Reference no: EM132603698
BSBDIV601 Develop and Implement Diversity Policy - Vocational Training Institute
Assessment Task 1: Diversity Policy and Procedures Project
Task summary
This assessment task requires you, in the in the role of General Manager of Aus Accountancy, to meet with the CEO (role played by your assessor) to discuss diversity policy requirements and to prepare a briefing report. You will then be required to develop a diversity policy and procedures for the company, an action plan for implementation, and a questionnaire for use in the workplace following the implementation.
Carefully read the following:
Aus Accountancy is a large accountancy firm with 25 staff, ranging from senior management staff to administration staff. The company currently has one office located in Sydney.
The company is in a period of expansion and needs to ensure that it can access a sufficient number of qualified staff. The company has been struggling with this over the last 12 months. The CEO has therefore decided that one of the strategies used to try and access staff will be to develop a formal diversity policy and procedures as well as an action plan, which will give the company access to a larger pool of staff, as well as reap all the benefits of diversity.
1. Participate in a meeting with the CEO (your assessor)
As the General Manager of the company you have been asked to coordinate development of the company's new diversity policy and procedures.
Review the case study information prior to meeting with the CEO to discuss initial requirements.
During the meeting, the CEO will discuss the organisation's requirements for diversity policy and procedures with you, as well as existing practices in relation to diversity.
During the meeting, demonstrate effective communication skills including:
• Speaking clearly and concisely
• Using non-verbal communication to assist with understanding
• Asking questions to identify required information
• Responding to questions as required
• Using active listening techniques to confirm understanding
2. Write a Diversity Briefing Report
Following the meeting, you will be required to conduct research to assist in the development of the policy and procedures, and write a briefing report on your research.
Use the Briefing Report Template to guide your work.
Your briefing report should, as a minimum, addresses the following:
• Purpose of the report, including current company position on diversity and existing policies and procedures that need to be taken into account.
• Australian diversity facts and figures including:
o Australia's multicultural society, including Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders and percentage of people born overseas and major countries of origin
o Religions
o Age structure
o Demographics of those with a disability and types of disability
• Diversity within the business environment, including cultures, beliefs, traditions and practices
• Intended and unintended impacts of diversity including:
o The value of diversity in the workplace and to society as a whole
o How a diverse society contributes to Australia's image globally and to economic growth?
o How diversity can drive innovation?
o Concept of reasonable adjustment and give examples of reasonable adjustments that workplaces can make to facilitate participation by people with a disability.
o Describe contemporary theory about diversity and its potential contribution to business advantage
• Identify benchmarks and other measurement indicators for planning and assessing the impacts of policy implementation.
• Legal requirements in relation to workplace diversity. List at least five Acts of legislation and explain the purpose of each.
• Examples of at least 3 diversity policies and procedures.
• Example diversity actions to inform the diversity action plan. You should research at least five examples to start off the diversity action plan. Note that you will also be seeking input from your staff on the diversity action plan in Assessment Task 2.
4. Develop a Diversity Policy and Procedures
Develop the policy and procedures based on your research activity 1.
Keep in mind that this will be a draft version of this document, and you should name it accordingly. You will refine it and produce a final version following a meeting with staff that will include their feedback.
5. Develop a Diversity Action Plan.
You are also required to develop a diversity action plan to ensure that the company commences diversity action using your research and template.
Use the Action Plan Template to guide your work.
Keep in mind that this will be a draft version of this document, and you should name it accordingly.
6. Develop a Diversity Questionnaire.
As you are also required to assess the impact of the diversity policy and procedures, develop a simple questionnaire that could be provided to staff following implementation.
Your questionnaire should include at least 10 questions, and include a rating scale for staff to indicate their agreement or disagreement with the statement.
For example, you could include a question such as:
This company is making progress with diversity initiatives Strongly Disagree
Somewhat Disagree Neutral
Somewhat Agree Strongly Agree
7. Submit the following to the CEO (your assessor)
• Your Draft Diversity Policy and Procedures
• Your Draft Diversity Action Plan
• Your Diversity Questionnaire.
Assessment Task 2: Diversity Policy and Procedures Presentation
Task summary
This assessment task requires you, in the role of General Manager, to present the new diversity policy and procedures and action plan to Aus Accountancy staff for information and for their feedback.
After the presentation, you will need to include their ideas on diversity actions, which you will use to update your Draft Diversity Policy and Procedures and Action Plan.
This assessment is to be completed in the simulated work environment in VTI.
• Computer with Microsoft Office and access to the internet
• Your Draft Diversity Policy and Procedures (from Assessment Task 1)
• Your Draft Diversity Action Plan (from Assessment Task 1)
• Presentation space with a projector for presentation
• Role play participants
Complete the following activities:
1. Develop a PowerPoint presentation
Prepare to present the new Diversity Policy and Procedures and Action Plan (from Assessment Task 1) to staff by developing a PowerPoint presentation.
The presentation must address the following:
• Diversity within the business environment, including cultures, beliefs, traditions and practices.
• Benefits of diversity as described in your Briefing Report plus diversity facts and figures.
• Intended outcome of the policy.
• An outline of the new diversity policy and procedure and the rationale for development (as set out in the Briefing Report)
• Planned diversity actions.
• You will be required to develop at least 8 slides to accompany your presentation. Wherever practical, the slides should include graphics such as table or charts or images.
You should include the diversity facts and figures in your presentation first and then, at the end of the presentation, outline the new diversity policy and procedure and action plan.
Use the notes section to help you remember content when you present your presentation. As a guide, your presentation should be for approximately 30 minutes.
The staff that you will present to are a diverse group of individuals with varying levels of language and literacy skills, so you need to make sure the presentation is simple and clear and interesting to motivate them to adopt the new policy and procedures.
2. Submit your completed PowerPoint presentation to your assessor.
3. Deliver your presentation
Using the PowerPoint presentation that you have developed, deliver a presentation to staff. Your assessor will be present as one of the staff members and will also organise another 2 or 3 other students to attend.
At the outset of the presentation, indicate that the team will be able to ask questions during and at the end of the presentation. Also inform staff that you would like to brainstorm further diversity ideas for the action plan at the end of the session.
During the presentation, demonstrate effective communication skills including:
• Speaking clearly and concisely
• Using non-verbal communication to assist with understanding
• Asking questions to identify required information
• Responding to questions as required
• Using active listening techniques to confirm understanding
At the conclusion of your presentation, seek feedback from staff on the new diversity policy and procedures, as well as ideas to inform the diversity action plan. Take notes on this feedback.
4. Revise your diversity policy and procedures and your diversity action plan. These updates should include the feedback that came out in the meeting.
Ensure that the updated documents are named accordingly, as Revised Diversity Policy and Procedures and Revised Action Plan.
5. Submit Updated Diversity Policy and Procedures and your Updated Diversity Action Plan to the CEO (your assessor).
Assessment Task 3: Diversity Policy and Procedures Review
Task summary
This assessment task requires you to conduct further research, then review and update the Diversity Policy and Procedures based on input from the CEO.
The Diversity Policy and Procedure has been implemented, as well as the action plan. However, the CEO still wants further improvements to the policy and procedures, and wants to discuss some outcomes to date, and so calls you in for a meeting.
Complete the following activities:
1. Meet with the CEO
This part of the assessment requires to you meet with the CEO (your assessor).
The CEO will advise you of an area of the diversity policy and procedures which they feel needs to be improved, including the rationale for the improvement.
During the meeting, you will need to use effective communication skills to ask questions and to confirm that you have correctly understood the information provided.
2. Report on diversity best practices
Following the meeting, assess the information provided to you and research best practices for the area identified by the CEO. This report should be about one page.
Including in your report:
• The identified unintended impacts of the policy
• Advise on the best practices you have identified
• Recommendations for updating the policy and procedures.
The CEO will advise you of any comments and approval to proceed.
3. Submit Diversity Best Practices Report to your assessor.
Your assessor will respond by either asking for further work to be done to your report, or by asking you to incorporate your recommendations into the Diversity Policy and Procedures.
4. Finalise Diversity Policy and Procedures
Following approval by the CEO to proceed, update your diversity policy and procedures from Assessment Task 2 with the new area that you have written the report on.
Ensure that the final version of the document is named accordingly, as Final Diversity Policy and Procedures.
Assessment Task 4: Diversity Case Studies
Task summary
This assessment task requires you to review the case studies included in Case Studies Student, to consider the questions posed, and to research legal requirements.
Complete the following activities:
1. Review the Case Studies Student document.
Review each of the questions in the case study and consider the issues involved, and what your response as a Manager would be.
Outline the legal requirements, ensuring that you reference relevant legislation.
The response to each case study is expected to be at least 2 to 3 paragraphs and must be written in clear and concise English.
Attachment:- Develop and Implement Diversity Policy.rar