Reference no: EM132409378
BSBMGT517 Manage Operational Plan Assignment - Australian Careers College, Australia
This unit describes the skills and knowledge required to develop and monitor implementation of the operational plan to provide efficient and effective workplace practices within the organisation's productivity and profitability plans.
Management at a strategic level requires systems and procedures to be developed and implemented to facilitate the organisation's operational plan.
This unit applies to individuals who manage the work of others and operate within the parameters of a broader strategic and/or business plan.
Assessment Task 1 -
This task requires you to research, analyse and document the resource requirements for your team to carry out its operational plan
Create a Word document and save it with the name BSBMGT517 Assessment 1.
Type your name in the header of the document and the date in the footer of the document.
Type the heading "Resource Requirements for Operational Plan"
Conduct the necessary research in relation to your own work team and its role in achieving the organisation's objectives, as outlined in your organisation's strategic or business plan.
Type the document using professional language and correct grammar and spelling, in the following structure.
The Organisation - Describe your organisation and the products / services it provides.
Research the organisation's 5 year vision and mission. State the methods you used in order to research the 5 year vision. [This will require you to read any strategic documentation for the organisation and also consult with personnel who have a role in strategic planning within your organisation.] Summarise the results of your research.
The Team - Describe your own team and its role in contributing to the organisation's operations and objectives.
Describe the ways that your team can contribute to the organisation's future strategic directions.
Goods and services - Research the goods and services that your team needs to use, in order to be able to fulfil its role. Describe the research that you performed. [You may need to consult with resource managers in your organisation, or your team members.]
Identify the types of goods and what they are used for.
Identify the types of services the team needs to use (including services provided by other departments in the organisation).
Identify the source of each type of goods and services.
Human resources - Research the human resources that will be needed within your team in order to fulfil the organisation's 5 year strategic plan. Note that the current number and type of human resources may change over time. Describe how you researched this information.
Identify the current human resources within your team by job role. For each job role, identify the number of staff filling that role.
Research the current costs of employing personnel in each job role. [Note that this is confidential information with an organisation. You can use SEEK or another web site to research average wages.] Once you have established salary levels, you will need to add other costs such as workers compensation insurance, superannuation etc. You may need to consult with your organisation's HR personnel to assist in determining actual costs.
Physical resources - Research the physical resources (assets) that your team needs in order to fulfil its role. [Location can be omitted from this research.] Describe how you researched this information.
Consider equipment, tools and furniture.
Research the cost of replacing each item using the internet.
In a table, list each item, list the cost and the expected life cycle of the item in years (when it will need to be replaced).
In the last column of the table, divide the cost by the number of years in order to determine the annual cost of each physical resource.
Assessment Task 2 -
This task requires you to develop key performance indicators for your team's operational plan.
Create a Word document and save it with the name BSBMGT517 Assessment 2.
Type your name in the header of the document and the date in the footer of the document.
Type the heading "KPIs for Operational Plan".
Conduct the necessary research in relation to how you can measure whether your work team is achieving the organisation's objectives, as outlined in your organisation's strategic or business plan.
Type the document using professional language and correct grammar and spelling, in the following structure.
Key objectives of the team -
Refer back to Task 1 where you identified the ways that your team can contribute to the organisation's future strategic directions.
Identify 3 key outcomes for your team in terms of Critical Success Factors, using the following wording:
"In order to achieve the organisation's strategic goals, the team must ensure that ...."
Note: It is important to express the CSFs in terms of outcomes - not tasks.
Tasks - For each of the CSFs, identify the tasks or steps that must be performed.
SMART Analysis - For each of the CSFs, explain why they are Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic and Time-framed. If you discover that the CSF is not sufficiently SMART, then re-word it or re-think the CSF.
Key Performance Indicators - Design Key Performance Indicators for each of the CSFs using the following wording:
It is required that [state what must be achieved and a measurable target]
Achievement will be measured using the following data [state the information/data that you will gather and analyse in order to determine whether the target was reached]
Assessment Task 3 -
This task requires you to design a risk management action plan.
Create a Word document and save it with the name BSBMGT517 Assessment 3.
Type your name in the header of the document and the date in the footer of the document.
Type the heading "Risk Management Action Plan"
Conduct the necessary research in order to identify the business risks associated with implementing the operational plan for your team.
Type the document using professional language and correct grammar and spelling, in the following structure.
SWOT Analysis - Type the 3 Critical Success Factors for your team that you have identified.
Under these, draw up a SWOT analysis in relation to these 3 CSFs.
Document the internal strengths and weakness of your team, as they relate to the CSFs
Document the external opportunities and threats - considering other sections of your organisation as external, as well as factors external to the organisation.
Risk Identification - Identify 3 risks - either positive or negative - that relate to achieving the CSFs. (i.e. identify 3 risks in total - not 3 risks per CSF. Note that at least one of the risks must be negative.)
Describe the risks and why you think they may apply.
Risk Analysis and Assessment - For each of the 3 risks, identify the level of likelihood and severity and explain your reasons for the assessment.
Risk Prioritisation and Treatment - For each of the 3 risks, identify the risk priority.
State whether action needs to be taken to treat the risk and your reasons.
For those risks that you have identified as needing treatment (you must identify at least one), describe the actions that need to be taken to treat the risk.
Assessment Task 4 -
This task requires you to present your operational plan to the work team.
Create a PowerPoint presentation and save it with the name BSBMGT517 Assessment 4.
Type your name and the date on the first slide.
Type the heading "Team Operational Plan" as the title on Slide 2
Refer back to Assessment Tasks 1-3. When consolidated together, they are the basis for your operational plan.
Create PowerPoint slides that consolidate and communicate the plan, in a manner that your team will understand.
Ensure that the PowerPoint is sufficiently detailed to clearly communicate the requirements of your operational plan, so that your team will know what is expected of them, and why. This will require a significant number of slides. Assume that the presentation that you will give will be between 15 and 20 minutes.
Deliver your presentation to a group of colleagues, fellow trainees, friends/family.
Assessment Task 5 -
This task requires you to develop a recruitment checklist for a job role within your team.
Create a Word document and save it with the name BSBMGT517 Assessment 5.
Type your name in the header of the document and the date in the footer of the document.
Type the heading "Recruitment Checklist"
Research your organisation's policies and procedures for recruiting a new employee. You will need to know whether the organisation has a policy of advertising internally first, how the position is advertised and whether recruitment agencies are used. You will also need to check the procedure for developing selection criteria, how applicants are short-listed and what the interview procedure is. You should also confirm the procedure for offering the position, negotiating conditions and contract and the documents that are given to the successful candidate.
Gather together the organisational policies and procedures that you researched, together with any notes of discussions with the HR personnel and submit all these documents to your assessor. (Ensure that there is no confidential or private/personal information and seek authority from your organisation to submit the documentation)
At the beginning of your Recruitment Checklist, type a sentence that confirms you have sought and obtained approval from your organisation to submit the documentation, and it includes no private or confidential information.
Using the information you have researched, design a checklist that you can use, as the team manager, in order to recruit a new employee for your team. The last item on the checklist should be to induct the new employee.
The checklist should be in table format, with step by step tasks in chronological order, so that you can tick each task as it is completed and enter the date when the task was completed. It should also have a space for you to make comments when using the checklist.
Assessment Task 6 -
This task requires you to develop a procedure for purchasing physical resources.
Create a Word document and save it with the name BSBMGT517 Assessment 6.
Type your name in the header of the document and the date in the footer of the document.
Type the heading "Purchasing Procedure for Consumables"
Research the policies and procedures of your organisation for purchasing consumables.
Design a step by step procedure that can be followed by members of your team to ensure that they are following the organisation's policies and procedures when purchasing consumables.
Type your checklist with clear, concise instructions and using correct grammar and spelling, in the following format.
What are consumables? - Define the meaning of the term "consumable" in this context.
Identify the common types of consumables used by your team.
Stock / Inventory Control - Describe the procedure for ensuring that sufficient consumables are on hand and identify who is responsible for this task.
Describe the procedure for removing consumables from stock and recording what has been removed.
Purchasing Procedure - Describe the procedure for regular replenishing of the stock of consumables.
Describe the procedure for ordering the consumables and identify any approved suppliers.
Identify the "lead time" between ordering the consumables and delivery.
Identify who is responsible for ordering consumables and who is responsible for authorising purchases.
Describe the procedure for ordering an item which is not regularly maintained in stock.
Describe the procedure for making a one-off order for an item that is required urgently, including who is responsible for the task and for authorising the purchase.
Delivery Procedure - Describe the procedure for receiving and checking the delivery against the order, and who is responsible.
Describe the procedure for updating the records of consumables and who is responsible.
Assessment Task 7 -
This task requires you to compare your team's financial performance with its budget.
Create an Excel spreadsheet and save it with the name BSBMGT517 Assessment 7.
Type your name in the header of the spreadsheet and the date in the footer.
Create a spreadsheet containing the following information.
Use a formula to calculate the Variance
Use a formula to calculate the 3 totals.
Use the data to create a column chart. Your chart should look like the example below.
In the spreadsheet table, mark the items that are over budget.
Assessment Task 8 -
This task requires you to take action to rectify under-performance.
Create a Word document and save it with the name BSBMGT517 Assessment 8.
Type your name in the header of the document and the date in the footer of the document.
Type the heading "Action Plan for Improving Under-Performance of the Operational Plan".
Read the following scenario - You are the senior manager of an engineering company. The company has been operating successfully for 30 years. It depends upon the expertise and experience of 15 key engineers for its success. The majority of these key personnel have been with the company almost from the beginning and are now a few years away from retirement.
You have met with the HR personnel to discuss this situation and to determine whether there is a succession plan in place to ensure that the expertise and experience of these key engineers can be replaced when the time comes. The results of the meeting indicate an area of under-performance. This issue has not been considered by HR and there are no succession plans in place.
You have decided to document a strategy for HR department to implement succession planning.
Research the subject of succession planning.
Type your plan in the following structure, using professional language, correct grammar and spelling.
Purpose of the plan - Type an introductory paragraph that explains the risks to the company if a succession plan is not implemented.
Succession Planning - Describe what succession planning is.
Explain this graphic from the GE document "Succession or failure: Why succession planning is key to long-term success"
Action Plan - Describe what HR needs to do, in order to implement succession planning in relation to the key engineering personnel.
Assessment Task 9 -
This task requires you to provide coaching to support the team in efficient use of resources.
Create a Word document and save it with the name BSBMGT517 Assessment 9.
Type your name in the header of the document and the date in the footer of the document.
Type the heading "Coaching Session on Resource Usage".
Research the ways that your team currently uses electricity.
Research the ways that electricity usage can be reduced through improving work practices.
Design a coaching session that you can give to your team, showing them how to improve their work practices so that electricity usage is minimised.
Type the information that you need to provide to the team into the document, using professional language, accurate grammar and spelling, in the following structure.
Sustainability Practices - Explain the meaning of "non-renewable resources".
Explain how power generation uses non-renewable resources in Australia, and provide a graph showing the proportions of raw materials used in power generation. (hint: the ESAA has statistics online.
Explain how power generation from coal damages the environment.
Energy Efficiency - Explain why energy efficient work practices will benefit your organisation.
Things you can do - Describe the ways that your team can minimise their electricity usage. Relate this to the specific tasks that they perform and to the environment where they work.
Deliver the coaching session to a group of at least two people.
Assessment Task 10 -
This task requires you to recommend a variation to the operational plan and gain approval from senior management.
Create a Word document and save it with the name BSBMGT517 Assessment 10.
Type your name in the header of the document and the date in the footer of the document.
Read the following information.
You are a senior manager for an automotive components manufacturer. You have become aware of government funding available under the Automotive Transformation Scheme (ATS).
Grants will be allocated through a competitive selection process taking into account the innovative, technological, commercial and environmental merits of each proposal. The focus will be on the research, development and commercialisation of Australian technologies that significantly reduce fuel consumption, greenhouse gas emissions, or the weight of vehicles.
The amount of the grant will provide one dollar for every three dollars invested by the company.
You are aware that in order for your company to remain viable, it needs to restructure to produce components that reduce fuel consumption, and that the technology is available to do so.
You need to convince the Board of Directors to modify the operations of the company to maintain future viability.
Type the heading "Recommendation for Variation of Operational Plan"
Type a recommendation to the Board, using professional language, accurate grammar and spelling, in the following structure.
Purpose of the Report - Explain why you are writing this report.
Market Forces - Explain why the company needs to change its operations in order to remain viable in the long term.
Government Assistance - Describe the government assistance that is available to assist.
Request for Authorisation - Explain what you want the Board to authorise.
Assessment Task 11 -
This task requires you to identify organisational requirements for documenting operational performance.
Create a Word document and save it with the name BSBMGT517 Assessment 11.
Type your name in the header of the document and the date in the footer of the document.
Research the operations of your own work team.
Note all of the procedures that are documented.
Note all of the types of records and information that are retained, and the purpose of retaining each type of record.
Note any KPIs or other performance standards that may be in place.
Type the heading "Procedures and Records Management"
Type the document using professional language, correct grammar and spelling in the following structure.
Documented Procedures - List all of the documented procedures by title, and give a short explanation of the purpose of each procedure.
Information Retained - Identify all the types of information that are retained and stored, and for each type of information explain why it needs to be stored.
Information Analysed - Identify how information is analysed in order to measure performance - or for other reasons.
Recommendation for Improvement - Identify one way in which your team's records management can be improved and justify your recommendation.
Assessment Task 12 -
This task requires you to determine requirements for intellectual property rights and responsibilities.
Read the following scenario - You are the manager in charge of a chain of restaurants. The restaurants are run by licensees who sign a contract with your company. This is known as a "franchising arrangement".
The intellectual property of your company includes:
- its logo and name - which are registered with IP Australia
- its décor and design - which is registered as a design with IP Australia
- the menu and recipes - which are trade secrets
You have been advised by one of the licensee that a previous employee of the restaurant has now opened a restaurant nearby. The logo and décor are quite different but the previous employee was the chef. His menu is 80% identical to your company's menu. There are additional meals on the menu that he has created.
Your company does not provide a template employee contract to licensees. The previous employee did not sign a confidentiality agreement in relation to protection of trade secrets.
Research the intellectual property rights and responsibilities in this situation.
Consider whether your company or the licensee have any rights in law to sue the chef.
Consider how your company can modify its operations to ensure this situation does not occur again.
Create a Word document with the filename BSBMGT517 Assessment 12.
Type your name in the header and the date in the footer.
Type the heading "Intellectual Property Protection"
Type a report and recommendation of your findings that you can present to the Board of your company. Include the following information:
Intellectual Property of the Business
Identify the 3 types of intellectual property that the organisation needs to protect.
For each of the 3 types, explain: The importance of the property to the business. And The ways that each can be protected and rights of the business if there is a breach.
Area of Concern - Explain the situation that was brought to your attention by the licensee.
Explain why this situation is detrimental to the business.
Explain the results of your research, and whether there is a remedy at law in the current situation.
Recommendation - Provide a recommendation for a variation to the operational plan, which will ensure that in future the business would have a remedy at law in the same situation.
Attachment:- Manage Operational Plan Assignment File.rar