BSBLDR502 Lead and Manage Effective Workplace Relationships

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Reference no: EM132476931

BSBLDR502 Lead and Manage Effective Workplace Relationships - Orange International College

Assignment Part  1: WRITTEN Problems

Problem 1 Why are workplace policies and procedures important? List five key benefits.

Problem 2 Briefly explain why it is important that workplace policies and procedures are provided and explained to staff.

Problem 3 When should staff be provided with policies and procedures?

Problem 4 List three methods of informing staff about changes to policies and procedures.

Problem 5 What is the purpose of a workplace Code of Conduct?

Problem 6 List three behaviours that a workplace Code of Conduct can cover.

Problem 7 List three benefits of networking.

Problem 8 List two benefits to employers of a diverse workplace.

Problem 9 Describe the main function of the Fair Work Act 2009.

Problem 10 What is Equal Employment Opportunity?

Problem 11 Describe the main function of the Disability Discrimination Act 1992.

Problem 12 List the objectives of the Racial Discrimination Act 1975.

Problem 13 List the objectives of the Sex Discrimination Act 1984.



This assessment requires you to assume the role of General Manager of Accountancy Victoria and develop a number of policies and procedures to do with workplace communication and consultation.


Accountancy Victoria is based in Footscray, Victoria and provides accountancy and bookkeeping services for a range of clients.

Accountancy Victoria was established by the two Directors who are the Senior Accountants for the company. Other staff employed are three accountants, a bookkeeper, and an Officer Manager. The company is expanding due to the demand for accountancy services and will employ a further three Senior Accountants in the next two months, as well as another Officer Manager and a Client Services Coordinator.

Imagine that you have recently been appointed as the General Manager of Accountancy Victoria. Your role is to manage the day-to-day operations of the company. The first task you have been allocated is to establish formal systems and processes for a range of areas, as currently most of the company's systems and processes are informal.

To start the process of creating formal systems and processes, you have been asked to develop systems and processes for workplace communication and consultation, as well as a Code of Conduct and Dispute Resolution processes.

Part 1. Develop a Code of Conduct.

You are required to develop a Code of Conduct so that staff are aware of and follow the standard of expected behaviour.

In developing your Code of Conduct you should research other companies Codes and relevant legislation. Your Code of Conduct must be in your own words, must comply with current legislation and must include a list of references that you have used in the development of the document.

The Code of Conduct needs to include, as a minimum, the following guidance:

Introduction - the purpose of the Code
Scope - who it applies to
Legislation that applies
Details of expected personal and professional behaviour (as a minimum, this should address a range of ethical behaviours, as well as behaviours appropriate to working within diverse workplace)
Conflict of interest requirements
Gifts, benefits and hospitality
Outside employment/consulting
Use of social media
Serious misconduct
How and when the Code of Conduct will be communicated to staff.
Your Code of Conduct should be no longer than two pages in length, be structured logically and be written clearly and concisely in a language suitable for the audience (managers and staff).

Part 2. Develop a Workplace Communication and Consultation Policy and Procedure.

Develop a workplace communication and consultation policy and procedure to describe the mechanisms that will be used for internal communications, as well as how staff can provide input into a range of workplace related matters.

In developing your policy and procedure you should review other workplace communication/consultation policies and/or procedures. Your policy and procedure must be in your own words and must include a list of references that you have used in the development of the document.

The policy and procedure should include the following minimum information:

Communication strategies for communicating with staff - type, purpose and You should include at least four strategies in your policy and procedure.
Communication protocols for meetings in relation to sending out of agendas and writing up of minutes.
Consultation process - ways in which staff can contribute to workplace issues (for example, surveys, suggestion forms, committees and so on) - you must include at least three. Provide specific detail about the consultation mechanism and how staff will receive feedback, e.g. for a suggestion box, indicate the location of the box and how suggestions will be recorded and actioned, and how staff will be given feedback on the consultation process and/or action taken.
Your policy and procedure should be no longer than four pages in length, be structured logically and be written clearly and concisely in a language suitable for the audience (managers and staff).

Part 3. Develop a Dispute Resolution Policy and Procedure

Develop a Dispute Resolution Policy and Procedure so that all staff are aware of the dispute resolution procedures in place.

In developing your policy and procedure you should review other workplace's policies and procedures. Your policy and procedure must be in your own words and must include a list of references that you have used in the development of the document.

Develop a Dispute Resolution Procedure that addresses the following:

Purpose of the policy
Scope - to whom it applies
Relevant Legislation
What constitutes a dispute
Responsibilities of managers in disputes. This should include advice on how to identify conflict and how to plan to address issues before a dispute is raised.
Responsibilities of employees in disputes. This should include advice on the steps an employee should take to resolve issues/conflict before involving their supervisor.
The process and timeframe by which a dispute will be The process must demonstrate how the dispute moves through the internal chain of command right through to referral to an external body. written clearly and concisely in a language suitable for the audience (managers and staff).

Part 4. When you have completed all of the above documents, you must submit them to your assessor (as though he or she is a staff member of Accountancy Victoria).

Include an introduction to the documents (either an email or memo) that provides a clear and simple summary of the documents and refer to the opportunity for staff to provide feedback, clarify points and/or ask Problems before the final version of the documents are launched. Ensure your communication is clear, written in plain English and error free.

Assignment Part  3: NETWORKING PROJECT


This assessment requires you to assume the role of the General Manager of Accountancy Victoria to identify and plan for the development and maintenance of relationships and networks.


You have recently commenced in the role of General Manager at Accountancy Victoria. This role involves taking on the human resource function for the business as well as managing a team of staff. You have been told by individual members of your team and the accounting partners that the previous General Manager, Casey, did not have a great relationship with any of the staff nor the senior management team - rarely communicated with them and did not appear to build any professional networks externally either.

Staff did not trust Casey as they often heard her repeating confidential conversations, liked to play staff off against one another, was disrespectful to junior staff and was often pulled up for her total lack of cultural sensitivity.

You have discovered that there are few formal processes in the business, including policies and procedures and your predecessor has provided inaccurate advice and information with regards to policy and legislative requirements, and the business has had two cases lodged with Fair Work Commission in the past 12 months.

You have only been in the role for three weeks but you already feel as though staff distrust you and do not come to you with issues that you feel they should. You will need to work hard to establish and build the trust and confidence in the team.

Complete the following activities:

Research and identify at least four particular methods/activities (eg, team meetings, training, one-on-one meetings, consultation and feedback on projects, social functions and events, team building, ) you can use to build relationships with your team and other managers in order to gain their trust and confidence.

For each method, answer the following Problems:

P1: What professional conduct and interpersonal communication styles will you need to use to build this relationship?
P2: What method of communication will you use to guide them through this period of transformation and change, and why?
P3: What is the specific outcome or benefit of this method/activity?
P4: Research and identify at least four external contacts or networks that may be relevant to your role as General Manager (including the HR function). The purpose of these networks may be for you to gain information and advice on the industry, learn about technological developments or new services or changes to legislation, for education purposes or business development. These networks may also exist for the purpose of staff education or referral (eg. training provider or employee assistance program).

Record the name of these contacts/networks, website and contact details, and a brief description of what they do and why you would build a relationship with them.
Choose a method of communication to build the relationship. (for example, informal meetings or catch ups, formal meetings, networking events, written communication, phone conversations, training events, etc.)
What is the benefit/s of this activity to you and the team?
Prepare a 12 month schedule that includes all of the staff and networking activities that you have identified in Problems 1 and 2 to ensure you develop and maintain the relationships. For each activity include the name of the activity, who is involved and whether it is an internal or external activity. Where the activity is a networking event include the date, location and cost.Submit the answers to the Problems and your schedule to your assessor. Ensure your documentation is structured logically, error free, clear and easy to read.



This assessment requires you to assume the role of the Office Manager at Accountancy Victoria and conduct a meeting with the Administration Assistant (assessor to role play) to manage under-performance issues raised.


Imagine that it is six months later at Accountancy Victoria. The new Administration Assistant, Beth, has been employed and has been in the position for two months. Beth is from Somalia but she has been in the country for one year and speaks good English.

The Officer Manager, Sarah, approaches you to discuss Beth's performance. She mentions that Beth has not been completing her tasks on time or to standard. She refers to a few examples, including stationery not being ordered on time, agendas for meetings not sent out in the correct format or in the required timelines, and clients being provided with incorrect information. Sarah also mentions that Beth is late most morning of the week - often arriving at 9.15am. Sarah has also noticed that Beth makes many personal phone calls during the day and has been seen taking milk home from the staff fridge.

As Beth reports directly to you, Sarah asks you to talk to Beth about her work performance and her breach of the Code of Conduct.

Complete all activities:

Before you commence this assessment, read the following guide about managing underperformance. You will be assessed on your demonstration of the skills referred to in the Checklist for employers when managing underperformance.

Send an email to Beth (your assessor) requesting her to attend a meeting with you to discuss her Include a date and time for the meeting and a brief outline of the meeting's topic.

Conduct the meeting with Beth (with your assessor playing the role of Beth) explaining to her what the problem is, why it is a problem, how it impacts on the workplace, and why there is a concern. You must also bring Beth's attention to the Code of Conduct and the possible
At the meeting you must:

Explain the purpose of the meeting
Explain to Beth what the problem is
Explain how this behaviour impacts on the workplace/why it is a
Demonstrate your leadership, interpersonal and communication skills by:
keeping your communication clear and simple
listening to Beth and confirming and clarifying information shared
asking Problems to confirm information
provide guidance, counselling and support to Beth's own issues
engaging with Beth and motivating her
Discuss and agree on a solution and plan

4. Send a follow up email to Beth within one day of the meeting summarising the meeting and the detailed solution upon which was agreed. Also include in this email a reminder of the expected behaviour in accordance with the Code of Conduct and what Beth should do if she has other issues or Problems relating to the process (in accordance with all three procedures you developed in Assignment Part 2).

During the role play, your assessor will be looking to see that you:

Identify and resolve workplace difficulties by following the required procedure

Communicate required information about achievement of work responsibilities

Consult with Beth on the workplace issue identified, including clarification of details

Use Probleming and active listening to provide the opportunity for Beth to express her thoughts and feelings

Demonstrate a caring and empathic approach to Beth

Stay relaxed and encouraging throughout the meeting

Talk about the issue rather than the person

Provide guidance and support in the form of realistic solutions to Beth to assist in the resolution of the workplace issue

Note: Need Assignment Part 1 short question 500-600 words
Task 2 policy
Task 3 is 2 small reports

Reference no: EM132476931

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