Briefly summarize one of the products listed

Assignment Help Finance Basics
Reference no: EM131521976

Question: Standard & Poor's is a global leader in credit ratings and credit risk analysis. Go to its website at Select "U.S." Click on "Products and Services."

Required: 1. Begin on the homepage. Click on "About S&P" listed at the top right of the page. About how much debt is covered by Standard & Poor's credit ratings?

2. Go back to the homepage. Click on "Ratings." Click on "Learn About Corporate Ratings." Click on "Corporates: News & Commentary" at the bottom of the page. Briefly summarize an item in the news today.

3. Go back to the homepage. Click on "Indices." Click on "S&P 500." When did the S&P 500 begin?

4. Go back to the homepage. Click on "Products and Services." Briefly summarize one of the products listed.

Reference no: EM131521976

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