent from class, it is your responsibility to make alternative arrangements with the trainer and assessor to attend a briefing session in the simulated work environment.

Task 2.2 Analyse the internal and external environment

Develop a business environment report (Template 1):
• Determine information requirements and undertake research to deliver relevant information
• Analyse political, economic, social, and technological developments in a global context
• Identify and consider the strengths and weaknesses of existing and potential competitors and allies
• Analyse organisation's strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats
• Consider cooperative ventures that are supported by risk and cost-benefit analysis, are consistent with the organisational vision, mission and values and provide for due diligence
• Document relevant research and background for inclusion in the strategic plan
• Seek advice from appropriate experts andcheck that internal and external environment analysis is consistent with the perspectives of other informed people. Consult with the CEO (trainer and assessor) as needed during the research and analysis process.The trainer and assessor will confirm that consultation occurred on the marking sheet.
• Review the report in consultation with stakeholders.

Template 1 -Business environment report
Develop a stakeholder matrix where you identify and briefly assess the internal and external stakeholder groups or individuals that can contribute to the strategic planning process.
This includes stakeholders who can provide essential information to inform the plan, such as experts in specific fields.
(8-10 stakeholders)
Note: Saying that the stakeholder is high in power or low in interest, for example, is not enough; you must briefly describe why.

Data and information gathering
Provide a list of the data and information needed to develop the strategic plan. For each one, identify the source of information (internal and/or external).

PESTLE Analysis
Conduct a PESTLE analysis and provide a summary of your analysis. Keep national focus, but also consider trends and issues at a global level when relevant, for example, global technological trends or how international politics affect the country)).
Include two/three points of analysis for each PESTLE category. Be specific (for example, do not just mention tax policy under economic, specify what tax policy you refer to).

VRIO Analysis
Complete a VRIO analysis.
For each factor of the VRIO analysis, provide an evaluation of the competitive advantage and justify your evaluation. (30-50 words/factor).

Analysis of the Five Forces of Competition - Overview

Conduct the five forces of competition analysis and summarise the outcome of your analysis in the table below (100-150 words in total).

Competitive Analysis - Overview
The competitive analysis gives you an in-depth understanding of how your competitors operate and their strengths and weaknesses.
A simple way to develop a competitive matrix is to:
1. Define key competitive factors/dimensions (such as price, location or current market share) that are relevant to your business. (4-6 factors).
2. Assign a value of 1-5 (where 5 is assigned for best performance and 1 for the worst) for each factor to determine how the company rates in the competitive environment:
1- Poor; 2 - Weak; 3 - Good; 4 - Very good; 5 - Excellent.
Conduct a competitive analysis for three (3) competitors against the business on each dimension.
Evaluate the outcome of competitive analysis. Evaluating the competitive matrix will give you a good insight into what the company can improve to better compete in the marketplace. (50-100 words)

Internal environment analysis

Analyse the internal business environment to cover the following:
- Financial situation-overview.
- Voice of the Customers (Feedback/Reviews from customers).
- Operational issues and best practices.
- Objectives, strategies and priorities.
- A list of legislative and regulatory requirements, including how they affect the business.
- Any other essential factor that you would like to mention
(100-150 words)

SWOT Analysis
Conduct a SWOT analysis and summarise the outcome of your analysis in the table provided below. The SWOT builds on the analysis undertaken for the internal and external business environment in this report. Identify 4-6 factors/SWOT section.

B. Review
Attend a review session with pertinent stakeholders, played by 2-3 classmates in simulated work conditions, in week 3 of class.
This session has been designed to:
• Seek advice from pertinent stakeholders who can provide advice and feedback in simulated work conditions)
• Check that the internal and external environment analysis conducted to develop Task 2.2A is consistent with stakeholders expectations and knowledge.
During the session:
• Discuss the findings of your report with the pertinent stakeholders
• Gather feedback and insights from different perspectives
• Seek advice if appropriate
The trainer and assessor will validate your participation in the review session and provide feedback on the marking sheet.

Task 2.3 Write a strategic plan

A. Strategic Plan
Write a strategic plan informed by the Case Study (Appendix 1), the meetings with the CEO and relevant stakeholders, and the business environment report.

Business overview
Address all the following:
a) Provide a brief description of the company structure, ownership and add an organisational chart
b) Include the updated vision, mission and value statements
c) Provide a brief description of:
• The industry the company operates in
• The market (size, trends, geographical area, business model: B2C, B2B...)
d) List and briefly describe the product and/or services offered by the company
e) List the core competency of the company
f) Provide a brief description (profile) of the key customer segments targeted by the company
g) Outline the company's performance (how are they doing? Are they successful? Are they expanding?)
h) List the current key objectives, strategies and priorities of the company.
(200-300 words)

Legislation and regulation
List the legislation and regulations (6-8) that are relevant to the company and the industry and market it operates in.

Business Environment Analysis - Overview
This section provides a summary of the Business Environment Report developed in Task 2.2A.
Report your key findings, make sure to include the recommended strategic/cooperative alliance that you identified in your Business Environment Report.
(80-150 words)

Strategic priorities and aspirational goals
Address the following:
a) What are 2-3 aspirational goals that the organisation wants to achieve?
Note: here, do not rely just on the Case Study; think about your work so far. Would you suggest some new aspirational goals? Would you adjust the existing ones?
b) What are the strategic priorities of the company? Consider, in particular, the corporate level.
Note: here, do not rely just on the Case Study; think about your work so far. What priorities would you suggest? In what order?
c) Determine and recommenda generic competitive strategy (Hint: five generic competitive strategies) and justify your recommendation.
d) What are 2-3 business areas that the company should focus on to support the generic competitive strategy of choice? (Hint: consider conducting a value chain analysis - optional)
e) How do the strategic priorities and the generic competitive strategy support the company in achieving its vision and aspirational goals?

Strategic goals and objectives
Formulate three strategic goals that the company should achieve in the next three to five years. List them in order of priority.
Remember: goals are the outcome you intend to achieve, whereas objectives are the actions that help you achieve a goal. Alignment and order: Goals are set to accomplish the mission of an organisation or individual, while objectives are set to accomplish goals.
For each strategic goal:
• Determine 2 key objectives to be achieved (SMART objectives) for each strategic goal.
• Determine 2 KPIs for each strategic objective. (KPIs are about how the objectives will be evaluated and measured)
• Determine expected completion time or date (when the strategic goals will be achieved. You can either give a timeframe, for example, 2 years, or a specific date)
• Identify 2 key risks associated with each strategic goal.

Risks Analysis
Assess each risk identified against the strategic goals in the section above.
Develop a risk management response for each risk. Note: just mentioning that risk should be treated, for example, is not enough. You must include a brief description of the risk management strategy, for example: how the risk will be mitigated)

Cost-Benefit Analysis
Perform a high-level cost-benefit analysis for each strategic goal that you have identified.

Implementation - Action Plan
Identify three to five key activities that must be implemented to achieve each strategic goal.
For each activity:
• Assign clear roles and responsibilities (to internal or external stakeholders, for example, you might want to engage an external digital marketing agency)
• Identify 1 KPI/activity
• Indicate the timeline for completion (date or timeframe)

Implementation - Financial Resources
Address the following:
a) Estimate the total costs to implement the action plan
b) Allocated budget (if any from the Board of Directors, for example, or formulated based on the requirements of this strategic plan)
c) Sources of finance (internal and external to the company, for example, a bank loan to supplement funding from the business)
d) Cost-saving in current business operations that could support the strategic plan (optional)
(50-100 words)

Implementation -Human Resources
Determine the human resources needs to implement the strategic plan: quantity, skills and capabilities.
Consider if the company needs additional resources, including outsourcing some tasks.
5-6 human resources (groups or individuals).

Implementation -Physical Resources
Identify and list the physical resources needed to implement the strategic plan. This may include, for example, technology, facilities, equipment, office space.
5-6 physical resources (including quantity if relevant).

Implementation -Cooperative Alliances
Outline how the cooperative/strategic alliance you recommended in your Business Environment Report will be initiated and established.
(50-100 words)

Monitoring and Reporting
Develop a high-level strategy for monitoring, reporting and evaluating the implementation of the strategic plan.
(80-100 words)

B. Review
Circulate the strategic plan for comment, support and endorsement:
• Schedule a time with the trainer and assessor in week 4 of class.
• Ask two of your classmates to play the role of pertinent stakeholders in the organisation and review your strategic plan in simulated work conditions.
• The review will be in a meeting setting where you will present/illustrate the strategic plan developed in Task 2.3A.
o Presentation time (when you illustrate the plan and engage with the stakeholders) is 20 minutes.
o The feedback time to complete the feedback form is 10 minutes.
• Present/Illustrate your plan (sharing your screen in a zoom meeting or showing the plan from your laptop, for example)
• Your classmates will play the role of pertinent stakeholders in the organisation, and they will listen to your presentation, ask for further information and provide feedback.
• Provide the stakeholders with the feedback form (Template 3)before the soft or hard copy presentation
• Ask your classmates to complete the feedback report, sign and date fully. Remind them that they have to decide whether to endorse the strategic plan (to be noted in the feedback form).
• Provide evidence that the feedback reports were completed: for example, attach a scanned copy of the two forms to your submission.
• Take the feedback received into consideration and finalise the strategic plan in Task 2.3A before submission.

C. Communication

Write an email (Template 4) to relevant parties (based on your stakeholder analysis) and brief them about the strategic plan:

• Outline the content of the plan
• Attach the strategic plan to the email
The text of the email should be in grammatically correct English, written in an appropriate (polite, business-like) style.

Assessment Task 3 - Develop organisational strategies

Task - Implement the strategic organisational plan

You are a Business Development Manager, recently employed by ABC Contact Services Pty Ltd (Refer to Appendix 1 in Task 2).

The Managing CEO of the company asked you to:
• Perform an internal and external business environment analysis
• Review the vision, mission and values of the company for relevancy and currency
• Develop a strategic plan to support the achievement of strategic objectives
• Assist with the implementation of the strategic plan

This task will focus on the implementation and review of the strategic plan.

It has been designed to evaluate your ability to/competency in:

• Use performance indicators to monitor progress in implementing the plan and make refinements to plan
• Evaluate achievement of objectives at agreed milestones with relevant stakeholders
• Review effectiveness of the plan and consider methods for improving strategic planning processes

You are required to address the following:
• Task 3.1 Case Study
o Address the implementation and review of the strategic plan.

Complete the following activities:

Task 3.1 Case Study

You are implementing the strategic plan.
Assume that the following occurred (contextualise the scenarios based on your strategic plan when required):

Address the following:
1. Outline what monitoring activities were implemented to identify the issues outlined in the scenarios above.
Additionally, list the performance indicators that helped to identify the issues.

2. Address the following:
• Describe how each scenario impacts the realisation of the strategic plan.
• Outline how each scenario is addressed/managed.
3. Determine the changes/refinements that will be made to the strategic plan based on the scenarios.
4. Based on the scenario's impact on the strategic plan, evaluate the achievements of the strategic plan at the end of implementation (target Vs actual).
5. Develop a lessons learned report.
a) Consider the feedback below and the scenarios that occurred.

• Lack of project management knowledge across the organisation.
• Resistance to change from staff as they did not fully understand the reason/need for change.
• Delays in updating appropriate documents to align with changes.
• The marketing department failed to provide updated reports to the Board of Directors by due dates.
• Inconsistent communication approach across the organisation.
• The organisation showed resilience during challenging times.

b) Schedule a time with the trainer and assessor in week 5 of class. Meet with a classmate who will play the role of a pertinent stakeholder in the organisation.
This is a Role-Play
During the meeting (15 minutes):
• Illustrate how you managed the scenarios described in Task 3.1
• Review the target VS actual report
• Gather feedback on the effectiveness of the plan
• Ask for inputs into the lessons learned report (Template1)
The trainer and assessor will validate the meeting in the marking sheet and provide some feedback.
If you are absent from class, it is your responsibility to make alternative arrangements with the trainer and assessor to conduct the feedback session.
c) Develop a lessons learned report (Template 1), informed by your work in Task 3.1.5a and 3.1.5b.

Attachment:- Develop organisational strategies.rar

Reference no: EM133039152

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