BSBMKG609 - Develop a Marketing Plan Assignment

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Reference no: EM132607185

BSBMKG609 - Develop a Marketing Plan Assignment - Newton College, Australia

Assessment Task 1: Written Questions

Provide answers to all of the questions below:

Q1. Outline how strategic alliances can provide options for marketing opportunities and include two examples of alliances (also known as cooperative business models) that can be formed between businesses.

Q2. Outline how the development of existing products or services can provide marketing opportunity options for a business, both in existing and new markets. Relate your answer to relevant diversification strategies from the Ansoff matrix.

Q3. Outline how a takeover can create options for marketing opportunities for a business.

Q4. Outline key information that a franchiser should consider providing when marketing their franchise opportunity.

Q5. Outline how a company can use the establishment of a new business as an opportunity for marketing. Provide an example to illustrate your answer.

Q6. Outline two other marketing opportunity options that a business could choose to pursue other than options explored in the questions above.

Q7. Explain the importance of the product life cycle concept in marketing. Name and explain each of its stages.

Q8. Explain the importance of considering the marketing mix when bringing products or services to the market.

Q9. As most businesses have the objective to sell as many products as possible, outline key factors that a company should consider in determining the product component of the marketing mix.

Q10. Outline the importance of the pricing strategy for a business and two types of pricing strategy that a company could use.

Q11. Outline two types of promotional strategies that a business could use.

Q12. Outline three common distribution strategies that can be used as part of the marketing mix.

Q13. Outline why a business may choose to use an undifferentiated marketing strategy.

Q14. Outline why a business may choose to use a concentrated marketing strategy.

Q15. Explain the process that a marketer can use to ensure that marketing strategies, approaches and the marketing mix align with an organisation's strategic objectives. Provide an example to illustrate your response.

Q16. Explain the process that a marketer can use to ensure that marketing strategies, approaches and the marketing mix meet legal and ethical requirements. Provide an example to illustrate your response.

Q17. Explain the process that a marketer can use to ensure that marketing strategies, approaches and the marketing mix are achievable for an organisation. Provide an example to illustrate your response.

Assessment Task 2: Marketing Plan Research Project

Complete the following activities:

1. Write a marketing plan briefing report.

Review the case study information and use the Internet to conduct research on trends and development in the cosmetics industry, potential new and emerging markets, competitors and any other relevant factors.

Based on your research and the review of the case study information, develop a SWOT and a PESTLE analysis that outlines all of the internal and external factors that will impact on the Marketing Plan.

Identify and evaluate least three potential marketing opportunities for NatureCare Products and that align with organisational objectives. The evaluation of each of the marketing opportunities that you identify should include the following:

- The fit with organisation's objectives as outlined in the scenario information.

- Risks of each of the marketing opportunities you have identified.

- Potential returns of each of the marketing opportunities. Returns can be identified in general terms, for example, greater market share.

Identify and report on feasible marketing strategies that can be implemented for the marketing opportunities you have identified, including strategies that:

- Address the four p's of the marketing mix in accordance with the organisation's marketing objectives, including desired positioning.

- Align with organisational strengths as described in the case study information.

- Are relevant to the three marketing opportunities you have identified.

- Are consistent with NatureCare Product's ability to implement such marketing strategies given the information provided in the case study.

2. Send an email to the CEO via email (your assessor) with your briefing report attached.

The text of the email should be written in grammatically correct English, in an appropriate (formal, business-like) tone.

It should seek feedback on the briefing report and request approval to develop the marketing plan based on the report.

Attach your briefing report to the email.

The CEO will respond to your email and briefing report, providing ideas for incorporation as required, and confirm approval to proceed to developing the marketing plan.

Assessment Task 3: Marketing Plan Development and Presentation Project

Complete the following activities:

1. Develop a Marketing Plan.

Use the information from your marketing plan briefing report from Assessment Task 2, and the Marketing Plan Template to develop the marketing plan. Notes in the Marketing Plan Template will assist you to structure the required information.

You should also ensure that you your marketing plan addresses any feedback given to you by your assessor at the end of Assessment Task 2.

You will be updating your marketing plan after discussing it with the CEO and senior management team after your presentation, so save this version of your plan as Draft Marketing Plan.

Print off three copies of your Draft Marketing Plan to provide to the CEO and senior management team.

2. Develop a PowerPoint presentation.

When you have completed your Marketing Plan, develop a PowerPoint presentation to assist in presenting the information from your Marketing Plan. Prepare a minimum of 15 slides that include visuals such as images, charts, graphs or tables.

The presentation must address each section of your Marketing Plan, as well as clearly describe:

- How the Marketing Plan meets organisational and marketing objectives

- The proposed strategic marketing mix and rationale for such

- Overall marketing approach and rationale for such

- Information that supports the choice of identified marketing strategies and tactics

You may include notes within your presentation program to assist you in presenting.

Save this file as Marketing Presentation.

3. Send an email to the CEO (your assessor).

The text of the email should be in grammatically correct English, written in an appropriate (polite, business-like) style.

It should introduce and summarise the contents of the attachment and ask them for the place, date and time of your presentation.

Attach your draft marketing plan and marketing presentation to the email.

4. Present your Marketing Plan.

Your assessor will roleplay the CEO and two other students will roleplay the senior management team (the Operations Manager and the Sales Manager).

Prior to commencing your presentation, ensure you provide a printed copy of your Draft Marketing Plan to the meeting attendees.

At the meeting, you will need to explain each part of the Marketing Plan and seek input and feedback.

During the meeting you will need to demonstrate effective communication skills including:

- Speaking clearly and concisely

- Using non-verbal communication to assist with understanding

- Asking questions to identify required information

- Responding to questions as required

- Using active listening techniques to confirm understanding

5. Update your Marketing Plan

Incorporate feedback provided by your assessor and the other students who attended your presentation.

Save this document as Updated Marketing Plan.

6. Send an email to the CEO (your assessor).

The text of the email should be in grammatically correct English, written in an appropriate (polite, business-like) style.

It should summarise the meeting and the contents of the attachment. The text should outline the changes that you have made to your marketing plan.

Attach your updated marketing plan to the email.

Attachment:- Develop a Marketing Plan Assignment File.rar

Reference no: EM132607185

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