BSBINN801 Lead innovative thinking practice Assignment

Assignment Help Management Theories
Reference no: EM132858503

BSBINN801 Lead innovative thinking practice - Training Masters

Assessment Task 1

QUESTION 1 Explain the change in people's approach towards innovation and creativity, over a period of time. Answer in 250-300 words.

QUESTION 2 Explain the role of theory and thinking on applying innovation and creativity at a work place. Answer in 250- 300 words.

QUESTION 3 Explain in 50-80 words each, any five (5) leadership styles and their impact on innovation in organisations.

QUESTION 4 What is the relevance of organisational and industry context on innovation? Answer in 120-150 words.

QUESTION 5 Explain the nine (9) critical success factors impacting organisational innovation. Answer in 300-400 words.

QUESTION 6 Explain the process to carry out risk management while implementing innovations in an organisation. Answer in 300-350 words

QUESTION 7 Explain the typical challenges and barriers to innovation within an organisation and ways of overcoming these challenges and barriers. Answer in 300-350 words.

QUESTION 8 What are the processes or systems you will follow to engage your employees in innovation? Answer in 400- 500 words.

ASSESSMENT TASK 2: Practical Assessment Task- Generate innovative thinking and creativity

Task summary:

You will be generating innovative and creative ideas at your own workplace by interacting with stakeholders and arranging brainstorming sessions. You will then evaluate options, research conditions for implementing the innovation and prepare a report on generating thinking and creativity.

Task brief

In this task, you are required to prepare a report on generating innovative thinking and creativity at your
own workplace. Each organisation's thinking and practice will be different depending on its core business, purpose, size, complexity and broader operating context. You need to interact with relevant stakeholders and use a range of techniques and tools to generate innovative thinking and creativity.

Task -Generate innovative thinking and creativity

Instructions to students:
1. You are required to interact and communicate with a range of people at your workplace.
2. You need to identify suitable professionals who can give you honest feedback and support on innovation.
3. You may decide to interview a range of stakeholders from diverse groups including technical and subject matter experts, juniors, seniors, peers and other people whom you perceive to help you in generating new ideas and thinking.
4. You can plan a single/ multiple brainstorming session with all stakeholders together or a series of sessions/one to one meetings.
5. You must prepare a questionnaire/ agenda for the meeting.
6. You must take prior appointment with the people identified by you and ensure to perform this task professionally in a simulated environment or actual workplace.
7. You must then analyse the ideas and prepare a report on generating innovative thinking and creativity.
8. The word-limit for the report is 1200-1500 words.

Steps to complete the Practical Assessment Task:
TSK2.1.Discuss with your colleagues, supervisors and other persons of significance and seek their input to enable you to:
• Generate new ideas and thinking at your workplace
• Understand organisation's current and future thinking and practice
• Promote creative thinking techniques to foster personal and team innovation

• Evidence of consultation including:
o Name and position of personnel involved
o Date of meeting/ session
o Points discussed in the session
o Signature of attendees

TSK2.2.With the information gathered above, use a range of techniques and tools to identify further ideas for innovation.
TSK2.3.Evaluate the innovative thinking and creativity ideas for their overall context to your workplace TSK2.4.Identify the driver, enablers and the conditions for innovation impacting innovative thinking and
TSK2.5.Finalise at least one (1) innovative practice that you will implement at your workplace.

ASSESSMENT TASK 3: Practical Assessment Task- Lead innovation practice and promote innovative culture

You will generate and support a culture of innovation by fostering team approaches, establishing appropriate systems and processes to promote innovation. They will improve personal leadership style and professional competence to lead innovative practices at workplace.

Task brief

This assessment has been developed to assist you in identifying and promoting innovative practices to
foster communication and team development approaches and establish systems to support innovation. You will also review your personal leadership style and challenge and refine your own style and practice to support innovation. This task is to be done in following two (2) parts:
1) Part A- Generate and support a culture of innovation
2) Part B- Develop personal leadership style

Part A - Generate and support a culture of innovation
Steps to complete journal on generating and supporting a culture of innovation:
TSK3.1.Identify the relevant stakeholders for implementing the innovation and determine their requirements in operational context.
TSK3.2.Introduce your innovation to the relevant stakeholders using an appropriate method such as meeting, brainstorming session, e-mail, etc.
TSK3.3.Promote the team working approach which supports open communication and consultation to share innovative ideas and practices.
TSK3.4.Make a list of the resources required to implement the innovative idea and specify how you assessed and arranged these resources?
TSK3.5.Perform "risk assessment" and take appropriate measures to mitigate risks. TSK3.6.Identify and establish mechanisms at system and process level to support innovation

• A copy of the completed journal
• Evidence of the validity of the examples, including:
o Name and position of personnel involved in the examples
o Name of the organisation where incident happened
o Date of incident
o Signature of the personnel or witness of the incident (Include name and position)

Part B - Develop personal leadership style
Steps to complete Part B of the Practical Assessment Task:
TSK3.7. Over the course of implementing the innovation for this assessment task, make entries into a journal, diary or specifically-designed table such as the example appearing in Appendix
A. As opportunities arise, record the incident, emotions experienced and particularly your reactions and resulting actions and how these may have modelled innovative thinking and supported its implementation.
TSK3.8. Perform self-assessment of your leadership style for the following attributes in 250-350 words:
• Strengths of present leadership style
• Weaknesses of present leadership style
• Corrective/ improvement actions which you will take to adjust the leadership style

• A copy of the completed report
• Evidence of the validity of the examples, including:
o Name and position of personnel involved in the examples
o Name of the organisation where incident happened
o Date of incident
o Signature of the personnel or witness of the incident (Include name and position)

ASSESSMENT TASK 4: Oral Presentation- Sustain innovative thinking and practice

This is the fourth and final assessment task. You will deliver a PowerPoint presentation and demonstrate ability to lead a culture of innovation and sustain innovative thinking and practice.

Task brief

This assessment has been developed to assist you in developing strategies and processes to involve innovation integrally and enhance contributions to innovative thinking and practice.

Oral Presentation- Sustain innovative thinking and practice

Steps to complete Oral Presentation Task:
Include the following criteria in your presentation:

TSK4.1.Strategies that are used or can be implemented to make innovation an integral part of organisational activity.
TSK4.2.Monitoring process to confirm individual awareness and collective contributions to innovative thinking and practice.
TSK4.3.Identify any three(3) potential barriers/risks to innovations and suggest strategies to minimise them
TSK4.4.Evaluate the effect of innovation implemented by you and major learnings from it, to form a basis for developing strategies for improvement.

• Industry background
• Speaker's notes
• Presentation handout of slides
• Handout for attendees with further information on support services and/or useful websites
• Presentation feedback reports

Attachment:- Lead innovative thinking practice.rar

Reference no: EM132858503

Questions Cloud

What is net present value of the investment in the furnace : A new furnace for your small factory is being installed right now, will cost $37,000, What is net present value of the investment in the furnace
Why is being able to track products important to companies : Why is being able to track products important to companies? Why is it important to consumers? How can it add value to products?
Support career advancement in management : Will those competencies and knowledge support career advancement in management?
How does the artist imply space : How does the artist imply space, for example, through linear perspective, overlapping of objects, smaller or larger objects, or atmospheric perspective?
BSBINN801 Lead innovative thinking practice Assignment : BSBINN801 Lead innovative thinking practice Assignment Help and Solution, Training Masters - Assessment Writing Service
Explain the difference in procedural due process : Explain the difference in procedural due process and substantive due process, providing examples of each.
Discuss the content of the piece : Discuss the content of the piece. Why was it created? Does it have a narrative or discuss social issues? What emotional feeling is present?
Underlying root causes of incompetence : If Jim was an incompetent manager, what do you think were the underlying root causes of his incompetence?
What is the consolidated net income : At the time of the acquisition, fair values of net asset required their book values. Based upon the following information, what is the consolidated net income



4/15/2021 9:57:45 PM


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