Reference no: EM132668449
BSBPMG411 Apply project quality management techniques - Sydney Metro College
Assessment Task 1: Written Questions
Task summary
You need to answer all of the written questions correctly.
Your answers must be word processed and sent to the assessor as an email attachment.
Assessment Task 1 Instructions
Provide answers to all of the questions below:
1. Discuss the importance of implementing quality assurance processes and requirements. Provide at least two examples of quality assurance processes and requirements to support your answer.
2. Discuss the importance of implementing quality control processes and requirements. Provide at least two examples of quality control processes and requirements to support your answer.
3. Describe the key quality criteria as referenced in the quality standards in the ISO:9001:2008 Standards. In addition, explain why an organisation may choose to adopt these Standards.
4. Explain how Total Quality Management theory can be applied within an organisation.
5. Explain how the Six Sigma methodology can be applied within an organisation.
6. Describe the application of cause and effect diagrams for quality control.
7. Explain the application of cost benefit analysis to project quality.
8. Provide three examples of common project quality standards.
9. Explain the importance of quality standards as part of the project life cycle.
Assessment Task 2: Project quality planning
Carefully read the following:
Native Bush Spices Australia is based in Coffs Harbour, NSW. The business was established in 2010 to cater for a demand for Australian native food products. The company has organic certification. The company manufactures and retails a range of organic, Australian native foods including Native herbs and spices, Native herbal teas and Native fruit jams and conserves.
Currently the business is selling its products through a number of small supermarkets and health stores throughout Australia. The company also has a very basic website that includes four pages: Home, About Us, Products and Contact Details.
The company's overall business objectives for the next three years are to increase sales and create brand awareness, develop a broader product range, as well as expand into overseas markets, most likely Hong Kong, Japan and Singapore.
The company's target customers are those that enjoy gourmet foods.
The age range of Australian consumers buying products is between 35 and 65.
Most consumers are health conscious, care about protecting the environment and have an average annual income of $80,000.
The company currently employs the following staff in its head office: CEO, Operations Manager, Marketing Manager, Customer Service Officer and two administration staff. Ten staff are employed in the factory making and distributing the products.
It has been decided that a new website is needed as part of the marketing communications strategy. The new web site is seen as a critical part of the company's expansion strategy. You have been appointed as a Project Officer on this project to support the Project Manager.
As the new website is seen as a critical part of the company's expansion strategy, the Project Manager has stressed the importance of project quality and has tasked you to assist with managing quality within this project through assisting with determining quality requirements and then implementing quality processes.
The CEO has advised of a strict budget of $11,000 for this project, with no variances allowable. The budget is based on estimated costs.
A key aim is that customers are attracted to the web site and find it easy to use.
Timing is also an issue, as the web site should be ready by October to be ready for the Christmas season: assume that it is currently June.
The company has established procedures for project management, and these are documented in the Project Management Policy and procedures.
Complete the following activities:
1. Prepare for a meeting with the Project Manager
At the meeting, you will work with the Project Manager to create a Project Quality Management Plan for the website project. In order to prepare for the meeting, you are required to review the Website Project Quality Objectives and Standards Briefing Report prepared by the Project Manager that includes relevant information about quality.
Review also the Project Quality Management Plan Template, as you will be completing this following the meeting with the Project Manager.
The project quality management plan cannot be completed until after the meeting with the Project Manager but write some notes on what you think would be appropriate for each section based on the project authorisation form and project management policy and procedures. You will have the opportunity to discuss your notes at the meeting with the Project Manager.
2. Meet with the Project Manager (your assessor)
The objective of this meeting is to develop the Project Quality Management Plan.
This will involve discussing the items that could be included in the Project Quality Management Plan as set out in your notes.
You will discuss how these will be incorporated into the Project Quality Management Plan.
During the meeting, you will be required to demonstrate effective communication skills including:
• Speaking clearly and concisely
• Using non-verbal communication to assist with understanding
• Asking questions to identify required information
• Responding to questions as required
• Using active listening techniques to confirm understanding
3. Finalise Project Quality Management Plan
Use your notes and the information provided at the meeting to complete the Project Quality Management Plan.
Use the Project Quality Management Plan Template to guide your work.
4. Send an email to the Project Manager (your assessor).
The text of the email should be in grammatically correct English, written in an appropriate (polite, business-like) style.
It should introduce and summarise the contents of the attachments.
The email text should ask the Project Manager to agree to the final version of the Project Quality Management Plan.
Assessment Task 3: Project quality implementation and evaluation
Task summary
In this assessment task students are required to implement quality control and assurance procedures to ensure that the project is conducted to agreed quality standards and to determine the effectiveness of the quality management activities.
Complete the following activities:
1. Develop a Project Progress Report
Assume that the Project Manager has asked you to implement quality control processes according to agreed quality control processes and guidelines.
Review the following documents:
• Project Management Plan Summary
• Project Schedule
• Project Finances Report
• Interim Project Status Report
• Web site developer Report
Then develop a Project Progress Report on the implementation of project quality processes that addresses the following:
• Assessment of the extent to which the project processes to date meet the quality management plan developed.
• Assessment of the extent to which the web site is meeting the quality specifications documented in the quality management plan.
• Identify causes of variance to quality metrics and action to be taken to address recommendations.
Use the Project Progress Report Template to develop the report.
2. Send an email to the Project Manager
The text of the email should be in grammatically correct English, written in an appropriate (polite, business-like) style.
It should introduce and summarise the contents of the attachment and seek their feedback.
Attach your Project Progress Report to the email.
You have just received the following email:
Dear Website Project Team
I recently attended a marketing forum that included some content on effective web sites, which focussed on the inclusion of videos on web site. I found this to make the showcased website to be much more interesting and memorable. I would therefore like to incorporate this into our website development project. I have made some enquiries with the website developers how have assured me this is possible. This would involve an additional cost of $4,000, which I am giving permission to add to the existing budget.
Please complete the relevant documentation and forward it to me for signing off.
3. Apply quality policies and procedures
Based on the information above, determine the required process for actioning the request as set out in the Project Quality Management Plan.
Then complete the required documentation for submission to the Project Manager (assessor).
4. Write a project quality management evaluation report.
Review the interim and final project status reports for the project and assess the outcomes with regards to quality.
Write an evaluation report on the effectiveness of the quality processes and procedures that includes:
• Performance against all agreed quality objectives
• Performance against agreed quality standards
• Root cause analysis
Your report should also outline lessons learned, as well as recommendations for the future.
The report should be about 1 - 2 pages long.
5. Take a screen shot of your folder and files.
The final part of this assessment requires you to demonstrate that you can file all of your records in a logical structure.
Ensure that you have an overall folder for your work, as well as sub folders if necessary.
All of the documents you have submitted for this assessment task should be correctly named and filed.
The screen shot should show all the folders and documents.
6. Send an email to the CEO (your assessor).
The text of the email should be in grammatically correct English, written in an appropriate (polite, business-like) style.
It should introduce and summarise the contents of the attachment, pointing out that the report has been written and sent as part of the communication items set out in the Project Management Plan.
Attachment:- Apply project quality management techniques.rar