Reference no: EM132411371
BSBLDR501 - Develop and use emotional intelligence - Orange International College
Assessment Task 1:
Question 1
Explain why emotional intelligence is an important quality for a manager.
Discuss each of the branches in The Four Branch Model of Emotional Intelligence developed by Mayer and Salovey (1997).
Explain the five key principles of emotional intelligence as defined by Daniel Goleman.
The Genos model of emotional intelligence involves six core skills. Summarise the six core skills.
Discuss the concept of emotional intelligence and its importance at work. Address how emotional intelligence can be used to meet business objectives and build relationships in the workplace in your response.
Read the case study and answer the question below.
Case study of emotional intelligence: Why did her staff member leave?
The General Manager, Kimberley, told the other managers in a meeting that one of her staff members had left. Kimberley told them that the employee was really valuable and she depended on her greatly. When Kimberley asked her why she was leaving she said 'I don't feel appreciated'. Kimberley was dumbfounded. `Did you ever tell her?' one manager asked. 'No', she said. 'I thought it was obvious.'
What could Kimberley have said to her employee? Discuss your response in relation to the Genos model and the core skill the case study relates to.
Read the case study and answer the question below.
A company director, John, needed to provide one of his senior managers with feedback on his poor performance. The previous director had failed to approach this manager on his poor performance and it had been allowed to continue and become entrenched.
John felt anxious about doing this as he was concerned his manager would get upset and start blaming him, or worse still, get angry and undermine him later by spreading malicious gossip. He was heard to say 'He is a senior manager, I shouldn't have to give him feedback; he should be self-motivated'. He felt uncomfortable with strong displays of emotions and wasn't sure he had the skills to handle them. He preferred to avoid conflict.
Describe how a person with low emotional intelligence would respond to this situation.
Describe how a person with high emotional intelligence would respond to this situation.
Below are some common situations in which employees feel anxious, scared, angry or sad. Being a manager enter a response that is likely to trigger fear and a response that is less likely to trigger fear:
Response likely to trigger fear
Response less likely to trigger fear
Lisa makes a costly mistake at work
Katie is about to
make a presentation to the senior management team and is worried it
won't go well.
It's Melisa's second month on the job and she seems to have a hard time learning
and remembering the job.
Wayne reports to you that a fellow worker has been bullying
him about his sexuality.
Marissa just ended a call with a customer and seems very frustrated and angry.
Discuss how you can communicate effectively in a diverse workplace with people from varying cultural backgrounds that express emotions differently to you. Select three cultures and give an example for each of how a person from that culture may respond emotionally if a manager were to give them outstanding feedback.
List four factors that are important in cross-cultural communication.
Assessment Task 2: Emotional intelligence assessment (Project)
Part A: Emotional intelligence assessment
Complete the personality test at the following link:
Take a screen shot of the final results page of the test to send to your assessor.
Answer all of the questions below using the results of the test to guide your answers. Each question should be answered within a paragraph or two and should be written in clear and concise English.
You are to use a word processing program to complete the questions.
1. Discuss your ratings for each of the five factors as identified in the personality test results. The discussion should include your score for each of the factors and how you rate on each factor, as well as your strongest personality trait as shown by your highest score.
2. Reflecting on the results, what stood out for you in terms of what it tells you about yourself as a person?
3. Thinking about the questions asked as part of the personality test and your learnings as part of this unit, discuss five of your emotional strengths.
4. Thinking about the questions asked as part of the personality test and your learning as part of this unit, discuss five of your emotional weaknesses.
5. Discuss how you believe the emotional strengths you have identified above will help your workplace performance and relationships.
6. Discuss how you believe your emotional weaknesses could hinder your workplace performance and relationships.
7. Complete the following table about personal stressors at work. Identify sources of stress most likely to result in workplace stress for you, your stress response and actions that you can take (or have taken) to manage stress. (You will need to recreate this table in the word processor.)
8. Review the following list of needs and choose at least three from the list that most trigger your emotions when you don't get these needs met. Consider this question in the context of the workplace.
Acceptance • Respect • Be loved/liked
Be understood • Be needed • Be valued
Be in control • Be right • Be treated fairly
Attention • Comfort • Freedom
Peacefulness • Balance • Consistency
Order • Variety • Included
Safety • Predictability • Autonomy
Fun • New challenges
Now create and complete the table below in Microsoft Word. Write down each need you have chosen and why this need is important to you at work, an outline of the emotions triggered in you when you don't get these needs met and ways that you can control your emotions in the face of not having your needs met.
Part B: Emotional intelligence planning
The outcome of this part of the assessment task will be an emotional intelligence development plan. Your assessor will provide you with some feedback that you will need to use, along with your self-assessment, to complete the emotional intelligence development plan template.
Following completion of Part A of this assessment task, you will be required to meet with your assessor to discuss your self-assessment of your emotional intelligence.
Your assessor will review your self-assessment and your results from the personality test and will provide you with feedback about strategies for improving emotional intelligence.
During the meeting, you will also be assessed on your communication skills as follows:
- Responding to questions
- Asking questions as required to identify required information
- Using active listening techniques to confirm information.
Using the feedback from your assessor and your self-assessment, complete the emotional development plan using the template provided by your assessor.
Assessment Task 3 - Case study
Review the following case study.
Case study: Beryl and Yu
You are the Manager of a team of telemarketing staff for an online rental property business. The business specialises in finding both commercial and residential tenants for landlords, as well as matching landlords with tenants.
All staff work an eight-hour day from 9am to 5.30 pm, with 30 minutes for lunch. Beryl is the Team Leader of the telemarketing group responsible for:
- supervision and mentoring of a telemarketing team of 8
- outbound sales calls to real estate agents, property managers and landlords
- appointment setting for field sales teams
- inbound query resolution and customer service
- maintenance of all customer contacts in the Customer Relationship Management system.
Beryl, aged 62, has been with the company for 3 years. She was born in Australia and she has worked in sales most of her life. Beryl was hoping to retire at 60, but personal circumstances have meant she is continuing to work. Beryl is a very hard worker and achieves above the required results for signing up tenants and landlords.
One of the telemarketers that Beryl is responsible for is Yuko. Yuko is Japanese, aged 40 and has been in Australia for 2 years. She speaks good English and although she is generally quiet she gets on with her team members. She has always been very reliable with her attendance at work.
As the Operations Manager of the company and the overall manager of the team, you have noticed recently that there is tension between Beryl and Yuko.
You have noticed that Beryl often ignores Yuko or addresses her through another member of the team. You have also noticed Beryl whispering to other workers and you sense that this is in relation to Yuko.
Yuko's work performance is suffering and she is not making the required amount of daily calls to sign up new tenants and landlords. Yuko has also become more withdrawn recently and tends not to sit in the staff room anymore or attend staff social functions.
This situation is stressful for you as the Manager, as the team's performance targets are not being met and the situation seems to be having an effect on other staff members.
You have heard through another member of staff that Yuko feels that Beryl is racist and that Beryl complains that she can't understand Yuko's accent and she feels Yuko is never very enthusiastic about her work.
You would like to resolve this situation by getting Beryl and Yuko to understand each other's perspectives and to manage their emotions at work. At this stage there are no options for moving either member of staff to another team.
You will need to answer all of the following questions in preparation for the meeting role play in Assessment Task 4.
1. Based on a review of the scenario, what do you think could be possible range of emotions that Yuko could be feeling? List at least five possibilities.
2. Based on a review of the scenario, what are the possible ranges of emotions that Beryl could be feeling? List at least five possibilities.
3. Would you expect any cultural differences in emotions? Research differences between Australian and Japanese expressions of emotions and describe differences you identify. List at least two.
4. During a meeting, what techniques would you use to ensure that Beryl and Yuko have the opportunity to express their thoughts and feelings? List at least two.
5. During a meeting, what techniques would you use to ensure that Beryl and Yuko have the opportunity to reflect on the effect of their behaviour and emotions? List at least two.
6. What advice could you give to Beryl and Yuko to assist them in self-managing their emotions?
7. Document a step-by-step approach for resolving the workplace situation.
Submit your word-processed answers to your assessor.
Attachment:- Develop and use emotional intelligence.rar