BSBHRM513 Manage workforce planning Assignment

Assignment Help Business Management
Reference no: EM132408836

BSBHRM513 - Manage workforce planning - Clinton Institute

You must complete all tasks to achieve Competency for this unit.

Assessment Task 1: Development project
You are required to develop a workforce plan for King Edward VII College and meet with stakeholders to seek feedback on the plan, as well as confirm approval.

Assessment Task 2: Implement diversity actions project
You are required to implement diversity actions from the workforce plan.

Assessment Task 3: Implementation project
You are required to identify required competencies for an employee and develop a career development plan as part of implementing a succession planning program, as well as develop a redundancy and redeployment policy and procedure and identify strategies to be an employer of choice.

Assessment Task 4: Review and evaluation project
You are required to provide a report on a review and evaluation of the workforce plan.

Assessment Task 1 Development Project

This assessment task requires you to conduct research and develop a workforce plan for King Edward VII College. You will also be required to communicate the rationale for, as well as objectives of the plan to the CEO and to seek feedback into, as well as support for the plan.


King Edward VII College has been operating for five years. The College is based in Melbourne CBD and offers a range of courses in management, marketing, human resources and international business and currently has around has around 500 students enrolled across all of its courses. The College is very popular due to its competitive pricing structure, innovative teaching methods and state-of-the-art facilities.

Due to the success of the College, the College plans to establish two additional campuses, one in Brisbane and one in Sydney. The Brisbane campus will commence in October 2015 and Sydney in early 2016. Campus location are already in place with the process being overseen mainly by the CEO and Finance Manager. No staff have been employed as yet but it is anticipated that each campus will require a receptionist, student services officer and 4 trainers.

All other staff functions will be completed by existing staff at the Melbourne campus, until such time as student numbers increase substantially. It is anticipated that maximum student numbers at the new campuses will be to 50 students per campus.

The College currently employs 24 staff members that includes the CEO, a Marketing Manager and Marketing Assistant, Human Resources Manager, Finance Manager, Administration Manager, Office Assistant, Receptionist, Academic Manager, Student Services Officer and approximately 14 trainers.

Information about the staff including employment status, age, gender and cultural background is provided in the workforce information document.

All staff are employed via individual contracts and there is no enterprise agreement in place.

Complete the following activities:

1. Research workforce requirements.

Review the scenario information, as well as the Strategic Plan and the 2015 workforce information provided to you. Identify sources of information that you can use to research workforce supply in the education sector as per the scenario information and as indicated below.

Using all of the information you have about King Edward VII College and your sources of information you have identified, make notes in relation to:
• The organisation's requirements for a skilled and diverse workforce as reflected in its strategic objectives.
• Workforce issues as identified in the Strategic Plan and that must be reflected in workforce objectives.
• Workforce objectives that are required to meet the overall strategic objectives.
• Workforce characteristics of King Edward VII College staff, including employment status, age, gender and culture.
• Assessment of staff turnover rate and whether rate is acceptable or not.
• Factors affecting workforce supply including economic conditions, industry trends, skills and labour shortage unemployment rate and competition for workers. Your analysis should be both general, as well as specific to the education sector within which King Edward VII College operates.
• The industrial relations framework that applies to King Edward VII College workforce.

Your notes should be comprehensive as you are required to submit your research as evidence. You will also use them to complete your workforce plan.
Note: your research brief is not required to be word processed or be submitted in any particular format but the dot Points above should be used as headings to ensure each has been addressed.

2. Develop workforce plan.

Using your research and the notes you have made, you are now required to develop your workforce plan. Your assessor will provide you with a template for developing the workforce plan. In summary, the workforce plan you develop must address:
• Purpose of the workforce plan
• Strategic objectives and key workforce requirements
• External environment analysis to identify external factors that impact on the company and its workforce
• Industrial relations relating to the education and training industry, as well as King Edward VII College Analysis of current workforce characteristics and profile using workforce information provided. Future workforce needs
• Gap analysis to identify the gaps between future workforce need and existing workers
• Workforce plan objectives, including strategies to address turnover, attracting and re-training skilled staff and workforce diversity and cross-cultural management.
• Key workforce plan issues and actions.
• Communication and consultation strategy to assist with organisational changes.
• Contingency plans so as to ensure that the organization can access skilled labour in the event of unplanned events.
You may format the template to be your own. The plan should be presented professionally in clear and concise language suitable for the audience, grammatically correct and without error.

3. Agree on workforce plan

This part of the assessment requires you to meet with the CEO (role-played by your assessor) to discuss the workforce plan you have developed and to seek input, as well as endorsement of your plan.
Your assessor will advise you of the meeting time and place).
a) Submit a copy of your plan to the CEO (your assessor) prior to the meeting in the agreed format, requesting a meeting to discuss your proposed plan and hopeful agreement.
b) During the meeting, you will need to demonstrate effective communication skills including: Asking questions to identify required information
Responding to questions as required
Using active listening techniques to confirm information
c) The CEO (your assessor) will provide feedback on your plan, which you should incorporate into your plan and send to your assessor following the meeting.

Assessment Task 2: Implement diversity actions project

In this assessment task you are required to review initiatives in the Workforce Plan for King Edward VII College relating to recruitment and diversity, as well as assisting in being recognised as an employer of choice and implement the required actions.

1. Update the recruitment, selection and induction policy to increase diversity.

Review the case study information above and the recruitment, selection and induction policy and procedure for ' King Edward VII College.

'Research best practice procedures for increasing diversity through improved recruitment and selection practices.

Update the recruitment, selection and induction policy and procedure to reflect best practice procedures for increasing diversity in recruitment and selection.

2. Send the updated recruitment, selection and induction policy to all staff (your assessor) with a covering memo or email. The note should outline the importance of diversity in recruitment and selection and key changes made to the policy and procedure.

3. Develop a diversity calendar for 2017.

Review the case case study information above and research important dates for diversity and cultural events occurring in 2017 in Melbourne. Identify at least six important dates and develop a calendar of events. For each event, you need to identify how the College will celebrate that day or event. Be as innovative and creative as you can be!

Your calendar may be developed in any format and software application, as long as it addresses the above content requirements and looks professional.

4. Develop at least two specific strategies that would assist the workforce to deal with the implementation of the diversity calendar.

Assessment Task 3: Implementation project


In this assessment task you are required to implement a number of actions from the Workforce Plan for King Edward VII College to assist in meeting agreed objectives for training, redeployment and redundancy, as well as succession planning and being an employer of choice.

Complete the following activities:

1. Develop and implement a succession planning program.

Assume that it has been identified that the Human Resources Manager role is a critical position within the College. This means that if this position is vacant, it would have a significant impact on the organisation. While it has been identified that there is no shortage of Human Resources professionals, it is considered that the specialised nature of human resources within the College means it would be preferable to develop the talent from within.

Assume that a current employee, Jackie Smith, has been identified as an employee with potential for the role. Jackie has recently returned to the workforce and is working in an administration role. However, prior to leaving the workforce to bring up her children, Jackie was working in a human resources officer role. Jackie applied for the administration position as she only wanted to work part-time. However, Jackie has indicated that she would like to move back into a HR role and eventually back into full-time employment. It has been identified that Jackie has the potential to perform well in this role in the future.

Jackie has recently completed a self-assessment against a role competencies statement in order to identify areas that she would need to develop in.

Review the case studies above and Jackie's role competencies statement provided to you.

Your task is to develop a career development plan for Jackie using the career development plan template provided tc you.

The opportunities that you identify for Jackie should include a range of opportunities including job assignments that develop a candidate's competencies, coaching and mentoring and formal training. The career development plan you develop should include at least six opportunities to be completed over the upcoming 12 months.

2. Develop a redundancy and redeployment procedure.

Assume that it has been identified that there is no formal process in place within King Edward VII identified for redundancy and redeployment. While at present, redundancies or redeployments have not been dentified as is sues in the workforce plan, it is considered that a formal process is required.

Your role is to develop a Termination of Employment policy and procedure that addresses procedures for redundancy and redeployment.
As a minimum your policy should include:
• Introduction
• Aim of policy
• Key principles
• Definitions of redeployment and redundancy
• Redeployment procedure
• Redundancy procedure, including entitlements as per the Fair Work Act
Submit your redundancy and redeployment procedure to your CEO (your assessor).

3. Develop and implement strategies to ensure King Edward VII College is an employer of choice.

Assume that it has been determined by the data collected that King Edward VII College is not an employer of choice; however the management team have determined that the workforce plan does contain some strategies that make the College an employer of choice. You have been asked to research the trends of what makes an employer of choice and to identify where the College could improve.

Research other companies to determine what strategies make an employer one of choice. Document your findings in a brief report that also includes the strategies that have already been implemented (throughout the assessment tasks for this unit of competency, for example, career development and promoting from within are considered to be valued strategies for an employer of choice to offer) and a recommendation of other strategies that could be implemented. Ensure you provide your valid sources of information.

Being an 'Employer of Choice' means that the business have created a great working environment within the organisation and that the best people want to work for them. This positive employment brand helps a busins o both attract and retain staff, which is vital during current times when exceptional talent is in such short supply.

There are five steps that business could use to improve its status as an 'Employer of Choice'

Stimulating Work: business should invest time in job design so as to create jobs that are interesting. Business can also consider having job rotation schemes so that work remains fresh.

Reward Staff: Business should frequently review staff performance and reward well performed staff. Salary and rewards should be regularly benchmarked against the market averages so you can adjust your salaries and ensure you are always paying close to the market rate.

Training and Development: Employees want to be part of company that helps them to develop skills so they can excel in their jobs on a day to basis and eventually progress up the career ladder. Businesses and organisations should show a commitment to growth and development of staff by providing a training and development framework. This framework would involve an annual skills assessment process in the business, out of which would come a personal development plan for each employee. Employees should be then be able to access training and development opportunities according to their development plan.

Corporate Social Responsibility and Ethics: Employees want to work for businesses that are trustworthy, ethical, socially responsible and have a positive corporate culture where staff are treated fairly and with respect.

Employer Branding: Having developed an 'Employer of Choice' strategy, HR should work closely with the marketing team to develop an employer branding and communication strategy which promote the business as a great place to work with.

Assessment Task 4: Review and evaluation project


This assessment task requires you in the role of Human Resources Manager for King Edward VII College to review the workforce plan, as well as evaluate workforce trends. You will be required to develop a briefing report on your review and evaluation.

Complete the following activities: 1. Develop a survey.

Assume that as part of the workforce plan's monitoring strategies that have been implemented as indicated in the case study you are required to develop an organisational climate survey. While the organisational climate survey is designed to seek feedback in relation to the new initiatives outlined in the workforce plan. the intention is also to gain feedback on overall employee satisfaction for input into future workforce planning initiatives.
Design a survey using survey monkey that includes:
• At least 12 questions about general satisfaction with the workplace.
• At least eight questions about satisfaction with new initiatives.
• Allows employees to provide an answer based on a five point scale

2. When you have completed your survey, send the link to the survey to all staff (this will be your assessor) outlining the purpose of the survey, as well as an appropriate deadline for completing the survey.

3. Develop a workforce plan review and evaluation briefing report
For this part of the assessment task you are required to develop a workforce plan review and evaluation report. Your assessor will provide you with a template to use.

Your report should he written in clear and concise English and address the following components.
An analysis of workforce information data
A review of the workforce information for King Edward VII 2016 provided to you and compare it to the 2015 data to Identify:
- Current staff turnover rate
- Workforce characteristics, including age, gender and cultural background.
- Comparison with 2015 data to identify changes and to assess performance against 2015 data.
• A review of external trends
- Using the Labour Market Information Portal, review current employment projections for Australia, as well as for
the education and training sector.
- Based on your review of the data, identify labour supply trends and areas of under supply or over supply relevant to the College and the likely impact of these trends on the demand for labour In relation to the College's workforce.
• A review of government policy
- Identify at least two government policy initiatives that affect labour demand and supply. Outline each of the policy initiatives that you have identified and how it affects labour demand and supply.
• An analysis of focus group results.
- Assume that in addition to the survey you developed, you have already conducted a focus group to determine employee's satisfaction. Review all of the comments from the focus group and comment on overall employee satisfaction, as well as areas of need that should be considered as part of an ongoing review of workforce planning objectives.
• Analysis of exit interviews.
- Review all of the comments from the exit interviews and comment on reasons for leaving that should be considered as part of an ongoing review of workforce planning objectives.
• Effectiveness of the workforce plan
- Based on your analysis above, evaluate the effectiveness of the workforce plan in terms of the objectives specified in the scenario information.
- Identify changes required to objectives and document at least two new objectives and actions for the upcoming year.

Verified Expert

The attached document is the solution for the King Edward VII College Workforce Plan which is subdivided into task 1 through to task 4 and assessment of task 5: written questions. It provides detailed solution for the college on how to manage its workforce currently and in the near future.

Reference no: EM132408836

Questions Cloud

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Explain the purpose of an investment policy statement : a. Explain the purpose of an Investment Policy Statement (IPS). b. What information should be included in the IPS? List 3 items.
What are the strategic and organizational risks : What are the strategic and organizational risks of doing the deal Blackstone and Merrill lynch? What could go wrong?
BSBHRM513 Manage workforce planning Assignment : BSBHRM513 Manage workforce planning Assignment Help and Solution, Clinton Institute - Assessment Writing Service - develop a workforce plan for King Edward VII
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