Briefly summarize a customer success story of organization

Assignment Help Marketing Research
Reference no: EM131974357


In answer to the challenges Nelnet faces in servicing a growing volume of student loans, the company chose to deploy a knowledge management system called OpenText Process Suite. Go online and investigate the features and capabilities of this suite of software products. What functions does Open Text provide that can augment and assist customer relationship management (CRM) systems? Find and briefly summarize a customer success story of an organization that integrated Open Text with its CRM system.

Reference no: EM131974357

Questions Cloud

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Briefly summarize a customer success story of organization : Find and briefly summarize a customer success story of an organization that integrated Open Text with its CRM system.
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What role will e-mail play-mobile devices-social networking : Your group has been appointed as new chief marketing department for large packaged goods company. What role will e-mail play? Mobile devices? Social networking?


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